So getting up early this morning was a little bit of a waste.

Mar 09, 2006 13:03

I stayed up last night/this morning reading an assigned article for Film & Media 85B about fandom-which, while interesting, ran a little long for my taste-in fear of a quiz in my 10 AM discussion section the next day. As it turned out, about a fourth of the class didn’t show up, the TA didn’t even take attendance, and we spent the entire 50 minutes looking at various volunteers’ examples of fan websites.

I was seriously considering volunteering and talking about the SupportAlias-turned-MVCampaign site as an example of grassroots campaigning and fans speaking directly to producers and the network, but 1) Despite 4 years of CAMS presentations, Public Speaking and I are not exactly the greatest of friends; 2) I may love Alias, but I’m not quite ready to publically proclaim my fannish tendencies; and 3) For me, the term “MV Campaign” elicits a (at least) 5-minute rant consisting of the repetition of the phrase “WTF?!” and much eye rolling, which would only lead to a lament about how SD-1 has turned into a black hole of pigheadedness (see point number 2).

I was early for my 11 AM lecture, so I started reading the fandom article I didn’t finish. A few minutes later, a lady came in and told us lecture was cancelled because our professor’s sick. I have another class with this professor in the afternoon, so I figured that it was also cancelled (and my assumption was confirmed by an e-mail from the professor I saw when I got back to my apartment). While I was a little peeved at the fact that I didn’t need to be abruptly pulled out of the dream I was having about going on a road trip with Santino and Daniel V. from Project Runway and meeting a bunch of my friends at Six Flags (Yeah. No idea.) at 9 AM, it was quickly overshadowed by the happiness of being done with the day at 11 AM.

When I got back to our apartment, I expected Roomie to still be asleep, so I entered the bedroom quietly. I nearly jumped out of my skin, though, when I found her at her desk in front of the computer. Plus, the lack of light due to the closed blinds coupled with the glow of the screen caused her face to glow in a scary campfire story sort of way, and the towel around her shoulders looked like a ghostly shroud. And did I mention that I scare easily? Because I do. To this day, that Halloween episode of Boy Meets World where they’re stuck at school still scares me out of my wits.

Right now, I’m kind of staring at the wall, waiting for the urge to be productive to kick in. I’ve never been done this early before, so I’m kind of at a loss as to what to do. Catching up with assigned readings is an option, but where’s the fun in that? I could beat traffic and go home early for the weekend, but the roommates and I are apparently having an official Roomie Bonding Night. This was born out of the fact that most or all of us end up cooking or watching TV or movies together on Thursday nights. (That reminds me: Last week, Roomie and I cooked our own healthy dinner with smoothies for dessert. We were so proud of ourselves. =D)

At the moment, though, those episodes of Crossing Jordan, Supernatural, and Lost I’ve yet to watch are looking pretty tempting, though, so I think I’ll go with those…after I watch all those bonus Project Runway videos at the Bravo site. My unfinished readings will still be there when I’m done. God, I love college life.

And a couple of random things just ‘cause. First, a quiz gacked from misspacific, oldromantic, and hijinx400:
You Are 72% Open Minded

You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.
How Open Minded Are You?
Hmm. Interesting. Although being disturbed by some questions made me think I was pretty closed-minded.

Second, a quote for the CAMS kids: “I’m glad for Chris Brine because at least he won’t die without knowing the touch of a woman.” -Roomie on finding our (least) favorite 9th grade couple making out in Every. Freaking. Available. Corner. back when we were still youngins

And hey, any Fall Out Boy/All-American Rejects fans feel like going to a concert in L.A. on April 4th? (Note to self: Call Susan about buying tickets soon because you’ve been forgetting about it for the past week. *face palm*)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

meme, cams nostalgia, school

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