[Insert VM-esque title here]

Feb 18, 2006 14:15

I stayed up watching the rest of S1 VM after work last night, and all I can say is wow. All of S1 was good, but those last few episodes were effing amazing. The drama! The action! The excitement-oh, my God, the excitement!

The Good
  • It’s amazing how many times I went from loving Logan to wanting to slap him to sending mental vibes for Veronica to go to him in the span of three episodes. I’m not sure where they stand in regards to their relationship in the S2 eps that have already aired, but I’m rooting for ‘em.
  • The Duncan/Veronica scene in ‘A Trip to the Dentist’? Wow. “Intense” doesn’t even begin to cover it. I didn’t really think of Teddy Dunn as an actor as much as a good-looking kid with decent acting skills, but this scene completely changed my opinion on his acting abilities. Actually, this whole episode was outstanding.
  • Finding out who drugged and raped Veronica. And how brilliant was it that she technically wasn’t raped, and it was someone she loved/loves/whatever? At least Veronica has closure about that. Poor Duncan, who at first thought it was consensual and then thought he slept with his sister.
  • The payoff to finding out who really killed Lilly. It seemed slightly out of left field, but it makes sense. Thank goodness it wasn’t going to be one of those mysteries that never get solved.
  • Kristen Bell. She’s a constantly fantastic actress, but these last few episodes went way beyond what I expected. She had to hit pretty much every emotion under the sun, but she nailed it all. And the scene where Keith tells Veronica that he is, for certain, her father? Amazing. Yeah, I’ll admit I cried.
  • Alias parallels (because Alias is my TV love, and connecting it to every other thing is what I do): Veronica’s wig and disguise in ‘Leave It To Beaver,’ Veronica being trapped in a box, the question of who the heroine’s dad is, the deceptive mom.

The Bad
  • Poor, underused Wallace.
  • Don’t get me wrong; I’m not complaining about getting all of these answers, but it all seems kind of rushed. Four episodes to the finale, we were still questioning who Abel Koontz really is. Then, in the last three episodes or so, we find out pretty much everything right up to whether or not Leanne was going to come back or not.
  • The ending wasn’t bad, per se, but it was the teensiest bit cheesy. I mean, “I was hoping it would be you” is corny enough to elicit an eye roll.

The Ugly
There’s no real “ugly” thing, but I found it amusing to put it as one of the titles anyway.

I’m supposed to be working on a presentation that’s due tomorrow night at 8 despite the fact that Monday’s a holiday, but I have the first 7 S2 eps on my HD, and I can feel them taunting me, coercing me to see who’s at Veronica’s door. Eh, I’ll work on the presentation tomorrow. Priorities, kids. Priorities.

ETA: OMGWTF, Veronica/Duncan?! They're cute and all, but this saddens me. This saddens me greatly. Credit to the writers (or mainly Rob Thomas, I guess) for the 'Veronica's boyfriend is Logan. Oh, wait! Just kidding! It's Duncan!' fake-out, though. But aww, poor Logan. And I'm a little bit smitten with Jason Dohring. He's oh-so pretty.

veronica mars

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