“For of all sad words of tongue or pen…”

Dec 31, 2004 01:39

“…the saddest are these: ‘It might have been.’” -John Greenleaf Whittier

First of all, HAPPY (early) NEW YEAR! Hope you all have a good one, but try not to party too hard because I’m sure a hangover probably isn’t the best way to start the new year. ;)

Anyway, I was cleaning out my HD when I stumbled across a Word document of various quotes I collected mostly during junior year at CAMS. A good chunk of them are from Achala and/or inside Alias jokes, but most of them don’t take much context to understand. I figured that because the theme of this entry is probably going to be “looking back, moving forward” (wasn’t that a reject yearbook theme one year?), I’d post them here for nostalgia’s sake:

The joys of having David and Camille in the same cohort
• “Damnit, Peter! Take off my pants!” -Lawrence to Peter on the last day of 9th grade when Peter put on an extra pair of Lawrence’s pants
• “I have a bird in my pants.” -Kyle on the Greek word root of ‘auspices’
• “I haven’t played with these balls for a long time.” -Jaysen playing with that toy with the clacking balls. I forget what they’re called. You know which ones I’m talking about.
• “If we get desperate, we can do it on the grass.” -Camille after we worried about running out of room on our History Day board (1/4/03)
• “Look! Hitler and his Flying Ship of Death!” -David showing us what he made with Legos (1/11/03)
• “Sydney was a little spy, little spy, little spy. Sydney was a little spy that was in love with Vaughn.” -Jessica’s valiant effort to help me with my parody assignment (2/9/03)
• “Uteri…” -Me trying to figure out the plural form of ‘uterus’ while playing Mad Libs (2/20/03)
• “I’m a grammartishologist.” -David (3/13/03)
• “It’s quite extraordinary the amount of sentimental junk one manages to accumulate during these teenage years…” -Lan’s AIM profile (4/12/03)
• “God is like your sugar daddy.” -Mrs. McVay on how some people only pray when they want something (4/18/03)
• “You may have all your muscles and stuff, but let’s go somewhere cold, and I’ll watch you freeze!” -Shawn to Jamaal (4/18/03)
• “Don’t get your horses up.” -Kimberly accidentally combining ‘Don’t get your hopes up’ and ‘Hold your horses’ (4/18/04)
• “You’ve been X’ed. There’s a camera over there, there…” -Matthew Trotter to the Spanish sub (4/24/03)
• “Times like these make me hate all guys. I just wanna kick them in the balls so that they can feel some pain, too.” -Kimberly on the pains of being a woman (4/29/03)
• “Damnit, I’m sick…but she’s dead.” -Peter on the upside of killing all people with colds (10/13/03)
• “They went to ask for California. What do you think the Mexicans said? ‘No! Tu madre está feo!’” -Mr. Denman on the U.S. acquiring California
• “Don’t all these guys look slightly constipated? Napoleon needs more grain in his diet. Or more fiber.” -Mr. Denman on famous people

Achala-with a brief cameo from me-and her many gems (mostly Alias-related)
• “I’m going to sit next to you and sleep, but I’ll look pretty.” -Achala on sleeping on the bus after the Urbanscape IDP trip to Downtown L.A.
• “Roda, do you realize the value of your butt?” -Achala
• “I don’t have a pen. I’m just going to put it on my calculator.” -Achala on the joys of owning a TI
• “No one gets pregnant and dates a pregnant guy.” -Achala on 7th Heaven (9/16/02)
• “I’m in pain. Let me be sexy.” -Achala on Sark getting an ice pick in the leg in 2x03 ‘Cipher’ (10/15/02)
• “Jamaal must be brought into the ‘alienism.’” -Achala on getting Jamaal hooked on Alias (10/16/02)
• “Go crawl somewhere else.” -Achala talking to a spider (11/4/02)
• “The big 5-0.” -Achala on Michael Vartan being 60 (or, specifically, 58) when I’m 40 (1/8/03)
• “Why are you complaining about your boyfriend (David Anders) having a mullet? I’m the one with a 60-year-old boyfriend (Michael Vartan).” -Me after the above conversation and more complaining
• “My balls ‘re itchin.” -Achala on AIM after she said ‘arg,’ and I said it sounded like a pirate
• “Words, words, words…As opposed to sentences.” -Achala (1/24/03)
• “Ten bucks says the Evil Francie’s evil.” -Achala (1/30/04)
• “Then there’s Weiss. CIA. Then there’s that random person that fell out of the plane. Dead…” -Achala listing Sydney’s last ties to a normal life (1/30/04)
• “I don’t blame her, though. He’s one hot mama.” -Achala (2/9/03)
• “(singing) Jaysen’s one cookie short of a full pack. (stops singing) Oh, wait. That doesn’t make sense.” -Achala (2/9/03)
• “Michael Vartan is the sex universe. His love goes all over the place.” -Achala (2/12/03)
• “Does it involve Alice or him having a brush with death, even though the Alice thing could be classified as a brush with death?” -Achala on AIM after telling her that I accidentally read an Alias spoiler (2/15/03)
• “Aww, I want someone to pet me, too.” -Achala on the bathtub scene in 2x16 ‘Firebomb’ of Alias (2/25/03)
• “But that’s okay. Statutory rape is nice.” -Achala on how she was 16 at that time while David Anders was 22 (3/16/03)
• “It landed somewhere cool.” -Achala after throwing a paper at Eli and missing (3/17/03)
• “I want to take him home and make him…a cake.” -Achala on the hotness of Michael Vartan (4/14/03)
• “That cherry can go anywhere it wants.” -Achala after I read her a fanfic quote where Syd dreams about Vaughn with a cherry on top (4/14/03)

