Pam could SO take Karen in a no-holds match for Jim.

Nov 17, 2006 01:42

So Week 8 comes to a close, bringing the threat of finals and leaving us with two more weeks of classes. Right now, I’m just focusing on the few lights at the end of the tunnel: The Kids’ 6th(!) Annual Thanksgiving Dinner, the various outings planned with friends, and Winter Break in general.

Also equally, if not more, awesome is actionvaughn, who sent me an amazingly nice package of chocolate and the Walk the Line, which I have not yet seen. So many levels of happiness in that package that I don’t know where to begin. Love you, Three-Month Younger Sister!

sleepingawake47! You went bye-bye again! That makes me a sad, sad girl indeed.

I spent the last hour or so going on a major icon hunt. It proved pretty fruitful, I think, as evidenced in the spangly new icons on my userpics page. There are more Office icons than anything. I can't help that they're the most fun ones to search through.



Poor Pam. She couldn’t have sounded more upset when Jim said he was seeing someone. I’m surprised she didn’t accidentally run him over in her haste to get the hell out of there.

Jim, sweetie, I get that Pam rejected you-twice-and that Karen is the pretty, shiny new friend from Stamford who took a liking to you, but can you save us all the time and heartache and give Pam another chance already? She’s sorry, I promise, and she lurves you so. Now stop lying about “seeing” Karen (BTW, when the hell did that happen?) and breaking Pam and our collective hearts. Christmas is coming up, too. You and Pam love Christmas! Remember the teapot? And the inside jokes? How ‘bout you give her that note you swiped from her present last year while you’re at it? I’m sure she’d love to read it. Now get to making those floppy-haired, adorable babies.

Anyway, I think the episode was good, but it wasn’t nearly as great as everyone was making it out to be. Or maybe I was blinded by Jim’s rejection of Pam. The discomfort factor was completely turned up for this one, too. I cringed throughout all of “Lazy Scranton” and the conference room scenes.

I’ve also suddenly come to appreciate the Scrantonites even more. Creed was a bit too creepy for my liking, but I guess that's Creed for you.

And just so it's said, Ryan is an ass. I hope he gets the mother of all paper cuts at Jim's desk.

And lookie at the icon! It is All. About. The Jam.

Every time I seriously think of quitting Starbucks, they do something to pull me back in. First, it was the company-wide (and awesomely large because of seniority) raise. Now, they want to promote me to Shift Supervisor. I’d been hearing rumblings for a few months now from the higher ups and even fellow baristas that I should be promoted. With me only working only weekends, though, I didn’t think it would be fair to waste training time on someone who is never around.

Then, my manager completely surprised me last week by cornering me and asking if I ever thought about becoming a SS. I said that I never thought I could be because I hardly worked, but she said she cleared it with the District Manager. I found it slightly amusing that she was almost pleading with me to take the promotion. It was never my plan to stay at Starbucks for very long or be any more than a barista, but I know we’re desperately short on Shift Leads, and I want to help out any way I can, so I accepted the offer.

Everyone I’ve spoken to seems to have full confidence in my SS abilities. It may have something to do with the fact that I have little to no qualms about taking charge if need be and kindly assigning tasks to lazy-looking baristas. Honestly, I’m nervous about screwing up and the classic SS curse of most of your once-peers suddenly talking smack behind your back because you now have power over them. I’ll admit that I don’t enjoy being not liked. It's one of my not-so-secret insecurities. We’ll see how it goes. *crosses fingers*

I have tomorrow off because my mom said I had to play chauffeur for my sister while my parents went to a very important appointment that was ultimately cancelled. Now that I have Friday completely off, I considered going out with friends as I always do when I manage to have a shift that ends before 9:00 on a weekend night, but I think I’ll stay in with my family. Because of my schedule, the four of us haven’t been together for dinner in what feels like forever. Hopefully my mom’s amped up nagging won’t make me regret that decision. It could be fun, though.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

claire-bear, starbucks, friends, family, school, the office

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