Month-Long Musical Meme: Days 6/7

Sep 29, 2010 17:50

Last night, we went to see the amazing Sara Bareilles in concert. Her voice is ridiculous, and she's pretty damn adorable to boot. It was a great show with a good mix of old and new songs. I really liked that she changed up some of her old songs, too. I mean, performing "Gravity" with an acapella group instead of a band? Beautiful. I shall post pictures/videos as soon as I track down my camera cord.

And then there was the other musical revelation last night: the Britney episode of Glee. As it goes with these tribute episodes, the storyline suffered a bit in favor of the numbers, but the balance was far better than the trainwreck that was the Madonna episode. Plus, Heather Morris is kind of amazing. And despite Rachel being pretty damn annoying this season, Finn/Rachel continues to melt my heart with their sheer cuteness. But let's be honest: Finn is the one carrying the majority of the cuteness in that couple.

Day 6: Your favorite band: The Hush Sound- "Medicine Man"
TBH, I haven't listened to The Hush Sound in a while, but they're the last band whose CD I wore out. They have a great melodic pop/rock sound.

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Day 7: One band/singer you're ashamed to admit you like: "You Belong With Me"- Taylor Swift
Really, I only love (love, love, love) this song and "Love Story." The rest of her songs I could do without. Still, my adoration for "You Belong With Me" is so strong that it jumps right over "shameful" and lands right around "proud."

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Day 1: Your favorite song.
Day 2: A song that makes you cry.
Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you're ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite music video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you're pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you'd like played at your funeral.

meme, glee, sara bareilles

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