Can you take me to the stars? 6

Feb 05, 2012 21:04

Title: Can you take me to the stars?
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), InooDaiChii (Friendship), InooAriYama (Family), Chinen Yuuri X Reika X Ruka X Hiroki X Keiko (Chinen Family) TakaDai (Slight), Inoobu (Slight) YamaShi (Second Main?)
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Genre: Romance, Family, Crazy? (yeah. i think im crazy for creating a family all named after flowers and trees ._.)
Summary: How does it feel to be accused of being a prostitute, filthy women, or whatever words you can think of. Having heavy responsibility of 4 brothers and sisters?... including a one year old baby. And in trouble with the richest guy(s) in Japan?
Warning: Girl Chii, b*tchy Shida. Don’t Like, don’t read. Save your insults.

Chap 5- Sour and Bitter

“So class, please write a thousand word essay of the most important thing. Class dismiss!” The whole class made a annoyed moan, they hated to write essays and especially a thousand words essay. Chinen stretched her arms as Mirai went to her table. “Shida san?”

“Ne ne Chinen san, could we work together about the essay after school? I really have no idea of what to write because I have many tings that is important to me.... Are you free today?” Mirai looked at Yuri with her ‘please?-I-need-help’ eyes. Yuri, known as the genius angel around the school, smiled and agreed with Mirai’s request. After all, classmates are suppose to help each other out right? Not knowing Shida’s dark evil plan, they both headed towards the Yamada house.


Chinen shouted as she came into the house. Arioka’s head popped out from the kitchen as he replied an ‘okairi~~’ As soon as he sees Shida behind. He wiped his hand with his apron as he walked out. “Eh? Yuri chan brought a guest today--- EH?! MIRAI CHAN?!” Arioka gave his smile and nodded his head towards Shida.

“It has been a long time ne? Arioka kun~ ” Shida smiled as she bowed sightly. They chatted for a while before Chinen could guide Shida to her room as Arioka prepare some snacks for the two girls. As soon as Yuri step into the room, Reika and Ruka immediately dropped down their dolls and rushed to their sister. “Okairi nee chan!” Then, the two sees Shida and looked at her for quite a while... “who is this ugly nee chan?! Why is she here?!” Chinen scolded the two but they didn't apologize. And yet, they even pulled a face at Shida and ran out of the room. Yuri apologized for the to naughty princesses and Shida suppressed her anger, waiting for the time when she will act her plans.

“Chii! It your tur---” suddenly, Ryouske came into the room as Arioka brought some tea in for the two girls. “Mirai?!” Yuri suddenly felt a sting as Ryosuke called the first name of her classmate. Did they know each other beforehand? What is their relationship? When Shids replied him with ‘Hi~ Ryosuke~’ Chinen felt that the sting is now even stronger. Ryosuke now completely ignores Yuri and began to talk to Shida. Yuri doesn't know what this feeling is, but she is sure that she became transparent to the others right now. After quite a long time, Ryosuke finally remembers what he is in here for.

“Ah right! It’s your turn to walk Cookie and Ku today, Chii!” Yuri just nods when Ryouske suddenly snaps his finger. “Mirai, you wanna join us? I bet Cookie and Ku missed you a lot!” Yuri, this time, felt the sting becoming very sour and bitter. The three decide to go and walk the dogs together and went to the central park. The whole way, Ryosuke and Mirai chatted while Yuri walked in silence. She didn't want to disturb them when they are taking about something that she doesn't know. They reached to the grass field area when Ryosuke went to buy some drinks. And the dags played around with Mirai and Yuri.

‘Now is the time.’ Thought Shida. Chinen is at the side throwing some rubbish, Shida unbuckled the string from Cookies collar and let it run towards the road. She then screamed in a fake voice, and started to chase Cookie. “Cookie!!!” The scream successfully caught Yuri’s attention, then Shida fell down on the grass as a large truck is driving towards the running dog. Yuri’s eyed widen as she ran in high speed towards the shocked dog. Shida gave a cold smirk as she stood up.

“COOKIE!!!” Ryosuke came back as he sees Shida trying to stand up from the grass and Yuri in mid air reaching towards Cookie with a speeding truck going towards them. He dropped the drinks as he screamed. A screech was heard...

“ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF YOU STUPID BITCH?!” The driver shouted. Yuri is hugging the trembling dog as her legs are filled with scratches and blood. Shida ran to Yuri while holding Ku. She knelt down as she kept apologizing to Yuri and even started to cry. Ryosuke rushed towards the two of them as he apologised to the driver and pulled them back on the pavement.

“Chinen chan daijiobu?! I-I-I am so sorry for being careless!!! I-I-I--”

Shida continued to cry at a side as Ryosuke snatched Cookie from Yuri’s hand and started to shout at her. “YOU IDIOT! DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU ALMOST GOT COOKIE KILLED?! HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS AND LEAVE THE TWO DOGS TO MIRAI! SHE CAN’T TAKE CARE OF THEM ALL AT ONCE! YOU STUPID STUPID WOMEN! IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO MIRAI OR COOKIE AGAIN! I WILL KILL YOU!” Yuri shook in fear as she bowed. Her bangs covered her eyes as it is spilling out with hot tears.

