How Twitter Helped Me Waste Time Today

Mar 05, 2009 23:45

13:41 @ jamesmoran It's payback for the real Hoff image you put into my brain when you linked to the music video a while back =P #

14:02 Rent at the Pantages tonight! So, so very excited. #

15:03 @ quillons I think I've narrowed it down to two options, but I'm going to give it a bit more thought before going for it. Any luck for you? #

15:04 @ longingtown Thanks! And hmm, I'm curious as to what this "something" is that you're going to mail to me. *shifty eyes* =P #

15:47 @ quillons I'd love an awesome professional one, too. I just can't justify getting one when all I need is a good point-and-shoot. Sigh #

15:52 @ actionvaughn Semi-crappy orchestra. Row PP-ish. Good thing Pantages is small. I'm excited to go to the stage door to see the cast after =D #

15:54 @ longingtown I'm so OCD about my video files. I rename all of mine, too, and put them in appropriate folders. Dorky, I know #

15:56 Why does SureType on the BlackBerry recognize "forky" as a word, but not "dorky"? Thanks, SureType. #

16:39 @ longingtown Western Digital is good. They're small & relatively cheap (go to Fry's!). Maxtor is good, too, if you don't mind the size #

21:35 Rent intermission. Effing. Amazing. OMG, I want to hug Anthony Rapp. #
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