Aug 06, 2009 02:40
Well teaching is getting gradually (painfully, slowly) better. I still feel like I want to be sick each time the bell rings though (stage fright)...
But I do it, I go in there. I am on time, and I am (resolutely) bright and cheerful.
I remember my first class here was SOOOOO horrible. It made me cry when I got home.
Last night the principal let me know that he thought (in hindsight of course >_<) they were CRAZY to let me have Elementary as my first class, or to even let me teach Elementary at all...
>_>... REALLYYYYY????!!!!!! You THINK?!!!!!!!!!!! *bitter smile*
Aaaaaanyway, I got through it and with that experience behind me my other classes felt like a breeze.
With the sickness and everything, I think I handled myself quite well. I refused to miss work (even though I had to go to hospital half way through my day :P), and I tried to not let my feeling crappy get in the way of teaching.
I will move to my new apartment on Sunday. I'll live with a chinese lady and she said she will teach me chinese and how to cook haha!
Even though this is great news, I have to say *guilty grin* I already have a countdown widget that tells me how long I have until I go home....
348 days, 05 hours, 58 minutes and 00 seconds XD
I'll just get past the 48 days, then down to 250, then to 200, then 150,... and so on until I get to go home.
A few people have said it takes at least 3 months to get fully acclimatised to any new environment.
Oh! Last night we went to a hotel (me and a group of other teachers) to play pool. I played foozball (or fuzzball or table football, or whatever lol) and by the 5th game I didn't suck quite so hard as I did at the beginning XP
There was a band (a man and a woman) from the Phillipines and... THE GUY'S HAIR WAS AMAZZZZINNNNGGG!!!!!!!
I was so jealous! It was perfectly straight and long and so black! *,* I would have ripped it off his head if it weren't for all the people there.. Oh and that it would hurt him of course! and I'm not that strong >_>
When he came over to talk with us (because one of the teachers is Filipino) he smelt very nice. I wonder what cologne he wears... I want some!!!! XDDD
I only have one class today YES!!!!!! 80 minutes and then I can... come back here and sleeeeeeep! I actually haven't been eating so well :P
It's because I can't cook anything (no stove) and I am a bit nervous of going to a restaurant on my own... oh well...
So the future is bright!... but I still want to go home!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss my love, and my family, and my friends and my pets! (not particularly in that order). Well I'll keep on going until... I have to stop, I suppose.
It will make me a stronger person... I hope.