Today is not good. But maybe tomorrow will be better. It's very cold again today, ughhhh. But at least the sun is shining.
Tomorrow (15th) I'll be flying up to Fort McMurray to visit my family for Giftmas. Don't expect me to be around much. I'll be busy with them, and with school work. Also, because of time zones, my time will be shifting back one hour. Not sure if that will change much, but figured it wouldn't hurt to mention it.
To the remaining four people whose cards haven't been sent out: I'll be mailing those tomorrow before I leave. Some of them might arrive rather late <3 Many apologies. (I can hardly believe I'll have sent out over 30 this year. Wow.)
My anxiety levels are through the roof right now, and I'm kind of in a bad place at this moment, but I can get through it. No biggie. Just life. Getting things done will be easier when I'm back in Alberta, when I won't have to worry about household things and can only concentrate on work.
I've already mentioned it to some people, but after thinking about the issue for some time, I've decided that I'm no longer going to pursue a PhD after I complete my masters degree. I've found that being in graduate school has had a very negative effect on both my physical and mental health, and I think it would be very unwise to continue with it. I'm fine with this, but I'm worried my parents will be disappointed... but considering that they know about my various issues, I hope they'll understand. Besides, who knows, maybe if I change my mind I could go back eventually (but I doubt I'll change my mind, at least not soon).
It's a rather frightening step, but it's for the best.
Now, so I won't forget, I'll just write down the things I need to do between now and 3 PM tomorrow - because clearly Livejournal = notepad.
-Finish essay
-Wash dishes
-Do laundry
-Pack for the trip [be sure to put in schoolbooks, mum & dad's presents, knitting, camera + charger, ipod charger]
-Drink the last of the milk; take out the garbage
-Complete cards and mail them
-Put note in Stephen's mailbox to shove mail under the door
That should do it.