Oct 29, 2013 18:54
I am trying to understand why people have communication issues and then make assumptions and act passive aggressive. These are three things that really get me irritated with a person. So I have a business, KtCares which does house cleaning, pet sitting, babysitting, etc... Really doing people favors to lift a load off of their shoulders. I have an arrangement with one person in particular (Debbie) that involves house cleaning for her in exchange for organic foods. She began giving me a large box of fruits and veggies every time I would leave after working about 6 hours. Typically I would get there around 10 or 11 am and stay until 4 or 5 pm. I would clean and do projects for her and she would talk to me the whole time and prepare my lunch which was really nice. This has gone on for almost 3 months now. Recently I had to care for my grandmother over the weekend and then the following weekend I had the festival to go to. She interprets me leaving at 3 instead of 4 as me not doing my part of the deal. She started saying she felt that I was working less and less. and that it was no longer a fair trade. My reaction is WHAT?! Really?! How the fuck so? one hour less, ONE HOUR LESS a few times because I had other requirements, and suddenly I am not holding up my end? I can get the same amount of work done in 4 hours instead of 6 if I'm not chatting it up. If I get the same amount of work done, then what is the real issue here? Is the real issue that she wants my company until as late as she can possibly hold me hostage? I am trying to run a business AND take courses to get certified AND taking care of my little tribe AND in the process of moving. I really don't understand why she thinks I HAVE to give her my ENTIRE day in order to get 50 dollars worth of food. If she wants to measure it in cash it would be 5 hours worth of house work. But I've been gladly staying 6 hours. Only recently have I occasionally needed to leave around 4 or 5 hours because I have responsibilities elsewhere. It doesn't result in less work getting done. So I must say this kind of behavior/treatment/whatever upsets me greatly.
One more similar example: Alexander Ojeda is teaching a permaculture course. I greatly desired to take this course but didn't have the money ($1,100) for the tuition and saw that he was offering work study. I requested work study and he said sure. Nothing more was said. Then, the week before the course, he tells someone else (Debbie) that I am not completing my work study. So instead of ever saying anything to me which would be ridiculously easy, he tells someone else and they have to relay the info to me. I was surprised, he hadn't yet mentioned any opportunities for me to work off what I owe. I explained to him the house cleaning/baby sitting/ pet sitting I could assist with for him as well as anything having to do with permaculture. But instead of sending a list of projects that need helpers, he said nothing and then complained to someone else. Weird. So I talked to him directly about it and told him again that I'd like to work on anything that needs work, and he said he needed house cleaning. So for two days in one week I went over and cleaned his house. I helped out at Debbie's for 3 days as well so that is 5 days out of 10 worked off of what I owe. Plus I paid 100 for the book and 80 for my food. Yet I return from the festival to find he has complained to Debbie AGAIN saying he doesn't think I'm going to finish my work study. Excuse me, AM I MOVING AWAY TOMORROW? IS THE WORLD ENDING IN A WEEK? No. So why is he acting like if I don't do the 10 days I owe all in a ROW, then I'm not interested in paying off what I owe. Fuck, people are strange, even people who seem to really have it together. They seem so intelligent, and then they do weird shit like make feel like I am doing something wrong when I am most certainly not. Leave it alone ALEX AND DEBBIE. Chillax and stop stressing when everything is coming together just fine. Don't mess up your relationships to other people because of your lack of communication and your passive aggressiveness. It is really uncalled for, so just cut it out.