Can you take me to the stars? 5

Jan 31, 2012 18:38

Title: Can you take me to the stars?
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), InooDaiChii (Friendship), InooAriYama (Family), Chinen Yuuri X Reika X Ruka X Hiroki X Keiko (Chinen Family) TakaDai (Slight), Inoobu (Slight) YamaShi (Second Main?)
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Genre: Romance, Family, Crazy? (yeah. i think im crazy for creating a family all named after flowers and trees ._.)
Summary: How does it feel to be accused of being a prostitute, filthy women, or whatever words you can think of. Having heavy responsibility of 4 brothers and sisters?... including a one year old baby. And in trouble with the richest guy(s) in Japan?
Warning: Girl Chii, b*tchy Shida. Don’t Like, don’t read. Save your insults.

Chap 4- Level Up!! Wait... WHATT?!?!

I am Chinen Yuri. A seventeen years old girl whose life just changed from sorrow and pain into great happiness and joy. I am currently living with my new family members known as the Yamada family. I now have three older brothers and my original siblings.

So, some family background of the Yamada family. Their father had died due to a heart attack when they were still very young. Their mother took over her husbands’ business and raised her children with the best education, but their relationships are quite loose. Due to busy work at the Yamada World Trading Center, Yamada mama never returns home. The three brothers basically grew up without any love from anyone, and under strict conditions. Now lets get to know a little bit more of the three brothers ne? Yamada Kei is a CEO at his family company- the Yamada World Trading Center, currently dating his secretary Yabu Kota. Yamada Arioka is a famous cook at a upper class Italian restaurant, drooling over a handsome (sexy) waiter named Takaki Yuya.

And finally, Yamada Ryosuke. Currently my sempai at school. Well, he is a bad type of boy at school with bad grades and all sorts... BUT he is also quite famous amongst the female population. No, not in his class. It’s the WHOLE damn school. Even the female teachers! Once, my english teacher fainted due to his signature wink at the corridor!! I study the first year while he’s in the second year. We never really talked after the time when I first moved into his house, but it is quite obvious that he doesn't treat me as a prostitute anymore. Oh! And he earns money by working after school at a pub near the train station in a band named STUPID. He takes the role of the main singer. His fans made a name for him called the Black Diamond. (What a fancy girly name in my opinion.)

As for my information... well, lets treat it as an update kay? Since you’ve all got to know me and my background ever since the first chapter have been posted. So basically, I’ve got the chance to go back to school and study after two years of leaving for my jobs to pay for all sorts and basically survive. Hiroki is now in the Junior department of our school, currently grade five. My twin sisters are starting to study their second year at the kindergarten named Peachi Peachi Happy land. And my baby sister Keiko, she goes to school with me... or should I say that I bring her with me because during daytime, no one is at home to take care of her. Now enough of me talking! Lets get on into the story before you readers start to go crazy analysing the information!

It is already lunch time at school when everyone as usual gathered around Chinens’ table playing with Keiko and some chatted with her. Oh. Forgot to mention. Keiko is very popular around the school also, the students and teachers didn’t accuse her as a young mother and isolate Yuri and Keiko but got to know her background and acted the suitable way. As usual, Keiko is laughing and giggling when she suddenly said the word ‘mama!’ Everyone stopped as Keiko turned to Yuri and reached for her with those chubby pink hands. “Mama!”

“Keiko...” Yuri’s eyes filled with tears as she stood up and held Keiko high up in the air. The small baby continued repeating the word as Yuri hugged her tight. “You said your first word Keiko! You called me mama!!” Tears of happiness spilled out of her beautiful black orbs as the little one just giggled and laughed. At this time, Ryosuke came in to give Yuri her bento when he sees this beautiful scene. “Ah! Ryouske! Keiko said her first word!!”

“Really?! Oh my gosh!” The older boys’ face piled up with smiles as he took Keiko into his arms and played with her. “What did she say just now?” Before Yuri opened her mouth to answer, Keiko already bombarded Ryosukes answer with mama mama and pointed to Yuri. And then, she pointed at the brown haired boy saying papa papa. Yuri and Ryosuke both looked at each other as they blushed, without noticing, Keiko managed to pull Yuri closer by her jacket and hugged the both of their arm. Happily saying.

“Papa! Mama!”

The two just hugged the little baby as the whole female population grabbed their phones and took a picture of the happy family while squealing. Only one girl glanced at the happy picture before interrupting them. She is known as the Campus Belle, yet also known as the girl gangs leader. But no one know except for Ryosuke knows that she is also the main rapper in their band- STUPID, the only girl member in the band. Her name is Shida Mirai. “Excuse me for disturbing you but Ryouske and I, have some important matter to attend.” Shida kind of pushed Yuri and the baby away, when she is about to take hold of Ryouske’s hand. His phone started ringing.

“Moshi Moshi Kei nii?” Ryosuke answered the phone as he made a hand sign to Shida meaning his rejection at her for the moment. “Eh?!?! Iyada! Demo... Hai... Wakateru. Yuri and I will be coming back now. Hai.” Yuri gave the older boy a confused look, not understanding why she’s leaving school now. “Eto... Kei nii says that we have to go home now, I think it is something about Reika and Ruka... Lets go. And Shida, I can’t go today. You take my place kay?” Ryosuke looked at Shida with a cold glare and took Keiko in his arms. Not forgetting to drag the confused young lady next to him out of her classroom.

