Can you take me to the stars? 7

Feb 12, 2012 18:08

Title: Can you take me to the stars?
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), InooDaiChii (Friendship), InooAriYama (Family), Chinen Yuuri X Reika X Ruka X Hiroki X Keiko (Chinen Family) TakaDai (Slight), Inoobu (Slight) YamaShi (Second Main?)
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Genre: Romance, Family, Crazy? (yeah. i think im crazy for creating a family all named after flowers and trees ._.)
Summary: How does it feel to be accused of being a prostitute, filthy women, or whatever words you can think of. Having heavy responsibility of 4 brothers and sisters?... including a one year old baby. And in trouble with the richest guy(s) in Japan?
Warning: Girl Chii, b*tchy Shida. Don’t Like, don’t read. Save your insults.

Chap 6- Watashi no tansei

Ryosuke knew that he had gone too far this time. Firstly, in the morning. Usually, when it is the normal genki her, there MUST be a ‘clang’ sound when she puts the plates down on the table. But out of the blues (not really). Today, nothing was heard. Kei and Arioka are probably at work by this time, Hiroki and the two twin princesses are also already at school. Only the two of them and the baby are at home. Ryosuke tried to get the silent girl to talk, but he only got simple one word answers back from her. Finally, Yuri stood up as she picked up her bag and headed towards the door.

"H-Hey! Where are you going?! You have to feed Cookie and Ku!" Ryosuke asked as he stopped the girl from walking. Yuri looked at him.

"I got scold when I risked my life to save one of your dogs. And YOU are the one that told me not to touch them anymore. So is it still my responsibility to feed them?!" Yuri's words freezes Ryosukes movements. She walked pass him and went to school. Ryosuke replayed her words in his mind as he slowly got the dog foods and fed his beloved pets. He slowly went to school as his mind is completely blank.

'I got scold when I risked my life to save one of your dogs.' This sentence kept replaying in Ryosukes mind when a slam was heard at his table.


Ryosuke who is obviously not paying attention, opened his mouth and started to speak. "I got scold when I risked my life to save one of your dog." The teachers face grew even redder as the whole class burst out laughing. Not knowing the situation, Ryosuke scratched his head as he looked at the teacher.

"YOU YOU YOU YOU!!! SINCE WHEN DID I HAVE DOGS?! OUT OF MY CLASS!!!!!!!!!" The teacher was furious. She literally threw him out of the door. “DON’T YOU DARE TO COME BACK INTO MY CLASS MR. YAMADA! I DO NOT ACCEPT STUDENTS WHO DAYDREAMS IN THEIR POLITICS CLASS!” With that, she slammed the door shut.

"Mou... What did I do wrong? I just did what she told me to... Repeat what you are thinking just now..." Since Ryosuke is Kicked out from his class. He decided to go home first. Since, this is the last period of the day anyways. When he reached home, he decided to check on Hiroki. (Usually, Junior students finish school quite early.) He went into the room of Yuris as he sees Hiroki doing his homework. "Such a good boy ne Hiroki. Doing your homework..."

"Ah! Ryosuke nii chan! Okairi!" Hiroki put his pen down as he greeted the older boy. "Ryosuke nii, I am stuck in this question... Can you help me? I got confused with the algebra methods..." Ryosuke took the book from Hiroki as he sat down beside him and taught him the methods. Hiroki thanked him while he continued doing his homework. A small glass bottle caught Ryosukes attention. The small bottle of stars quietly standing there at the side of the table. He picked it up and examined it.

‘Kawai na....’ Ryosuke thought as he wanted to take the stars out from the bottle. Yuri, who just came back from school. Is about to go into her room when she sees Ryosuke fiddling with her most treasured item from her mother.

“PUT THAT DOWN!!!” Yuri screamed. Obviously shocked, his fingers let go of the bottle and a glass breaking noise is heard. Yuri dropped her bag as she knelt down and tried to pick the glass pieces up. Her eyes are filled with horror and sadness. She looked up at Ryosuke with a horrified, angry face. “DON’T YOU HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE?! HOW CAN YOU TOUCH SOMETHING WITHOUT THE OWNERS PERMISSION?!”

“Y-Yuri--- I--- I am so sorry!! I didn’t mean to break it! I-- I’ll buy a new one for you!!” Ryosuke tried to pick them up but Yuri just pushed him out of the room. He tried to apologize again but he is pushed out of the room and again, had his face slammed in the door. Inside, he can start to hear Yuri sobbing and crying. Ryosuke slid down from the door and slowly fell on the floor. “Yuri..” After a long while, Hiroki came out from the room as he knelt down and shook the blank minded Ryosuke.