Conversations and AIM chats
ME: That just went into uncharted territories.
ACHALA: That’s worse than Peter Pan and his “I can fly, I can fly, I can fly” thing.

[11/13/02- In chem while Achala reads Alias quotes]
ME: What episode are you on?
ACHALA: ‘Drop Dead.’
ME: You mean, ‘Dead Drop’?

[12/30/02- Random History Day words]
JOYCE: Democraps
SUSAN: Jixy (Jimmy and Nixon combined)
SUSAN: Democracks

[1/8/03- On Jamaal rubbing up on Achala during our performance of The Crucible]
ACHALA: A 41-year-old man hitting on a 60-year-old woman.
DAVID: That sounds hot.

[1/11/03- After Thao told Jackie online that Kimberly’s a lesbian, and Kim gives up denying it]
KIM (sarcastically): Yes. I’m a lesbian.
DAVID (looking in my direction): Roda’s over there.

[1/11/03- Sort of what David wrote in our IDP process paper after the above conversation]
“We had hot lesbian action and then watched chick flicks until everyone went home late at night.”

[1/23/03- Random Titans04 e-mail]
*TaZ GiRl 001: which way do i do the graph?
*neomaverickzer :the right way
*Auto response from TaZ GiRl 001: CORNBEEF!!!

[1/23/03- AIM with Achala; and for the record, we both know that she used the term “alterego” incorrectly]
I was just seeing the parallelism between you and Alice, then Michael Vartan tapped me on the shoulder and said that you two were alteregos, and besides, he loves you more than any Alice. Well that and hockey.

[2/20/03- During Southern tour, commenting on the book Hoppe bought from the UCSD bookstore]
ME: That looks expensive.
SUSAN: Homegirl’s rich.

[2/20/03- Random quotes while doing Mad Libs on the bus]
SUSAN: I like “ho’s.”
SUSAN: “Pimps.” I like “pimps.”

MAD LIBS: The monster went around “doing” everything in the town.
BELLANID (pretending to point out the window): Look! There’s a cow!
SUSAN: (pauses) Oh, my God! I just imagined that!

[2/24/03- Talking about a Drew Carey ad for Reading is Fundamental in a magazine]
ACHALA’S BROTHER: Hey, I didn’t know Drew Carey was Islamic.
ACHALA: He’s not Islamic. He’s sitting under a sheet reading a book.

[3/11/03- After I read her one of my vocab sentences]
ACHALA: Not even Picasso can do that.
ME and ACHALA: What?!

[3/13/03- After McVay used the sentence “You are beautiful” as an example]
ACHALA: David, you are beautiful.
DAVID: I already knew that.

[3/17/03- Talking about Michael Vartan again]
ACHALA: That’s so cute. I want a 34-year-old man, too.
ME: Screw that! I want that 34-year-old man.

[4/14/03- More guttery conversation about Michael Vartan]
ACHALA: If he likes cherries, hey, more for him. He can have mine.
ME: Woah. I’m taking that the wrong way.
ACHALA: I think there’s only one way to take that, Roda.

[4/29/03- Talking about our out-there specs for the Alias S2 finale with Vaughn proposing, Sydney being pregnant, and Vaughn accidentally shooting Syd]
ME: What if all three happen at the same time?
ACHALA (AS SYD): Vaughn, I can’t marry you because you shot our baby.
ACHALA (AS VAUGHN): I was protecting you from Sark!
ACHALA (AS SYD): Sark wasn’t doing anything! He was trying to feel the baby kick!

