Simoun: Aaeru/Neviril - Fishing for Thought

Apr 11, 2011 22:54

Title: Fishing for Thought
Author: DigiExpert
Fandom: Simoun
Pairing: Aaeru/Neviril
Rating: G
Request/Prompt: Expectations
Contains: Fishing! :D
Word Count: 300
Summary/Notes: Catching dinner one evening, Neviril thinks back...

Neviril sat calmly on the bank of the river, holding the fishing pole steady. By now she had grown accustomed to catching her dinner and living in the outdoors, though the thought was still strange and odd to a small part of her. She looked to her left, and smiled when she saw Aaeru gazing off into the distant, clear sky. Her fishing pole rested lightly between her fingers, appearing as though the slightest tug would jerk it away.

Looking back to her own pole, Neviril thought of the meal they’d have that night, but cringed at the thought of preparing the fish for the cook fire. The process was even less pleasant than reading about it in a book. Aaeru had taught her a lot about living in the outdoors. She hadn’t expected the girl to possess such a wealth of knowledge. When they’d first crossed paths, she hadn’t expected much of anything from the girl.

Aaeru’s attitude had come across as grating and she didn’t want to be around that sort of person, Sibylla or not. She supposed that a large chunk of it was because she had been grieving at the time, and because she could see bits of Amuria in Aaeru. She wouldn’t have acknowledged this back then, but she did now.

Falling in love with someone she had despised at first… certainly took her by surprise. She knew now that there was no one she’d rather have by her side, or that she could trust to travel with as an eternal maiden. She wanted no other.

Movement to her left snapped her out of her thoughts. Aaeru’s fingers gripped the pole tightly as she worked to reel in the catch. The sight made Neviril giggle.

“I got it!” grinned Aaeru, holding up the large trout.

medium: fiction, round 10: interim [lightning challenge], creator: chibirachy, fandom: simoun

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