[FANFIC] Can you take me to the stars? 1

Jan 08, 2012 17:55

Title: Can you take me to the stars?
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), InooDaiChii (Friendship), InooAriYama (Family), Chinen Yuuri X Reika X Ruka X Hiroki X Keiko (Chinen Family)
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Genre: Romance, Family, Crazy? (yeah. i think im crazy for creating a family all named after flowers and trees ._.)
Summary: How does it feel to be accused of being a prostitute, filthy women, or whatever words you can think of. Having heavy responsibility of 4 brothers and sisters?... including a one year old baby. And in trouble with the richest guy(s) in Japan?
Warning: Girl Chii. Don’t Like, don’t read. Save your insults.

Prologue- Another bundle of trouble

It’s almost twelve. The time everyday that Chinen Yuri hates. Also the time that the pubs are filled with rich men and prostitutes. Chinen Yuri is one of the so called “prostitute”. She’s currently wearing a super uncomfortable short dress/pub uniform and serving her “customers” beer, peanuts, anything normal pub will have.

It is quite a shock for a seventeen year old girl to be working with such a filthy job, but she had no choice. Yuri has four siblings in her family to take care of... you are wondering where are her parents? When Yuri was fourteen, her parents died due to a car crash that occurred at the highway. She and the rest of her brothers and sisters stayed alive, but unfortunately, her parents were burned lively between the flames when trying to rescue them. Since then, Yuri’s life has completely changed. For the past two years, she lived up with having five different part time jobs to pay their dad’s debts and her whole family’s bills. Yuri has little time to rest, little time to shop, little time to do what a normal seventeen girl would do. In my opinion, Chinen Yuri has to been the toughest, strongest... i don’t even think there’s any words to describe this amazing young lady.

“Oi Lily (Her pub name)! Serve the best beer in the shop to Yamada Ryosuke san! Hayaku!!”

Yuri (Lily) sighed as she took the best beer and went to the table filled with bashful prostitutes. Yuri literally crawled to the young looking boy with brown hair located at the center of the busy table, with both arms hugging different women. ‘Much of those stupid rich family’s sons’ Yuri thought as she bowed in front of the boy. “Yamada san, would you like some beer?” Ryosuke looked up and smirked before he threw the wine in his cup at her face.

“Who are you? Prostitutes that is raging for money? or me?” The brown haired boy roughly lifted the shaking lady’s chin and took a gook look at her face. “Hm.. unexpectedly you are quite pretty..” Then he observed her body. “But not too much of an excitement of your body... Even so....” Ryosuke pushed her down as he locked her hands above her head. And landed a wet sloppy kiss on those trembling lips. Yuri’s mind went blank as she’s suffocating due to lack of fresh air. Her mouth is filled with the strong scent of different types of wine that makes her sick. Yuri struggled as she felt his hand slipping into her skirt, with a sudden power, Yuri pushed Ryosuke off herself, slapped him hard and threw wine at him.


Yamada burst out in anger as he rubbed his stinging cheeks. The whole pub’s attention is focused on that table. Yuri felt dirty. she felt sick of serving filthy man like him. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO ME! YAMADA RYOSUKE?!” She hugged her arms as she kept trembling, she’s going to lose this job for sure.

“YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO ENTERTAIN ME! THAT’S THE JOB OF A PROSTITUTE!” Ryosuke stood up and took his jacket and stepped out of the door. “This is the worse pub I’ve ever been to. Don’t ever think that I’ll visit here again!!!”

“LILY! YOU ARE FIRED! LEAVE NOW!!” Yuri’s dead. She should have just let him do what he wanted.. Now to pay back, is losing her job and her living place... (Usually, pubs provide apartments.. or should i say, small rooms for prostitutes to live in.)

After the long trouble of packing, and convincing her siblings that they had to go somewhere else. And of course, horrible words thrown such as “slut”, “bitch”, “Shameful Young aged Mother” etc... Yuri is holding her baby sister- Keiko (1) whom is sleeping very peacefully in her right arm and holding her little brother-Hiroki (10) on her left hand, Hiroki is holding the third youngest twins- Reika (5) and Ruka (5). They went into a park which is covered in a thin layer of snow. They sat on the benches as Reika and Ruka fell asleep on their bags. Yuri smiled bitterly as she took of her coat and covered her sisters.

“Nee chan..” Hiroki called out as he lyed on the grass under the bench. “Did you lose your job?” Yuri stroked his hair gently as she shook her head.

“There’s nothing for you to worry. Sleep now... It’s very late already.”
“Oyasumii nee chan...”
“Oyasumii... Hiroki..”

As soon as Yuri made sure that all of them are sleeping, she yawned. But didn’t want to sleep since she has to protect them in case if anything happens. Her vision blurred as warm streams of tears rolled down her cold face. Yuri rubbed them away with their hands, but more of them just came down. ‘Yuri Chinen! You shouldn't be crying! You should be strong in front of your brothers and sisters!!’ Even the sleeping baby suddenly raised her chubby hand and touched Yuri’s cheeks and moving it as if trying to wipe her sister’s tears. “Arigatou... Keiko... nee chan is alright... shhh... sleep Keiko... sleep.....” The baby blinked ever so cutely and decides to be a good girl and went back into her dreamland. Yuri smiled as she wiped the remaining tears, suddenly, a smell of green tea attracted her noes. Yuri looked up and saw a man holding his handkerchief in front of her.

“Are you alright? Miss?”

A/N: Hihi~ I’ve decided to come back with a new fic :D Everyone hasashiburi~~ genki?? *sniff* I wonder if Ren chan would come back and visit even though you've stopped writing ne... REN CHAN!! I MISS YOU!!!

yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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