Mai HiME: Shizuru/Natsuki - Uncertain Expectation

Apr 10, 2011 21:53

Title: Uncertain Expectation
Author: DigiExpert
Fandom: Mai HiME
Pairing: Shizuru/Natsuki
Rating: NC17
Request/Prompt: Expectations
Contains: sex
Word Count: 300
Summary/Notes: Natsuki wasn't sure what she expected it to be like.

She twitched, unsure of what she had expected this to be like. She was quite new to it, and the idea had intimidated her at first as well. When she looked to her lover, she recalled the incident a few years prior. Having been misled by Haruka’s words, she had shied away, keeping her distance. Stubbornness kept her safe, but as she slowly came to understand truth, she let herself go.

Lips touched her face, chest, and then stomach, gliding over glistening skin. Pleasant waves tumbled over her, slow and slight at first, but becoming more rapid as the seconds passed. Vaguely, she thought of the adrenaline rush from her bike and found the two to be similar in different ways.

“Look at me…Natsuki,” whispered Shizuru huskily. The tips of her hair brushed against Natsuki’s skin, tickling her. There was so much Natsuki wanted to say, but found she could not.

Natsuki complied as deft fingers found her sensitive spots, places she didn’t know were truly sensitive until they were touched. Caresses and kisses provoked them and just as quickly were gone. No matter how much she asked, they would not return up her orders.

As release washed over her body, Natsuki lost all sense of expectation. It simply was. When she looked up, she found crimson eyes observing her, a smile playing on Shizuru’s face. Words went unspoken, and she reached out to pull Shizuru to her. She had no idea that it would surprise her so when she caught the look of surprise in those crimson eyes.

Kissing just above those eyes, she whispered, “Stay the night with me.” Natsuki guided Shizuru to lay against her side so that she could pull her close. She knew she wouldn’t have to ask twice. The answer would always be yes.

medium: fiction, round 10: interim [lightning challenge], creator: chibirachy, fandom: mai-hime

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