Can you take me to the stars? 4

Jan 18, 2012 08:51

Title: Can you take me to the stars?
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), InooDaiChii (Friendship), InooAriYama (Family), Chinen Yuuri X Reika X Ruka X Hiroki X Keiko (Chinen Family)
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Genre: Romance, Family, Crazy? (yeah. i think im crazy for creating a family all named after flowers and trees ._.)
Summary: How does it feel to be accused of being a prostitute, filthy women, or whatever words you can think of. Having heavy responsibility of 4 brothers and sisters?... including a one year old baby. And in trouble with the richest guy(s) in Japan?
Warning: Girl Chii. Don’t Like, don’t read. Save your insults.

Chap 3- Strawberry Embarrassment

It’s already around eight at the morning when Ryosuke sneezed due to the cold weather and his blanket is somehow not covering him. He faintly opened his eyes and saw a shadow fidgeting at the end of his bed. But because his curtains are closed he couldn't see the ‘shadow’ in any detail. He took his strawberry pillow as an weapon as he went closer to the ‘intruder’ of his comfy bed.

Mean while in the living room. The Chinen family and the two elder brothers are searching for something. “Where can Ruka be?! She couldn't get too far with her dream walking desho?!” Yuri said worrily as she looked under the staircase. Kei and Arioka looked for the missing princess everywhere at the house but nothing is found. “What if she went out of the house? What if she gets hit by a car?! Oh my... I’m a despicable sister!”

“She’ll be fine. I’m sure she wont be out of the house since she can’t reach the door knob to go out. Besides the gates are locked. So she must be at the house----” A scream from the second floor interrupted Kei’s sentence. “It sounds like Ryosuke!” Everyone rushed up to Ryosuke’s room and...

“WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?!” Ryosuke is now raging at the half awake little princess Ruka. Whom made a cute yawn and completely ignored Ryosuke. “OI!! KIDDO! DID YOU HEAR ME?!” Ruka looked at the raging boy before smiling and answered back an super adorable ‘Ohayou~ slept well?’ The brown haired boy sighed before replying a much calmer ‘ohayou.’ He carried the cute kiddo to her sister and gave her to Yuri. “Please take care of your sister. No exceptional next time.” Yuri just nodded before bringing Ruka back to their room and let her sleep more.

On her way to their room, she tried her very best to stop giggling at the memory when they rushed into Ryosuke’s room. His whole room was pink with strawberries printed on the wall. He had a strawberry pillow, strawberry blanket, strawberry bed sheets.. basically, her sight was bombarded with strawberries and pink. ‘No wonder he set the rule of not allowed to go in his room... it looked like a girl’s room more than a boy’s room...’ Without noticing, she slightly giggled at her way to the kitchen where Ryosuke is drinking his milk. Those adorable giggles caused the older boy to stare at her. Yuri didnt notice that he was standing here until he coughed. “Ryouske nii san?!?! Erm... eto... h-hi! D-d-do you need me to make you breakfast?”

“S-sure. W-w-what are you giggling about?” Ryosuke asked. ‘She didn't see my room right...? Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing!!’ Yuri shook her head. “Okay... Eto.. Do you mind making me s-s-strawberry pancakes?” Ryosuke for the first time blushed since he knew she saw his girl like room. Yuri, once again tried to laugh. But she kept it in with a red face as Ryosuke escapes out from the kitchen with embarrassment. The younger girl just giggled again as she cooked everyone breakfast.

‘What a cute boy na~~~’


“Ryosuke nii chan~~” Hiroki suddenly spoke while he drank his water. Ryosuke looked up as the younger kid smirked while saying “I-chi-go~~~” Immediately, the older boy chocked on his pancakes and kept coughing. Arioka sighed as he handed his younger brother a cup of warm water. Hiroki just laughed his way through.

“Ne ne~~” Ruka and Reika pulled on Ryosuke’s sleeve as their eyes gleamed. “Can we sleep in your room??? Ruka said that it is filled with ichigo and your whole room is pink! Reika and Ruka always wanted a pink princess room! Can we can we??” Ryosuke controlled his urges to strangle those two innocent girls. “Onegai??? Hiroki nii chan will make you lots and lots of strawberry foods! He’s really bad at cooking but it’s fine when it comes to fruit! I promise you wont die from food poisoning!”


Hiroki shouted with a redden face. Causing our strawberry prince to smirk at him. “Ohhh~ look who’s as red as an i-chi-go now??” Hiroki said nothing but continued eating is bread. Then he turned to the twin sister and let out his signature smile before he agreed to let those adorable princesses sleep in his bedroom. “Demo, do not touch my things okay?” Ruka and Reika smiled before running off to the mother style Kei who is feeding their family dog- Cookie in the garden.

‘The kids are not as troublesome as thought they would be na... and Yuri... hm....’ Ryosuke finished his water as Hiroki and Arioka cleaned the dishes. “Hiroki! Do you know wheres you nee chan?” Ryosuke shouted into the kitchen as he stood up.

“She’s in the room! Changing Keiko’s diapers!”

Ryosuke knocked before going in and see Yuri being peed by Keiko all over. He couldn't help but chuckle. “Go wash yourself, I’ll take care of the baby.” Yuri blushed as she rushed to the toilet. When she came out, Ryosuke is already done with the diaper and playing with the baby ever so happily. “You’re high up in the air!! Wheeeeeeee~~~” Yuri smiled as a sudden thought of ‘he’s not that bad after all..’ flashed through her mind.

“Here. The baby’s diapers are all there... and the dirty ones are in the bin.” Ryosuke handed back the elated baby back to Yuri. And blushed at Yuri’s arigatou. Again. “Eto... I’m sorry for making you lose your job... and calling you with such filthy names... Kei nii told me about your story already.. and I wish to apologise to you.. Hountoni gomenasai!” The brown haired boy bowed as Yuri panicked at such a sudden apology. “So... we’re friends desho?”

“UN! Yoroshiku! Ryosuke!”
“Yoroshiku. Yuri.”

A/N: Hehehehe~ Meanie Ryosuke is now gone~~~ And Kola chan~~ gomen ne~ It’s the adorable twin sisters that broke the rules! anyways~ good night!!

yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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