What's this? An actual update? From me?

Mar 06, 2009 17:59

I know: my LJ has been little more than a Twitter archive. Life lately has been an oxymoron of boring busyness. So much to do, yet most of it is severely uninteresting. Work is work. I'm tired of the bureaucratic bullshit and crappy customers. It's getting far more difficult to fake politeness nowadays.

On the other hand, the internship is going swimmingly. I love it here, but my time is drawing to a close. I'm not doing too well on the job search, though, so maybe I'll stick around longer.

But enough of that. Admittedly, the main reason for this entry can be summed up in one word: Rent. Last night, Bonie, my sister, her friend Julia, and I went to see Rent starring Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp, the original Roger and Mark from Broadway and the movie, at the Pantages last night. It. Was. Amazing.

To sum it up, here are five things I've learned in the past 24 hours:

1. Rentheads are a whole 'nother breed of fangirls and fanboys who have reached a level of dedication that I can't even begin to imagine practicing for anything ever in my life.
2. In the hands of a capable photographer, my camera takes really good photos.
3. Anthony Rapp? A little douchy. It kind of kills me to acknowledge that.
4. Conversely, Adam Pascal seems like a lovely person. He has taken Rapp's place as my favorite Rent person.
5. My internship, which I've had for the past 3-ish months, is literally a block away from the Pantages. I've passed it every internship day. And saw it for the first time this morning. Oh, my God, I'm so blind and unaware of geography.

Per usual, we started off the evening running late. Okay, yeah, I'll admit that I took longer than expected to get ready. I didn't expect Bonie to be at my house for another 20 minutes, though! And it wasn't my idea to play two extra songs on Rock Band before leaving.

Long story short, we picked Julia up a little late and were forced to inhale dinner at Rascals. Too much delicious food. Didn't settle well, but it was worth it.

Miraculously, we got there in enough time. I thought the seats would be awful, but because the Pantages is so small, they were far better than I expected. We were still far enough that I had no idea what most of the cast looked like but close enough to figure out what was going on.

To borrow from The Daily Show's John Oliver's description of Hugh Jackman's Oscar-hosting performance, Rent was unb-fucking-lieveable. From the opening chords of Roger tuning his guitar to the last notes of the finale, the show was top-to-bottom amazing. There's nothing like hearing "Rent," "Tango: Maureen," "La Vie Boheme," "What You Own," and the finale being performed by the actors you adore most. Really, any moment when Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal singing together was too amazing for words. The former even had to pause after the opening words of "La Vie Boheme" because the cheering was too loud. And yeah, I'll admit that I realized a couple of verses into "Rent" that I'd been grinning like a fool the whole time.

Of course, the rest of the cast was amazing, too. The guy who played Angel was shockingly agile in heels. The voices of the actors who played Collins and Joanne were amazing. Maureen was funnier than I thought she would be. Their Mimi wasn't my favorite, but I've realized that I don't really like anyone who plays Mimi, so I think the role is what isn't great. Overall, though, fantastic, fantastic cast.

After the show, we rushed to the stage door area, where a bunch of people were already waiting. People started moving down to the empty part of the barricade. We, like the lost little lambs we were, just kind of stood in the same spot and ended up with a full view of the stage door. We braced ourselves for a long wait.

Surprisingly early, Anthony Rapp came out, all in his albino glory. Seriously, the dude is pale. Odd thing when he came out was that he didn't seem very happy. Forced smiling, minimal conversing even with the crazy dedicated Rent-head next to us who told him she'd seen him about a half dozen times in the same number of cities.

When he got to us, he quickly signed our playbills and said an obligatory "thank you" to our "You were amazing, we love you"s all without looking up or making eye contact. This was when I decided that stories I've heard about Anthony Rapp being kinda douchy with fans? True. It didn't help that Julia looked through the photos she took and said, "This picture makes him look really douchy."

A couple more cast members came out including that one Asian guy (really cute in person) and the actresses who played Joanne (loved her) and Maureen (she was fantabulous, too). I'm not sure how long we stayed in the cold. However long it was, it passed quickly due to the constant barrage of jokes and stupid comments between the four of us.

Soon enough, Adam Pascal, whose hair was seriously bleached, came out. His hair was practically glowing. I'd say it was akin to Ross's teeth from that episode of Friends when he bleached his teeth and had the misfortune of encountering a black light.

He seemed to be the opposite of Anthony Rapp: smiling, making eye contact, seeming genuinely flattered when we declared our love for him. As soon as his pen left my playbill, I heard someone behind me exclaim, "Awesome!" Turns out Julia took a photo she was very proud of, which she stopped to look at while Pascal was still in front of me.

We left soon after. Walking around the building, we saw the line of people that Adam Pascal was signing autographs along and realized that oops, there was a line. We really, really didn't know, and nobody told us anything, so no harm, no foul, I guess. Also, best part: we were successful in fighting the urge to jump Adam Pascal even when we were passing a foot behind him. Yay, self-control!

I'll post pictures soon. Julia's a good little yearbookie photographer, so they're actually quite good. You can literally see each of Adam Pascal's eyelashes. Also, I'm posting this without reading it because I'm two seconds away from running out the door for a Rock Band party with the girls, so please excuse the typos.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

work, friends, rent, internship

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