Shida clenched her fist as she stormed off back to her seat while thinking in anger. ‘What is so perfect about this Chinen Yuri?! Why is Ryosuke always with her?! She knows nothing about him as I do! I am the one growing up with Ryosuke and loving him all this time! Does that stinky prostitute think as if she can win over Ryosuke’s heart?! NO! ONLY I CAN BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! ONLY I HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO BE HIS WOMEN! ONLY I, SHIDA MIRAI CAN BE HIS ONLY ONE AND CAPTURE HIS HEART!’ As soon as her thoughts starts to rage, she decided to get rid of Chinen Yuri. And started to plot on her evil plans.

Now back to the Yamada family.... “WHATTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” Okay, a shocked roar came out of the living room from Ryosuke. Kei, the twin princess, and Yuri with the baby are all at the living room discussing about who should go to the Peachi Peachi Happy Land Kindergarten parents evening. And apparently, Kei is not available because he still has work to do in the World Trading Center. So he asked if Ryosuke could pretent to be the twin princesses father for the moment. “But nii chan!!! Do I look like a father?! I mean, I am way to young to be a father desho?!?!”

“EASY! Just Fake your age and wear more formal casual clothes! They won’t know!” Kei insisted as Reika pulled on Ryosuke’s school sleeve with watery eyes. “Could you bare if the two gets teased for not having parents? You know kids today are quite nasty in words.” Kei looked at Ryosuke with his ‘If-you-don’t-go-I-will-get-you-a-tutor” look. Making the younger boy gulp in fear.

“I.. Uhm... I... OH FINE!! I’ll go!” Ryosuke surrendered due to those sparkling eyes of the two sisters. And of course, Kei’s threatening eyes. And so, they got changed and was dropped off by Kei at the entrance of the kindergarten. Now let me describe their appearance. Yuri, let her long wavy black hair down while wearing a yellow head band. Matching with her yellow summer dress and her yellow flats. On top, she wore a white long sleeved cardigan. Ryosuke, he wore a white vest inside while wearing a elbow length red cardigan on top. He wore his black jeans and his red converse. Reika and Ruka, both wore a blue princess dress with their blue flats.

“Reika, Ruka, for the time being, you’ll have to call me papa okay? And your nee chan Mama. We are your parents now.” Ryosuke told them as the two just nods and started walking in. Yuri is about to walk also when Ryosuke grabbed her left hand. “W-We are pretending to be a couple desho..? Don’t think of anything odd okay?!” He looked as if it is nothing really big but his reddish ears betrays everything. Yuri giggled as she stats swinging their linked hands back and forth. Her innocent big eyes blinked while the two walked together behind their ‘daughters’. As soon as they step into the classroom. Every women stopped and stared at Ryosuke with heart shaped eyes and their mouths dripping with saliva. ‘Disgusting.’ Thought the brown haired boy.

The two princesses just chatted with their friends while Ryosuke and Yuri sat down to listen to the kind female teacher. “So I am Hikari sensei. I need to know some basic information about you, as a new parent information data. How old are you? You two look extremely young!”

“I am sevent---” Yuri replied as Ryosuke slightly kicked her under the table. “I-I mean twenty seven year old! And my husband is Twenty eight years old” Yuri giggled nervously as Ryosuke rolled his eyes thinking ‘She really doesn’t know how to lie.’

“What is your occupation?”
“A stude--- I mean a secretary in the Yamada World Trading Center.”
“And Mr. Yamada?”
“I am a Lawyer.”
“Souka... eto, my daughter is a fan of STUPID.. Especially you. Mr Yamada. Could I get your signature?
“Eh?! Ah.. Okay!”

So the annoying teacher (In Yuri’s opinion) continued to ask questions and told them about the condition of the two princesses in class. They left ASAP after the talk and headed to an ice cream shop near the park. Ruka and Reika played at the swing while Ryosuke and Yuri sat down at the bench, eating their ice cream. Not noticing, their two hands are still tightly linked together.

“Ne Yuri, you don’t usually lie right?”
“Of course? Why should I lie when I have nothing to cover up?” The little girl innocently replied.
“Baka... The teacher nearly know our true identity!”
“Mou... you seem tired.. are you struggling with homeworks and the little brats?”
“Hai.. To be honest, It is kinda difficult when I just picked back up on school.. While I still have work at home and my part time jobs to do... Demo daijiobu! I’ll have to be positive in front of my siblings and Kei nii so that they won’t worry about me!”
“I-Is it possible if you become your true self in front of me? Not the genki pretended you?”

Ryosuke, not hearing an answer, looked at his side when he felt some weight on his shoulder. Yuri is sleeping peacefully while the wind lightly blew on her hair. Ryosuke brushed some hair from her beautiful face as he pulls her closer to his body. “Otsukaresama..” He carried Yuri on his back as he called Reika and Ruka to go back home. The older boy, felt quite happy when he heard those little peaceful moans on his back. He lightly kissed her cheeks as they went back to their home.

A/N: Nawwwwwwwwwwwww~~~ Sweet and funny Ryosuke!! Sorry to my readers if you waited for this update a looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnng time! I’ve been busy taking care with my new baby brother and he is just so cuteeeee xD he has fluffy hands and he is just totally adorable!!! Kya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3 I’ll try to update soon!!

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR NANA CHAN! Saved ya a spot already ;) *hugzzz*

yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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