Why have I not seen this video before?!

Oct 09, 2008 00:28

This is probably old hat for all you other Bones fans out there, but while waiting for Bones to finish d/l'ing just now, I stumbled upon this behind the scenes video from [spoiler alert, I guess] last Christmas's Booth/Brennen mistletoe kiss:

image Click to view

I'd heard about this infamous clip before but couldn't find it until now. Sweet fishsticks, now that is a kiss. There's lapel grabbing and everything. And how adorable are Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz? She's all nervous, and he keeps fist bumping her.

What's up with my shows cutting the takes with good kisses (and screwing with 'shippers by making those takes available through some behind the scenes clip) and airing the mild, awkward kisses? Doctor Who, I'm looking at you.

In non-fannish news, I've been slammed with work and my internship lately, which unfortunately leaves me precious little time to update here. I've resorted to posting my Twitter updates, but hopefully I'll be able to have a real update soon. Possibly an update with much TV fangirling because I have much to catch up on in that department.

starbucks, doctor who, bones, internship

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