Happy Birthday, David!

Mar 02, 2005 22:53

Happy Birthday, oldshoebox! I really, really wish I was down there at SD to help celebrate. That and because I really miss your David-ness. ;) Hope you had a great birthday!

As for the usual Wednesday business, I only have a few comments ‘cause I have stuff to do, but here they are:

• At least we got to hear Bradley Cooper’s voice do the “Previously on Alias voiceover”…?
• Vaughn and Sark: Can’t express how much I loved their scenes together. They play off each other so well. My favorite part? When Sark asks, “You did this?” and Vaughn answers, “Yes, I did.” I nodded in pride and said, “Damn straight you did.”
• Jack and Sloane: How have they not killed each other yet?
• Syd and Vaughn: Aww! There may not have been that many S/V moments in this one, but I heart the ones that were there. Him being so protective of her in the club was sweet, and I couldn’t blame him for looking like he was going to toss his cookies when Syd did that body shot. And about the hug in the mausoleum, why do they have a penchant for hugging right after a mission and/or in front of a newly killed/captured villain (i.e. Lauren, Anna, etc.)? It’s sweet and all. I’m just sayin’.
• Sark: Such a Hannibal Lector vibe when they brought Sark into APO. Of course, I only realized it after I stopped laughing ‘cause seriously? Them bringing him in on a dolly was damn funny. Also, I still find it awfully difficult to believe that Sark loved Whoren. That said, I couldn’t help but feel terrible for him when he cried over Whoren’s body. But yeah, I still wish he didn’t cry over her. David Anders did a great job acting-wise tonight, IMO. When he cried, I wanted to cry, too. He was that good.
• Whoren: So this is the scene they filmed without Michael Vartan even though Vaughn was in the scene. Hee. I really, really hope this is last we’ll see of her. I mean, when they mentioned her name in the beginning of the episode, I literally scoffed and rolled my eyes.
• You happy, Sarkneys? You finally got the Sarkney “kiss” you always wanted. Sheesh.
• Was that the same mausoleum where Irina is “buried” (because I still maintain that she is alive)? Or did they just run out of L.A. mausoleums to film?
• Roomie Alias Quote of the Episode: [On the Syd/Anna fight] “Wow. [Sydney]’s getting beat up Vaughn-style tonight.”
• Michael Vartan. Is. Hot. That is all.
• Promo: Aww, Nadia’s birthday, and Weiss is there! Unfortunately, the first thing out of my mouth when it ended was, “Where’s Vaughn?!”

In all, this wasn’t an “OMFG amazing” episode, but it had its good moments. Definitely better than the majority of S3. I don’t really remember much about the episode other than what I noted above. I’ll need to re-watch it to form a more solid opinion. For now, I’ll just say that I liked it and leave it at that.

On a related note, the new show Eyes looks like it could be fun. It seems spyish, so I figured they’d put it in the post-Alias timeslot.

We have a new lecturer for humcore. I usually sit in the back of the lecture hall, so I can’t really see him, but I was told that he’s quite cute. I didn’t even need to see him to know it’s true because from what I could tell from the back, he has a cute dorky sense of humor. Plus, the way most of the girls giggle at his bad jokes is enough evidence to show how cute people think he is. All the giggling is like humcore discussion of last quarter with Hot Humcore Discussion Professor Man but with way more girls and, you know, no lazy eye.

And yeah, I’ll admit to moving up about a dozen rows from my usual seating area in the back on Tuesday just so I could clearly see what all the fuss is about. Research purposes, you know. ;) Just in case you’re wondering if my “research” has proven whether he’s worth the fuss, yes. Yes, he is. As my classmate Rory put it (and I’m paraphrasing here), “He’s fucking hot because he’s smart, he dresses well, he has a hot body, and he has a nice ass.” I could only vouch for the first two traits because I haven’t checked him out, but sure. I’ll agree with her.

Unfortunately, I’ve found that eye candy does not help me concentrate any more than I usually do. During lecture today, my attention span was still wavering in and out, and more than once, I caught myself watching him pace across stage as he spoke without any clue as to what exactly he was talking about. It might be because international relation theories or whatever the hell we’re supposed to be learning is so utterly boring to me.

And I can’t believe I dedicated three entire paragraphs to the humcore lecturer. *sigh* I really need to get a hobby. Or take a nap. Whatever. Before I go, though, for fic research purposes, does anyone happen to know any of the following:

1) When/how Danny and Sydney met?
2) If it has ever been mentioned when/how Vaughn and Weiss met?
3) How long training at the Farm is?

Yeah, that’s all. Good night, everyone!

alias (post-episodic), alias, birthday, school

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