
Jan 09, 2012 11:39

First day back at work. So far, it's too early to tell how things will go. I expect that things will be pretty much the same as they were before the break, though, at least at first. And by that I mean: slow. (And that's why I can find the time to update.)

I managed to get the indexing done yesterday, which is good. But it just figures that the request-freeze would be lifted so shortly after that. My timing, it is awful. (Though it wouldn't be such an issue if I were not so slack about getting it done). Oh, well. A little at a time.

Did some work on that 1600s story. In some ways I feel like I'm flailing in the dark. I suspect I'll have to cut quite a few things out in the revision. Nothing wrong with that, though. I mean, it would be awesome to get everything down perfectly every time, but that ain't how it works. And fortunately, I'll be able to pester Bice for his Thoughts on the matter of the text. Aside from that, I'm starting to think that I really will have to do some research on medicine during the late 1600s. That will definitely be interesting - especially since it's a subject that I already like reading about (medical history, I mean. Not that I know much about it, but I find it cool.)

Not sure when I'll get around to doing more of this, though. Ehhh. We'll see.

indexing, writing, work

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