How Twitter Helped Me Waste Time Today

Oct 10, 2008 22:14

  • 10:33 Even though it had its moments, last night's "Office" was disappointingly not as amazing as last week. Sadness. #
  • 12:22 ZOMG, I have access to Colin Hanks's cell phone number. I...should not be this excited. Stalker status, much? #
  • 16:37 Holy hell. I've just met the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in person. And of course, he's gay. And about to engage in a sham marriage. #
  • 18:27 Celebrity(?) sighting of the day: Andy Dick driving behind me on Fairfax #
  • 19:32 LA traffic makes me want to move to the country and pursue my dream of being a Skittle farmer #
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