*waves goodbye to February, MV month on the Alias calendar*

Feb 27, 2006 23:04

It’s so wrong that he was stuck with the shortest month of the year. It’s a travesty, I tell ya.

But before I forget, Happy Birthday, theuser04!

On a similarly happy note, I am on such a Veronica Mars high. It’s awesome. I tried holding out on watching the last episode because the next one doesn’t air for a couple more weeks, but I gave in because I needed me my Logan fix.

  • I don’t dislike S2 as much as much of the VM fandom seems to, but I have come to the point of occasionally yelling at my screen, “Damnit, [insert character’s name here]!” More often than not, it’s “Damnit, Duncan! Why do you suck?”
  • Holy Lord. Lamb is effing hot. That police uniform did him no favors. Damn.
  • Waaaaaaaaallace! Please don’t ever leave for that many episodes at one time again. There was a gaping void where fun and general sidekick-yness once was when you were gone. Then again, if you being gone means we wouldn’t have to deal with Jackie, then I won’t complain that much.
  • So Duncan ran off with his dead ex-girlfriend’s baby and mother’s servant. Yeah. What was the point of the first half of the season again?
  • Weevil and Logan are the next Weiss and Vaughn. Don’t ask me how that works, but it makes sense in my mind.
  • Seeing Logan flirt with someone who isn’t Veronica (or Duncan or Dick) pains me greatly. Lilly? We all know how that ended. Kendall? Yeah, like that’s a lasting relationship. Hannah is where I draw the line because she actually looks like a good one. The only problem I have with her is that she isn’t Veronica. Therefore, she must leave Logan and his damnit-why-can’t-his-hair-be-longer-and-soft-looking-again hair alone.
  • It’s an interesting feeling to watch about 30 episodes of a show completely unaware of other people’s opinions. (That is, of course, other than the icons I see and flist comments I’ve brushed past over the last year or so because I didn’t know what they were talking about anyway.) Good to hear my thoughts vindicated about my “cute, but ‘cute’ is not interesting” thoughts about Veronica/Duncan. I’ve also recently learned that the nickname for Veronica/Logan is LoVe. A little too cheesy for my tastes, but it’s adorable. And Veronica/Duncan = VD? Ha! I love it.
  • lunasky’s VM meta posts are fun. (Thanks for the links, misspacific!) I kinda wish I knew where some S1 and S2 Alias meta posts are. Anyway, I never loved Duncan, per se, but I didn’t start to dislike him until I started reading the meta posts. I thought Veronica was acting odd this season, but I didn’t want to rant about it. Yeah, that means I’m easily swayed by others’ opinions. Whatever.
  • I’ll admit that I’m a little bit in love with Jason Dohring. (It’s the way he manages to be scathingly snarky in one moment and puppy dog-vulnerable in the next that gets me.) A couple of weeks ago, my sister and I were bored enough to IMDB him (because I’ve managed to rope her into being obsessed, too), and we saw that he was on an episode of Roswell. His episode, in fact, is one of the two only episodes I rewatched ad nauseum after getting my S2 Roswell DVDs. Of course, I didn’t know who he was then, but as soon as he appeared on screen, I exclaimed, “Oh, my God, he’s the stupid delivery boy!”

And now for the ranty portion of this cut:

One thing I can live without in the meta posts, though, is the Alias bitterness. Yes, Alias used to be brilliant on ten thousand different levels. Yes, it became so bad that many of the hardcore fans were alienated to the point of wanting to leave burning paper bags of dog crap on J.J. Abrams’s doorstep. Yes, I understand that not many people are ready to (mostly) forgive and (selectively) forget as easily as I did.

Forgive my language, but shit, I know you’re still bitter. You talk about it every other sentence. I get it. It’s been three years since Alias started sucking. Repeat after me: Let. It. Go. And if you can’t, just effing stop talking about it because the more you talk about it, the more it’s obvious that you still care about the show. (And for the love of all that is good in the world, S4 was actually awesome! Did people see ‘Before The Flood’?!) Alias just turned not-as-good-as-it-used-to be. It didn’t run over your puppy. Geez.

And here’s a question open to pretty much everyone because I don’t know if it’s restricted to only the Veronica Mars fandom: “Woobie”? Anyone care to elaborate/explain its significance/expand on why it’s seemingly attached to Logan Echolls?

In other TV news, I finally watched the final episodes of Arrested Development. One word: brilliant.

On the other end of the “brilliant” spectrum, I’m going to save my comments about Alias getting their final season cut by 5 episodes for when my crappy mood caused by the pounding in my head subsides. *grumbles* Stupid ABC Monkeys.

Anyway, tomorrow, I have a full day of class, watching a S1 episode of The Cosby Show for a paper that’s due next week, and finalizing my yearbook spreads. Productivity abound, I know. Basically, it’s going to be the complete opposite of today.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

BTW, brownie points to whoever can name the scene from which the song I listed at the beginning of the entry is…from. (I, for the life of me, can’t figure out a more grammatically correct way of saying that.)

arrested development, birthday, fandom, veronica mars

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