[FANFIC] Can you bring me to the stars? 2

Jan 09, 2012 18:34

Title: Can you take me to the stars?
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), InooDaiChii (Friendship), InooAriYama (Family), Chinen Yuuri X Reika X Ruka X Hiroki X Keiko (Chinen Family)
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Genre: Romance, Family, Crazy? (yeah. i think im crazy for creating a family all named after flowers and trees ._.)
Summary: How does it feel to be accused of being a prostitute, filthy women, or whatever words you can think of. Having heavy responsibility of 4 brothers and sisters?... including a one year old baby. And in trouble with the richest guy(s) in Japan?
Warning: Girl Chii. Don’t Like, don’t read. Save your insults.

Chap 1- A trust worthy family... maybe?

“Are you alright? Miss?”

The man with short black fashionable hair looked at Yuri before turning his gaze to the sleeping children on the bench. Yuri immediately sprang up and stood in front of the kids. “What do you want from me?! Dare to hurt them and I’ll kill you!!!” Yuri glared at the man as she made a fist.

“No no no! I mean no harm!” The men stepped back as he shook his hands. “I was driving back home when i saw you and your children... I just wondered if you needed any help! Please don’t hit me!” Yuri chuckled when he shut his eyes close and wrapped his head with his arms.

“What is your name!” Yuri demanded as the poor guy trembled. The girl tried hard to suppress her giggles.

“K...hick... Kei. Yamada Kei desu!” Giving up, Yuri laughed. Kei looked up as he got kinda confused. “Nani? Why are you laughing??” Yuri threw out an ‘daijiobu’ between her laughs and walked near Kei. But the scared guy just stepped back and started trembling again.

“Daijiobu yo~ I won’t hit you. Yamada Kei desho?”


“Ah souka... So they are your siblings! Not your children... Ittai! Mou Chii chan is mean!” Kei pouted as he rubbed the back of his head where Yuri just whacked on. “Demo sa... So you have no where to live now? Because you lost your job in the pub?” The black haired girl just looked down as she nodded ever so lightly. “Awwww.... Chii chan is so strong... Having such a big burden on your shoulders starting from fourteen... You must be very tired desho?” Kei patted the younger girls head as he looked at the sleeping children laying in his warm embrace.

“Iie. Not tired at all.” Yuri smiled as Kei looked at her. “As long as my brothers and sisters get to live happily, I’m willing to work to death to see their warm hearting smiles... Their smiles are my energy. Energy to become strong.” Yuri smiled as Keiko slightly wriggled in her sleep. Kei looked at this girl in front of him with astonished eyes.

He had decided.

“I’ve decided Chii chan... Come and live with me at my home! I really wish to help you with your burden!” Kei looked at the shocked girl as he announced. “I really could not bare the thought of 4 children living without a proper home. A proper growing environment. I really do want to help you!” Yuri was quite shocked with this sudden outburst of living with a man that she barely knew for a day. She was about to reject his offer when Kei butted in. “Please don’t say no to this request Chii chan. For the sake of your siblings? Please? I’m not perverts that will kidnap you and kill you. I’m a man that would wish to help people in need.”

“Yamada..Kun...” Yuri is so touched by his words that tears rolled down her angel face. Kei immediately panicked and wiped her tears with his green tea smelling handkerchief. “A-Ari-gatou!! I’m so...” The older boy smiled as he ruffled her hair. “Arigatou Yamada Kun! Arigatou!!!”

“Now now, don’t cry anymore Chii chan! And you can call me Kei nii. No more Yamada Kun! It’s getting very late already. Lets go home ne?”

“UN! Kei nii!” Yuri happily wiped her tears and got their belongings while carried Hiroki on her back. Following Kei with Reika and Reku in his arms and smiled. Everything is going to be better...

“Tadaima!” Kei shouted as he got home. There were two boys chasing each other around in the messy living room and Yuri went wide eyed as she saw one of the boys. The boy also noticed her and stopped running. Causing the other boy to crash into him.


A/N: Kekekekekekeke~ So nice of Kei chan for being such a wonderful man! Hohoho~ Is Rei chan’s direction correct?

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yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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