A day for yayness

Mar 07, 2005 18:09

First thing’s first: Happy One Year LJ Anniversary to me. =D Yes, one year ago, I finally succumbed to the pokes and prods of my friends who already had LiveJournals. It proved to be a good decision because over the past year, this LJ has provided a good source of time wasting (as Roomie and Grant can attest to because they always see me on it) and a place to rant and rave.

Most importantly, though, LJ has provided the opportunity to get to know a lot of very interesting and positively awesome people who I would’ve either known only as SN’s at SD-1 or not at all if it wasn’t for LJ. You all know who you are. =) It’s funny that a lot of the non-RL people on my flist know me better than most of my RL friends. That says something about online friends. Just because you can’t personally see or hear a person, it doesn’t mean they can’t be there to offer their friendship and support, so thank you to all of you for reading my babble, supporting me during my dramatic moments, and generally being amazing people. *flying tackle hugs flist* Love you guys!

Secondly, woot for being done with midterms! I pulled 3 all-nighters in a row to study for a midterm that I probably failed anyway. And the stack of bio note cards? 2.25 inches this time. I measured it. Yes, I was that bored. But whatever. It’s done, and that’s all that matters right now.

I would do a celebratory lap around the room if it isn’t for the fact that I have yet to start my paper that practically every humcore student is having issues with. (Ooh, ending a sentence with a preposition! I’m a rebel today! =P) I’ve had problems with figuring out a thesis before, but never have I had this much trouble deciphering what exactly the prompt is talking about and what the material the prompt is based on is saying. It’s like reading Latin or Russian or oldshoebox’s handwriting. =D Political theory will be the end of me, I know it.

Anyway, last night, Grant and I went to Lee’s Sandwiches with me in my p.j.’s at 11 ‘cause bio studying made us hungry. At first, I was self-conscious about walking around in public in my pajamas, but then I realized that I just didn’t care anymore. Long story short, we got food and iced coffee, and I spent the rest of the night/morning slowly dying amongst my bio note cards. Usually at around 2 AM, my drive to study dwindles significantly, but it seemed as though our entire suite was up studying and/or writing, so it was reassuring that I wasn’t the only one awake and suffering from a slow, painful, and academic-induced brain death.

Many moments of sheer hilarity happened between Roomie and I during the wee hours of the morning, but we were too tired at the time for me to remember any of it now. I would imagine our exhaustion was similar to having an alcohol-veiled night of partying: you’re pretty sure you had fun, but in the morning, you feel like crap and can barely remember what happened the night before.

Speaking of feeling like crap, the sleep deprivation and loads of work are really starting to take a toll on me. I can’t help but feel like I’m starting to drown, and no matter how hard I try to swim, I can barely hold my head above water. Good news is that I take solace in the fact that Spring Break is a mere two and a half weeks away. If I can manage to figure out this humcore paper, study hard for the chem lab final, b.s. my way out of the humcore final, pull off a small miracle with my chem final, and develop photographic memory for my bio final, I just may be okay. Easy, right? ;)

Notes to self:
1. Remind Grant, O Great Supplier of Coffee and All Things Caffeinated, of his Finals Week schedule so we won’t have a repeat of last quarter with the phone call and the “Oh, my God, Roda. I think I missed my final” because as amusing as it was for me, I’m pretty sure it gave him a heart attack.
2. Write the 25434508 SD-1 fic reviews I owe people especially oldromantic because she writes faster than I read and angvau57 because she posted, like, two weeks ago. =X

friends, fandom, school

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