The One Where I Actually Talk About an Important Topic

Jan 04, 2005 01:36

Yes, I’m aware it’s past 1:30 AM. No, I don’t know why I’m still awake. I have this entry all typed up, though, so I might as well post it.

Anyway, tonight was a last hurrah of sorts with The Kids before diving back into the hell that is college. I’ll put our fun-filled day/evening under a cut because I have a feeling I’ll be talking at length about more of my college worries after this, and I don’t want to clutter my flist’s friends page too much.

The day began at 3:00 with Susan, Bagel, Thao, and Allison meeting up at my house before heading to Universal CityWalk. While we waited for Rashida and Ashlee, craziness and junk food eating ensued because that’s just what happens when two or more of The Kids get together. After a very useless game of phone tag, Rashida and Ashlee said to meet them at CAMS, but we ended up meeting them in the parking lot of Ralph’s near CAMS.

Before heading to Universal CityWalk, we took a detour to Cedars-Sinai Hospital because Susan had to drop something off for her mom, but because we didn’t want to pay for parking, Susan had me drive her car around the block until she got back. While I drove around, more hilarity ensued in the backseat where Allisantos, Bagel, and Thao sat while we tried to call Ashlee and Rashida.

Susan got back in the car, and there was some illegal parking and yelling between cars that went on with our car and Ashlee’s car while we tried to exchange directions to Universal. Finally, we went on our way to find the 101, but unfortunately, we hit rush hour traffic in Beverly Hills/Hollywood, making us travel at a snail’s pace on the side streets. While in traffic, we amused ourselves by taking pictures of interesting license plates (although I’m not sure whether that’s legal or not), getting scared of the lightning flashing continually in the horizon in front of us, listening to Bagel talk about having to go to the bathroom really badly, making fun of Susan’s driving, and generally being our silly selves. For those of you interested, some license plates of note include “I AM RICH,” “PEOPLE,” and “SHAKE.”

We looked like tourists snapping pictures constantly, but the truth is that we really were tourists because even though we live in the L.A. area, we never go sightseeing. It’s sad, really. Anyway, we finally made it onto the 101 and met Ashlee and Rashida at CityWalk, where it was damn cold. We stopped at the restroom and this one souvenir store before deciding on going to the Hard Rock Café for dinner. (Side fangirly note: they had TV’s around the restaurant showing music videos and clips of various artists who performed for MTV’s Hard Rock Live, and I got a little kick out of seeing a second of Yellowcard.)

I’d say dinner was uneventful because that would be a lie, but I’m too lazy to write about it, so let’s just say lots of food and sharing was involved, and when we were done, we were really full. Oh, and we paid a few dollars of our bill in coins. I just turned away from the waiter, and Susan jokingly consoled, “It’s okay. Just don’t show your face.” We left soon after that because Thao had to get home.

As we passed Downtown L.A. on the freeway, I snapped a couple of pictures of the skyline because it was particularly pretty. Or maybe because I wanted my own version of the L.A. bumpers used in Alias. Whatever. In any case, we got back to my house at a pretty early hour of 9:30, and I begrudgingly packed to go back to UCI. The end.

Earlier tonight, Grant and I talked about changing majors. Both of us didn’t pass Bio 93, and he decided to switch his major from bio sci to economics because, well, he’s interested in that, too. I’ve obviously been toying with the idea of switching majors but haven’t because of lack of idea of what to switch to.

When I said before that I didn’t have a back-up plan, though, I was kind of lying. Well, not “lying” so much as “being really afraid.” The truth is that I’ve always been interested in behind-the-scenes production of TV shows and movies. It’s nothing I’ve pursed seriously because I’m all about making the parents proud with going into medicine and all, but whether it be editing, producing, script writing or editing, script supervising, or assistant directing, it’s interested me.

The behind-the-scenes featurettes in the S3 Alias DVD’s? I watched them more than a few times not because of Michael Vartan but because all that technical jargon they spoke fascinated me. And J.J.’s technical spew during commentaries? It’s actually pretty riveting to me. There’s just something about people working with different components to produce one final product that fascinates me, which would explain why I enjoyed being a Yearbookie so much.

Anyway, when Grant heard my little mention of how I want to work in the Industry and kept pushing that that’s exactly what I should do with my life, I said, “What? I can’t do that!” and then stopped and actually considered it. The question is whether I’m willing to step away from safety and the major I’m kind of interested in and go towards the literal unknown and something I’m very interested in that I might actually be good at. It might seem like a no-brainer to more outgoing people, but I am not outgoing in the least.

Anyone who knows me knows that I rarely do things on a whim and plan accordingly well ahead of time (which is kind of ironic because I’m also known as a procrastinator, but that’s another story). I’m known as the “safe” friend who will make sure everyone gets home on time and in one piece. That might explain why the key phrase for my friends’ parents to let them go out is “Roda’s going, too,” but I digress. The point is that I? Play it safe.

This is why breaking away from something that may actually have a future to try to latch onto something else that is probably semi-uncertain at best is scaring the bejeesus out of me. The thing is that the more that I think of it and the more I talk to Grant (damn him for being so…logical), the more getting involved in the Industry seems more real and more exiting.

In any case, I plan on sticking out this quarter with bio and chem while I decide whether this leap is one that is worth making. I’ll also have to figure out who could point me in the general direction of where to start going for a career like this. I think I’ll try my cousin Michelle first because she interned for ABC and Sony before working for a production/editing company that edits music videos, commercials, and the such.

Can you tell I’m just kind of typing as I’m thinking? I’m not even sure if what I wrote up there makes any sense. Oddly enough, though, writing all this down actually helped. It literally feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I never believed that phrase until this moment. Huh. That’s an interesting feeling.

To anyone who actually read all my “What am I going to do with my life?” whining, first of all, I thank you for sitting through it. Secondly, any piece of advice would be very, very, very appreciated.

Now that I got all that seriousness out of my system, I can say this: Alias S4 PREMIERE TOMORROW (officially)!!!!!11!!~!!!! I’m hardcore spoiled on both the premiere and a good chunk of the first few episodes, but I don’t care. Good news is that all I have to do is survive my first three classes on Wednesday, and I’ll be good. Bad news is that I’m slightly afraid of what I might do if someone decides to bug me during Alias, but that’s a bridge I’ll cross if I get to it. Now I’m off to finish packing and maybe get some sleep in.

friends, alias, school

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