But all the world is spinning ‘round and ‘round inside my head tonight

Mar 04, 2005 20:53

Thursday was the longest day ever…but in a good way if that makes any sense. After humcore, I took a study break and met chshalogrl (who I will continue to refer to as Ellie to protect her real identity from RL people =P) because she had some business at UCI to take care of. I’ll admit to being horribly nervous beforehand that it would be awkward because commenting on someone LJ is one thing, but talking face-to-face is quite another. To my relief, however, Ellie is very easy to talk to, and we ended up talking for a while.

It was great to be able to babble on about the show, the fandom, being fangirly, fanfics, etc. and have the person know exactly what I’m talking about. I mean, I talked about the show with Achala, but we could never talk about the online fandom because she wasn’t really part of it. Talking to a person from the online community and hearing about other people from the community made everyone so much more than a screen name on the computer. It was also reassuring to know that someone else was also deathly afraid of RL friends finding out just how fangirly we can get. ;) In all, meeting with Ellie was fun. It makes me want to have a whole LJ flist party. =)

Later at around midnight, Judy came back from dinner with her friend, and the three of us hung out for a couple of hours. By the time he (Judy’s friend) left, I had trouble remembering what day it was because, again, the day seemed like it went on forever. I think it was the nap I took during The O.C. that threw me off. I ended up going to sleep around 3 AM despite the knowledge that I’d be half lucid during 8 AM lab the next day because 1) that power nap really refreshed me and 2) my effing neighbor had people over and was talking loudly until apparently 4 AM. I would’ve gotten up and yelled at them if I wasn’t so damned lazy.

This morning after lab, though, I was oddly happy and awake. The awake part is probably because of the coffee, but the happiness came out of nowhere. Later, as I walked to my room to pack up my stuff for home, I had my precious Yellowcard playing on my iPod, and I happened to pass Hot Humcore Discussion Professor Man. I didn’t notice him until his back was to me, and he had his nose in a book (I mean, seriously, his face was literally two inches from the book; I think he needs a better prescription for his glasses =X), so he didn’t notice me, either. As I turned back to the path in front of me, I smiled to myself. Maybe it was a combination of the Yellowcard, memories of swooning over Hot Humcore Discussion Professor Man, and the knowledge that I was done for the week, but whatever it was, it made me happy. It was then I realized that despite my misery over school and spite towards my neighbors, I was just happy about life in general. The happiness is a good feeling. Here’s to hoping it lasts because the week after next? I have three finals and a humcore paper. Joy. Except not.

Meme stolen from actionvaughn ‘cause I never resist the opportunity to squee over my fandoms:

1. The first character you first fell in love with: Vaughn
2. The character you never expected to love as much as you do now: Sark
3. The character everyone else loves that you don't: I’d say Lauren, but I think we’ve established that pretty much everyone and their dog hated her-and with good reason!-so no one, I guess.
4. The character you love that everyone else hates: Vaughn
5. The character you used to love but don't any longer: Sark [Actually, I still love him, I just miss the real/S1 and S2 him.]
6. The character 'ship everyone else loves that you don't: Sarkney [What the crap?! This isn’t even a ‘ship. It’s a delusion.]
7. The character 'ship you love that everyone else hates: S/V [C’mon, guys! Stop jumping ‘ship! It’s upsetting. =/]

1. The first character you first fell in love with: Hurley
2. The character you never expected to love as much as you do now: Charlie
3. The character everyone else loves that you don't: Sawyer
4. The character you love that everyone else hates: I don’t even know who everyone hates…
5. The character you used to love but don't any longer: Jack [*ducks flying objects* I still like him. I just don’t love him. He’s getting too vanilla for me.]
6. The character 'ship everyone else loves that you don't: Sayid/Shannon [I don’t hate them per se. I just don’t ‘ship ‘em.]
7. The character 'ship you love that everyone else hates: I’d say Charlie/Claire, but they’re too cute for anyone to hate. ;)

The O.C.
1. The first character you first fell in love with: Seth
2. The character you never expected to love as much as you do now: Luke
3. The character everyone else loves that you don't: Summer
4. The character you love that everyone else hates: Anna(!)
5. The character you used to love but don't any longer: Seth [*begs writers to bring back NonEgotistical!Seth of S1*]
6. The character 'ship everyone else loves that you don't: Seth/Summer
7. The character 'ship you love that everyone else hates: Seth/Anna

Exhaustion and Boba-induced Ramblings from Tuesday Night:
Me: [Standing over Roomie while she lies curled up under her comforter.] I’m gonna stand here and stare at you.
Roomie: No!
Me: *pokes Roomie in the head through the comforter*
Roomie: Stop it!
Me: Visual poke!
Roomie: I’m gonna punch you in the face when you’re asleep!
Me and Roomie: *dissolve into exhausted laughter*

Me: “I read the word ‘cohort’ in my bio book, and it reminded me of CAMS…until I read the definition: ‘A group of individuals of the same age, from birth until all are dead.’”

Aaaand now I’m going back to bio. *hopes against hope that she won’t bomb this midterm, too*

friends, meme, roommates, alias, the o.c., fandom

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