Part 2 - The start of the Q&A session.
MC: Now here's the part I go for the Pulitzer by reading these questions on this ratty piece of paper that were submitted from fans out there watching the film. . . perhaps here in this theater! And i'm going to read them out loud and see what these guys think about them.
MC: OK, from Star in Cypress, California. What was your favorite scene in the film, to film?
Nino: What I liked the most was. . . I guess you could say the action scenes were fun! The action scenes.
Nino: It was fun doing them, and when I watched them, I thought, "Woah, I'm really strong!"
MC: Matsuyama-san?
Matsuken: Mm, let's see. . . there's this scene that has always kinda stuck out in my mind a little. The part at the beginning with the Onion Alien child. Well, the Onion Alien child ends up getting shot by guns, but among [the shooters], there's a teacher. . . someone who should be raising/nurturing children. That made a huge impact on me. I mean, even if they're an alien, even if they're the enemy, ultimately this is a child. And he has a parent. The aliens are living their own alien lives. So there's really not much to distinguish/separate them from human beings. And the Onion Alien child ends up getting shot/killed. You know, ethical considerations such as these don't really crop up much in Gantz. There's a lot of imaginative thinking going on [in the movie], but parts such as that one were really rather shocking. It's [a scene] that made an impression on me.
MC: The next question from Marissa from Rochester, New York is a doozy. Did you do a lot of the stunt work yourselves? And if so, what part of it was the scariest? Admit it, you were scared. I was scared just watching them do it.
Nino [addressing Matsuken]: Well, how was it?
Matsuken: Stunts? I didn't really do them much. Um. . . I mean, there were a few parts that I did. . . . um, but there were a few scenes where I was scared.
Nino: It was cold. . .
Matsuken: That's right. In Japan, in the city of Kobe, it's really cold. And this is going to end up being a story about the Gantz suit, but. . . the Gantz suit is really cool, but. . . it's really an awesome suit, but. . . it's just that it's. . .thin. . . that's its weak point.
Nino: That. . . regarding the action scenes, they didn't seem all that difficult, did they?
Matsuken: Right. . . um, well Part 1 wasn't all that. . .
Nino: Part 1, right?
Matsuken: The action was [my audio cuts out here, sorry ^^;;. But the onsite translators say that the stunts in part two of the movie are more difficult] . . . well, I can't tell you about them but. . .
MC: Now we have a very theoretical question here. Um. . . if you guys were actually forced to play a mission in Gantz, how many points do you think you'd receive? And this is actually a two-part question. Do you think you'd even survive?
Nino: Um. . . Me? I've had the privilege of appearing in various works in Japan, but. . . um. . . I die a lot. So i'd probably. . . I don't know what you'd call it. I think I've developed this "habit" of dying [a tendency to die].
Nino: I get the feeling I wouldn't survive. I get the feeling I wouldn't survive.
Nino: So, worst case scenario? I'd go around, behind Macchan and do this [Nino hides behind Matsuken, and peeks out at the audience from behind him] the whole time.
Nino: I think this is the only way I'd be able to survive.
MC: That is a good strategy. I'll have to remember that. And Matsuyama-san, how do you think you'd do in a game of Gantz?
Matsuken: Of course, I'd like to earn a 100 points, but. . . um, if I could, I wouldn't want to fight. I would probably do this too [hides behind his translator].
MC: So "Gantz 3, Hiding Behind the Interpreter" seems to be. . . you should stick around for that one.