Me + Political Theory and International Relations + Unfinished Paper = *face palm*

Mar 09, 2005 22:35

I still have a rough draft to do, so let’s get to it:

• Timeline issues, Pt. I: Time Jump? What the crap? It said 2005 on Dixon’s computer! Come on, writers. Were S1 and S2 two years in the past or what?
• Timeline issues, Pt. II: At least Vaughn finding his father’s journal explains why Bill Vaughn apparently died saving Nadia instead of a few years earlier. What that doesn’t explain, though, is why Vaughn wasn’t surprised in S3 when he found out about Bill trying to save Nadia.
• Old School Alias Strikes Again: Just when I thought the show couldn’t get any more old school when Syd and Dixon meet in the Subbasement of Dreams and Desires (BTW, “Vaughn and I used to meet like this.” + “Must’ve been romantic.” + *Sydney does the 2x14 ‘Double Agent’ face-splitting grin* = HEE!), they do the whole dinner at Sloane’s thing with pretending it’s a loved one on the phone?! I literally yelled, “That is such a S1 thing!” when I saw it. In any case, though, I enjoyed the callbacks. Very fun.
• Syd and Vaughn: They only had one scene together in this episode, but it was awfully adorable. I lurved them. Considering that this takes place directly after ‘Welcome to Liberty Village,’ it makes sense that they’re so comfortable and giddy around each other. Hopefully, their relationship will be like this for a while.
• Weiss and Nadia: Aww! Loved how uncomfortable Weiss kind of is now around Sloane because Sloane’s the girlfriend’s father. (“Last night. We were working. We work late. We like it. Other people were he-Jack was here!” Hee.) I still think Vaughn has it worse with Jack, though.
• Vaughn and Bill Vaughn: So, so glad they’re finally addressing the Bill Vaughn issue. There are so many things the writers can do with this storyline. I just hope they don’t screw it up. =/
• Angela Bassett: I like her. It’s not the deepest of reactions, but that’s all I’m thinking about her at the moment. It’s cool that they put her out in the field, and it looks like we’re seeing the beginnings of a new ‘ship between her and Dixon. If anything, she’ll give Dixon something to do other than Exposition Fairy. And no, you gutter minds, I didn’t mean it that way when I said she would “give Dixon something to do.” ;)
• Sloane and Jack: I have no clue what’s going on with these two, but I cannot begin to explain how happy I am that there’s some secret thing going on between them. I was getting so bored with all the simplicity of everyone’s characters being black and white, evil and good. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m looking forward for all of the veiled conversations and hidden agendas.
• Father Issues: The irony and bitterness thing over the fathers going on between Nadia and Syd is very interesting. I figured all the initial happiness of living together would go by the wayside as soon as Sydney’s hatred for Sloane really started to sink in with Nadia. On that note, what’s up with this show and father issues? First Nadia and Sydney and now Vaughn, too? Come to think of it, both Jack from Lost and Felicity had father issues, too. Is J.J. projecting? =X
• Woot for the writers for still being able to surprise us. I did not see that Jack thing coming.
• Promo: Two Vaughn-free promos in a row. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all. Yeah, I’m shallow. I’ll admit it.

Overall, I liked this episode. It wasn’t “OMFG I wanna have J.J.’s babies” amazing, but it was very enjoyable. The mission was fun, Sloane and Jack’s veiled intentions are very intreiguing, Dixon’s getting stuff to do, and Michael Vartan still has the ability to make my TV melt. In my opinion, the show’s starting to feel like it’s getting back on track.

ETA: Just remembered Jack's idea of small talk at Nadia's birthday dinner and how it cracked me up. Sydney's bewildered look was priceless.

Today was a relatively easy day for me. I didn’t go to any of my classes because I didn’t want to miss my enrollment window for next quarter. And before everyone starts gearing up their maternal-or paternal if you guys on the flist feel so inclined-instincts to scold me, I only missed two lectures at 1:00 and 2:00 because my enrollment window opened at 1:30, and I was too lazy to take the 15 minute power walk across campus for one 50-minute lecture that I didn’t even need to go to. And I spent the time I would’ve been in class working on my humcore rough draft that’s due tomorrow, so I was being productive while being rebellious.

Anyway, assuming I don’t fail chem this quarter, I’ll be taking Chem 1C, Chem 1C Lab (Friday at 8:00 AM-12:00 PM again =X), Humanities Core 1C, a 1-unit Bio Sci seminar on computer aided drug design, and Anthropology 2A. For the first time this year, I get to take a “fun” class: Anthropology. Actually, I’m taking it because I need three quarters of social science classes to graduate, so I figured I’d get one quarter out of the way now that I have the chance, but it’ll be a nice change of pace to have more writing and reading classes than science classes. Spoken like a true Bio Sci major, I know.

Speaking of planning for the future, despite how truly hellish next week will be what with the officially impossible humcore paper due on Tuesday and the three finals on Wednesday and Friday, I’m oddly calm. I don’t know where this “Take a deep breath; you’re going to be okay” attitude came from, but I like it. I hope it sticks around for a while.

Now I’m off to finish that rough draft. Good night and Happy Thursday, everyone!

P.S. I know I said I’d try to stay spoiler free, but I couldn’t resist this time after seeing all the excitement over the Episode 14 promo pictures, and I have just two words for those: “squee!” and “damn.” ;) I’m starting to look forward to this episode as much as I did ‘Welcome to Liberty Village,’ and that is saying a lot.
P.P.S. I miss you, sleepingawake47. As cliché as it sounds, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Also, check your e-mail. I left a sad, sad attempt at trying to make you feel better.
P.P.P.S. Hugs go to oldromantic for having to deal with pigheaded “reviewers” and xchatnoirx for making my day with her post. *walks off, grumbling about her hatred for newbies*

alias (post-episodic), alias, school

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