A ridiculously long entry to reflect my ridiculously long day

Oct 12, 2008 22:11

Work today was all kinds of crazy. I spent nearly 5 hours straight--plus another 2.5 hours after my break--busting my ass making drinks, helping customers, and doing prep work for my Assistant Manager's closing shift even though he never pays my closing shifts the same courtesy when he's the midday Shift Lead. I adore my closers too much to slack off, though, so I did the work for them.

To top things off, the Midget (a.k.a. the loser who has been kicked out of our store numerous times for harassing baristas, including yours truly) from my post way back when came back. As soon as I saw him, I told him he knew he wasn't supposed to be there. He ignored me and said he wanted a water. I said, "You don't want me to get the big guy." The Midget tried to hide his worry as he asked, "What big guy?" "Alright," I said lightly, turning to walk to the back room where my tall, half-Samoan, scary-looking co-worker, R, was, "I'll be right back."

Coincidentally, R was already at the door. I told him simply, "The Midget's here again." Immediately at the sight of R, he backed off and said he wouldn't have to be told to leave again. That turned out to be a lie because even though we all saw him walk out, a co-worker saw him in the corner with his friends a little later. Sucks for him because R embarrassed him in front of them when he told the Midget to leave again. It's just pathetic that he keeps coming back to a place where no one wants him.

Anyway, as I type this, the Life on Mars remake is on in the background. To be honest, so far so good. Then again, it's been a while since I've seen the original Pilot, but I'm pretty sure the U.S. Pilot is practically a shot-for-shot remake. If one does a good copy of something fantastic, the copy is bound to be at least a little good. I'll stick with it for a few more episodes if only to see what the U.S. version will do differently. I'm not saying it's good, per se, just saying it's good for what it is. It's probably fantastic if you haven't seen the original.

It's odd, though, to see something so familiar yet unfamiliar. I'm still expecting to see John Simm and Co. Also, I don't know who's playing American!Chris, but as soon as he appeared, I immediately knew who he was and had to smile. I adore Original!Chris so much that my love for him transcends versions. [ETA: Okay, they just did the part where Sam and Gene jump over the desk together, and I had to stop the ep for a moment. That's one recreated iconic shot too many.]

Because of my rare non-closing Sunday shift, I told myself I'd have time to finish my overdue script coverage and get a decent amount of sleep before my internship tomorrow. (Yeah, because I got so much done on my day off yesterday.) But of course, before work, I started reading an epicly long Chameleon-ArchedHuman!Doctor/Alt!Rose Doctor Who fic and really got into it. So much for productivity and sleep. I'm just going to hole myself up in my room with a cup of tea and my laptop and hope that I get some work done.

ETA: CatsThatLookLikeHitler.com. Thank you, Graham Norton Show. Oh, yes, I'm being productive.

starbucks, life on mars (blasphemous us version), i hate people, life on mars, doctor who, fic

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