How Twitter Helped Me Waste Time Today

Mar 06, 2009 23:45

00:48 Rent was amazing. And okay, I hate to say it, but Anthony Rapp is a little bit of a douche. Adam Pascal is a sweetheart, though #

08:37 @ rustyrockets It was a pleasant surprise to hear you on KROQ this morning. Somehow, you made even Kevin & Bean sound like good interviewers #

08:40 Woke up this morning to see three "things to do" e-mails from my out of town boss. Well, now. There goes all hope of a slow Friday. #

10:13 How bad am I at directions/landmarks? I realized *today* that the internship I've had for 3 months is a block from the Pantages. I'm a moron #

10:38 @ Melapaloosa You and me both. I've banned myself from giving directions because I'd probably end up accidentally sending them to Narnia #

10:42 @ longingtown Ah, interning. All the hard work with none of the monetary pay. Gotta love it. #

12:41 Just so it's written down somewhere: I'm determined to update my LJ today for the first time in about 2 months. You're all my witnesses. #

16:17 @ jrorci Is that bragging I sense? #

16:29 Ended my indecisive ways and ordered a camera: Panasonic Lumix FX37. Ordered from Costco and got a free 2 GB SD card. Costco is magical. #

16:32 @ jrorci Ah. Well, I guess if you admit it, it's okay. Just tip us off when you have lunch w/ Josh Jackson so we can "happen to run into" him #

16:32 @ quillons Is he hot? Yeah, that's right: I asked the shallow question. #

16:48 @ longingtown *ULTRA GINORMOUS FLYING TACKLE HUG* Wish I was there or you here. Either way. =/ I'm on Facebook if you want to chat #

16:50 @ jrorci Thanks! Good to hear. I was torn between that one and a Canon, but I saw a friend's Lumix and was impressed with the picture quality #

17:52 @ longingtown Damnit, I missed you Facebook. I was talking to my boss. Hope your day gets a little brighter soon, sweetie =) #

18:49 Was told an hour ago that I could leave, but I stayed to update LJ and somehow got distracted by everything shiny on the Interwebs. Oy #

18:58 Okay, out the door and in the elevator now. Off to a Rock
Band party with the girls! #
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