“Ryosuke nii... Ryouske nii.. Gomen ne, Nee chan didn't mean to be so angry at you. It’s just that this is the last item that is filled with the memories of our parents.. I apologize for her being so rude..Please don’t feel bad about yourself...” Ryouske nodded as Hiroki sighed and went away into the living room. The brown haired boy stood up from the door and took his jacket. Running out of the house.

“Excuse me, do you sell this kind of bottle?” Ryosuke drew the structure of the bottle to the shop keepers but he always get the answer of ‘Sorry, we don’t sell this type of bottle..’ It is nearly around eleven at night when he arrived to the store opposite the Central Park. The place where he scolded Yuri for saving Cookie. A tear escaped his eyes as he hit his fist oh the wall. “Nande... Why can’t I do something to make her happy? Why all I give her is sorrow and anger... Why am I so useless... I can’t even find that bottle that means everything to her..”

“Young man... You seem to be very negative...” Hearing a old voice, the brown haired boy turned around as he sees a old women wearing a red kimono. “Mind to speak to me about your troubles in my store?”

“Ne obasan... You are the last hope for me! Do you sell this type of bottle? If I can’t buy the same one for her, her world will collapse! I broke her treasured item from her already dead mother...” Ryosuke anxiously asked. But the old women shook her head.

“I am very sorry young man. Unfortunately, I do not have this type of bottle in my store.” The old woman sighed as she shook her head. Ryosukes hopes completely crushed. He smiled as he shook his head, meaning that it is okay.But his tightly knotted eyebrows betrayed his feelings. The old woman smiled as she poked the knotted eyebrows with her bony wrinkled finger. “Don’t worry young man! I’m sure that if she knows your effort behind all this, she shall be very touched! Some times, it is not the price, the item that matters. Some times, it is meaning of your effort that matters.”

“The meaning of my effort...” Ryosuke repeated to himself as he suddenly understood what the old lady is trying to tell him. “Arigatou oba san! I know what to do now!” Saying that, he decided to go home now. As he leave, the old lady just smiled as she vanished back into the store. When Ryosuke went back home, he silently crept into the room of Yuris and took the broken glass pieces of the bottle to his room. From outside of the house, you can see for the whole night, the light in Ryosuke’s room is still on until the very next morning.

It is already around in the afternoon when Ryosuke woke up. He found himself on his strawberry bed with a wet towel on his forehead. He looked around his room when he noticed that on his bedside table, there stood some medicine boxes, a thermometer and a bucket of water. Not grasping the situation, he tried to recall some memories from after he finished gluing the broken glass pieces together into the broken bottle, but nothing came back into his mind. Soon, the noise of the door opening disturbed his thoughts.

“Ah! You’re finally awake!” Yuri smiled as she came in with a tray. The younger girl sat by the chair beside the bed as she put the thermometer into the older boy’s mouth. After a while, she took it out and smiled. “Yokatta ne Ryosuke! Your fever is already gone!”

“I had a fever?” Ryosuke asked as the younger girl nodded. “I remember nothing though...”

“This morning when I came to wake you up for breakfast, I found you sleeping by the table. When I attempted to wake you up, you were sweating and very hot... and that is when I found out that you had a fever...” Yuri took the miso soup as she blew it and placed it by Ryosuke’s mouth. “You must be hungry... So please eat, even a little bit.” The brown haired boy look at the soup before letting Yuri feed him. They stayed silent as Ryosuke ate the soup.

“Ne Ryosuke...” After quite a while, Yuri decided to break the silence. “D-Did you stay up to fix the bottle last night?” Ryosuke was stunned with the question but he still nodded. The next action that Yuri did was completely not expected. She wrapped her arms around Ryosukes neck as she hugged him. “Hountoni gomenasai.. I am so sorry for being so stubborn and moody to you the pass few days... I’ve already forgiven you... Arigatou, and gomenasai... Please let me take care of you until you recover.”

“Iie, it was my fault... Please take care of me and correct my mistakes.” Ryosuke smiled as he wrapped his arms around those tiny waist. Feeling a shiver from the body in his embrace. Ryosuke tighten his arms as he whispers into Yuri’s ears. “Please let me hug you for the moment...”


A/N: Yokatta~~~ They’re back to normal now! Looks like that Ryosuke’s effort truly reached t the bottom of Yuris heart ne <3333333 A little YamaChii lvely moment at the back~

yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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