“Ryosuke! Stop it! It was my fault that I didn't take care of the dogs! Chinen chan is hurt---” Mirai protested but she’s cut off by the brown haired boy.

“You are hurt as well Mirai! It is her fault of handing Cookie and Ku to you at the SAME time! Cookie is hurt, lets go home and I’ll treat your wounds.” Ryouske carried the two dogs as he walked back home with Shida. Yuri just stayed there as their shadow became more and more blurry. She didn’t move until an old women wearing a wine red kimono patted her back.

“Miss, are you alright?” Chinen wiped her tears as she nods her head. The old women frowns as she saw the scratches and blood on Yuri’s pale legs. “You are hurt young lady. Come to my medicine store and I’ll treat your wounds.” Yuri limped as she went to the store not far away from the park. “I’ve saw what happen just now. You’ve risked your life to save the dog but at the end you’ve got scolded by that boy right?” Yuri said nothing. “How can that boy be so rude? He should improve on his manners to the person whom saved his dog. How rude of him.”

“Ne... oba san... You might think that I’m weird... But why do I feel sour and bitter when he scolded me?” The old women stopped for a while before she continued wrapping the wounds. “It hurts, not physically though.” The old women stood up as she got a bottle of stars from a cabinet.

“These three stars are very special. A young mother gave them to me quite a few years ago with her fourteen years old daughter. The blue star represented hope, the red star represented passion, and the yellow star represented praying. I had cancer at that time and could not continue this store. The women gave me the strength and courage to face the operation. But sadly, The women died due to a car accident. I wonder if her daughter is still alive so that I could give this back to her. And hopefully give her the courage to live on bravely. But I never got to see her again. Help me keep this young lady. Your eyes showed your true emotions. And this will hopefully answer your question.”

Yuri took the bottle as she recognises her handwriting at the bottom of the bottle. ‘The bottle of Strength’. “Oba san! I am the girl---”

“It is getting late my dear. Now off you go.” The old women smiled as she went through the door towards the inside. Yuri followed bu saw no one except for the photo of the old women with a paper laid beside saying. ‘1984-2007 Died of Cancer.’ Yuri stood there, completely stunned. So she was talking to the spirit she met when she was fourteen? Yuri slowly smiled as she bowed to the photo. And went back home. Gripping on the small bottle of stars.

Yuri, who is standing at the front door, hesitated to press the doorbell. She left her hand hanging in mid air as the scene of Ryosuke scolding her replaying and replaying endlessly. She is stuck at her thoughts when the helping voice once again, rang up in the air. “Yuri?? Doshita?” Yuri turned around as she sees Kei at the gate.

“Kei nii...” Tears build up in those already puffy eyes.

“What happen to you? Why is your leg all bandaged and hurt?!” Kei looked at those tightly bandaged legs as Yuri said his name much louder this time and ran towards him, hrew herself in the older boy’s safe, secure embrace. All the tears rushed out and all her pressure released. Kei hugged the trembling frame. Arioka, Hiroki and Ryosuke rushed out as they hear the noise from outside.

“Nee chan! What happened to your legs?!” Hiroki asked in horror as he went to Yuri and hugged her waist. “Dare... Dare?! Who injured you and even make you cry?!?! I’ll kill that person!!” Hiroki gave her tissues, hugs and cuddles. Trying to calm down his strong sister. Arioka patted Yuris head as he, also said some comforting words and tried to calm the girl down. Only Ryouske. Only him, stood there is shock and anger. Angry towards himself. How can he not notice those badly injured legs and even scolded her. How can he just leave her in pain and blood. And not even care for her.

After a few moments, Yuri fell asleep on Kei’s shoulder. Kei carried her in a bride way and went into the room. “You better explain after I put her to bed, Ryosuke.” Kei noticed the worried and angry expression of is otoutou and already guessed that it must be something to do with him. The brown haired boy nodded as he followed Kei into he room. They put her in bed as Kei went out. Leaving Yuri and Ryosuke alone.

“Gomen...” Ryosuke held the small and pale hand as he kissed on a minor scratch. And also wiping away those remaining tears. “Gomen... Yuri...” Ryosuke quietly laid her hand down and went out of the room. She then opened her eyes as she touched the hand that Ryosuke kissed on. She went to the table and wrote a few words in her exercise book before going back to bed and sleep.


“The most important thing: The Bottle of Stars”

A/N: Huwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I really want to kill Ryosuke for leaving Yuri! But he also apologized to her too!!! DOSHITA?!?!?!?!?! Hope you like this update! I’ll start to update regularly ne? Maybe once a week?

yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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