Round 10 Interim: Lightning Prompt #1 - "expectation" & an Announcement

Apr 06, 2011 17:03

H'ok, so, I'm pretty bad at this "on time" thing. But I'm going to give it a shot.

First off, based on the poll as well as the feedback we received on the questionnaire from last Round, we'll be starting Round 10 on May 1st! Also, I will be attempting to throw in some random lightning prompts. I am the sort who's terrible at "post on xxx day", so suffice it to say I would keep an eye out around the end of the week (Wednesday-Friday) and I'll try to post one. :)

That said, I'm going to take this opportunity to kick off the round with:


Any interpretation of the prompt is fine. Expectations can be scary things! Maybe your ladies like to impose their expectations on each other?

For authors, lightning challenge entries should be 300 words or less (preferably of a round number like 100, 200 etc) and posted using the same guidelines as normal submissions to the community. For artists, sketches are acceptable for these, too!

Have fun~ :D

round 10: interim [lightning challenge], admin: announcement, admin: lightning round

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