Runner up for BESTEST. QUOTE. EVAR.
“Let’s pretend we have boyfriends. David and Michael.” -Achala (3/11/03) [This also sums up all of Junior year for us]

And the best one of all…*drum roll*…
“I’m a lonely girl.” -Jaysen [I’ll admit that this one’s funny only if you were there or heard the story behind it, but trust me. Peter and I were crying, we were laughing so hard. If you want to hear the story, though, ask and I shall spill all in the name of embarrassing Jaysen. Just kidding, Jaysen! I blab out of love. Kind of. ;) ]

Because it’s the last day of 2004, this is the time where I get all introspective and overanalyze the past year. I’ll put this in a cut, too, because I’ve kept up with my habit of being wordy even when the situation doesn’t call for it, and I’m sure no one wants to read my self-reflection anyway.

Unfortunately, I really haven’t given myself a chance to sit back and let it sink in that yet another year has passed. Maybe it’s because with the realization that I’m getting older comes the realization that I’m going to have to start figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Yes, I know I’m not even 18 yet, so I still have a ways to go with this whole “growing up” thing, but you can’t blame a girl for worrying.

But I’m off topic. I was planning on talking about this past year, so here it goes: at the risk of stealing a VH1 show title, 2004 really was the best year ever-or if not “best” then at least “most memorable” or “the one with all those lifelong milestones we’re supposed to remember.” From the Starbucks adventures to Prom, from the agonizing wait for acceptance/rejection letters to Senior activities, from graduation to Grad Night, from the first day of college to the first week of finals, 2004 was definitely one for the memory books (hypothetically speaking, of course, because who actually has memory books nowadays?).

There are a lot of moments I’d like to forget, but there are also those that I’d like to do over again if only to relive them. Then there are those times where the only logical thing to do at the time is have a mental breakdown. To those of you who helped me through those times, I thank you. You know who you are. *hug*

And of course there are those inevitable “what if’s,” which is how the entry title comes into play. I don’t make New Years Resolutions because I end up forgetting them by the 2nd, but if I did make one, it would be to live life so that you won’t have anything to regret. It’s easier said than done and cliché as all get out (yes, I know all you CAMS kids are cringing at the Maruna reference), but I think it’s a good rule to live by.

Personality-wise, I’m not sure if I’ve changed. That’s something I’d have to ask other people about because it’s hard to notice change if you’re close to the subject in question. I feel like I’ve become more comfortable about being myself in front of strangers although I still can’t stand being the center of attention for very long. I think I’ve become a little more outgoing in terms of talking to new people, but that’s probably because I was practically forced to meet 65 new neighbors in my hall. I even intimated conversations and made friends with a few people in my classes, which was something I thought would be difficult after not having to meet new classmates for four years.

Speaking of friends, although I haven’t seen much of the CAMS kids over the past few months, the time apart has made seeing them again those few times that much more fun. Whoever said abstinence makes the heart grow fonder knew what they were talking about. I’m just extremely thankful that I know there are specific people who I can turn to and trust at any time even when I haven’t physically seen them for a long time.

On the home front, I’ve come to appreciate my family more now that I don’t see them as often, but all their “as long as you do your best, we’ll be proud, but your best better be straight A’s” double talk is definitely putting some unneeded pressure on me. I still haven’t told them about what happened with Bio 93, but I’m going to try to keep that to myself unless it’s absolutely necessary to tell them. On a related note, my family welcomed one new member, and he’s as adorable as a baby can be. I heart babies. =)

And for the shallow portion of this entry, my fandom preferences haven’t changed much from a year ago. I still lurve Alias and Michael Vartan like none other, but I’m now able to add Yellowcard to my list of obsessions. My Jennifer Garner love has dwindled a little as of late, but as long as she keeps giving us kick ass performances and I don’t see or hear anything about HasBen Assfleck (partial tm someone from FT; thanks, Claire!), she’ll always be my girl-crush.

This entry has gone on long enough, so I’m going to end it here. If you’re still reading, you deserve a cookie or a warm cup of something to wake you up because all that up there is terribly boring and long-winded. Anyway, again, happy new year, everyone!

P.S. TVGuide.com spilling the beans on The Question all us spoiler whores have been asking for the past few months? Not nice. Just because we spec’ed doesn’t mean we wanted to know just yet. *face palm*

Alias Countdown Update: 5 more days(!) [As if this countdown hasn’t made me giddy enough, if you haven’t, check out E!Online’s Watch With Kristen’s latest column. Minor spoiler warning, but GG’s comments on MV make it all worthwhile.]

friends, alias, cams nostalgia, quotes

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