Jan 29, 2014 20:42
After that last entry (which is private BTW) I want to talk about something(s) that are positive. This is going to sound like an exercise your therapist would tell you to do. But honestly it is hard to be positive right now.
I'm grateful for this space that I occupy. It is open, peaceful, green, loving, hopeful. I am grateful for my girlfriend Karen. She has her flaws as do I but we will work through it. I am grateful for little Alex who I have become a second mother to. He is sweet and adorable and has a great sense of humor. I am grateful for my family. They can be difficult but many people have no family at all and no one to support them when their world collapses. I am thankful for everyone I've met and every experience I've, well, experienced. Everything is either an adventure or a lesson. Everyone is either a soul mate or a teacher.