Ode to Randomness

Jan 02, 2005 22:47

Obviously, this is my first entry of the new year. I should probably write something deep and meaningful to mark the occasion. Unfortunately, this is me we’re talking about here, and the Alias premiere is mere days away, making it the only thing on my mind at this moment.

That said, I’d like to take the time to mourn the loss (or loss judging from the S4 clips and promos I’ve seen) of a recurring character we all know and love: the Ops Center. *wipes tear* Ops Center, you were there to witness the ups and downs of Seasons Two and Three. You housed Irina’s Hannibal Lector cell. You required Syd to perform that cool protocol to get to work for half of a season. You had so many names that you confused even the most seasoned of Alias viewers (FBI/CIA Joint Operations Center, CIA Operations Center, Ops Center, Oops Center, Hey What Happened to CIA Headquarters?, etc.). You were there to welcome Marshall and Dixon into their real CIA jobs. Hell, they even blew parts of you up for the S3 finale. Most importantly, though, you held the Flirting Corner. I’m gonna miss you, buddy. You will forever live on in our hearts…and in our season DVD’s. *bows head to observe a moment of silence*

Oh, man. You know you’re obsessed with a TV show when you dedicate an entire paragraph to a set.

In the E! S4 preview with the Michael Vartan and Jennifer Garner interviews (video clip here, screen caps here), I couldn’t have been the only one who noticed that Sydney’s bed was in full view in the background during all of MV’s interview portion. I was? Oh.

Speaking of Alias promos, I noticed that right before they did the countdown on New Years Eve on ABC, they played the Alias/Lost promo, which goes to show just how much they’re promoting Alias now. All of this promotion is both exciting and scary, though. It’s exciting in that it’s a reminder that the premiere is mere days away. It’s scary because ABC is putting a lot of time and money into the show now. If the ratings don’t take that significant jump in the ratings I’m sure the Monkeys are expecting, I’m afraid that this will be it for the show. *drops to her knees and prays to any god listening that everyone that belongs to a Nielsen family decides to check out and stick with Alias this season*

I just discovered new high-res pictures at Alias Media from the 13 Going On 30 Premiere. Do you know how painful it is to know that I was literally standing mere feet from this, and the best shot I got of him was this? Like a stab to the heart, our pictures are. Effing painful. *grumbles about damn paparazzi and Starbucks*

*sigh* I will just have to console myself with this, this, and the memory of hearing MV speak French in person.

Me? Bragging? Nah. ;)

Yes, I know I did the Praise Meme a while ago, but I kind of forgot two people. I have it now, though, so don’t flame me, you guys:
govvo21: My One Year Older Twin! The good thing about having the same birthday? If I ever forget mine, I could always ask you what it is. =P Anyway, I like how you’re so considerate of others, even to the point of thinking of an all Alias channel for me and remembering to have sandwiches in your possible future donut shop ‘cause Allisantos doesn’t like breakfast foods. I also like how you always make me laugh even if you’re the butt of the joke, and it’s great how you sometimes speak before thinking, which makes for some very funny quotes (“Damnit, Peter! Take off my pants!”). All that said, remember your One Year Younger Twin when you get all rich and famous. ;)
chinesepaladin: Willy, where do I begin? You, my friend, never fail to make me laugh, and you have a knack for cheering me up. At the same time, though, you have a serious side that comes out at just the right moments. You also care a lot about your friends, which I respect you for. Also, don’t think I forgot about how you pretty much saved our collective butts during physics lab that second semester. That alone deserves some type of very large cookie…or taco. Don’t lose that inner child of yours, Willy. It’s probably what’ll keep you young when we’re all old and stressed out. P.S. Where’s my speech?

Good news? Tomorrow looks like it might to be a fun-filled day/evening with a bunch of The Kids at Universal City Walk if weather permits although it probably won’t, so we’ll most likely end up watching movies at my house or something. Bad news? I’m heading back to UCI Tuesday morning. How three weeks passed by so quickly without me accomplishing anything is beyond me.

Now I’m off to bury myself in a mountain of blankets and hopefully finish America (The Book). I promised myself I’d finish it during break, but I was sidetracked by Uncovering Alias, which turned out to be completely underwhelming in greatness and slightly annoying due to bad picture captions and factual errors. (I mean, Sydney and Vaughn meeting on a bridge in ‘A Broken Heart’? Gah!)

Hope everyone has a good week!

Alias Countdown Update: 3 more days(!)

reading, meme, alias

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