[FANFIC] No-no to love! (FINAL)

Dec 05, 2011 10:58

Title: No-no to love!
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), TakaChii (slight), NakaChii (slight)
Rating: NC 17
Genre: Romance, agnst
Summary: I don't want to fall in love!!


Chap 12 (FINAL)- No-No to love!

"I know you've been following me. Come out."

A man wearing a suite and black glasses came out from a bush as he bows. "Young master. Miss wants to see you. Please come home with me now." Ryosuke said nothing but allowed this man to bring him towards the car and drove him home.


"Eh?" The sleeping Yuri suddenly woke up from his deep sleep. His heart was racing. An un easy feeling overwhelmed him. "Ryo chan...?" The squirrel sat up on his bed as he took a glance at the clock. It's 3 in the morning... His thoughts were disturbed as his phone beside him vibrated. ID- Ryo~Chan <3

"Moshi Moshi Ryo chan?"
"Chii, do you mind looking out your balcony?"

The chibi followed as he was told and was shocked to see his boyfriend standing there with his phone. Looking at him.

"Mind spending a few minutes with me?"
"Ryo chan..."


The two stood at the entrance of the Chinen household as they both kept silent and drank their hot drinks. Yamada looked at the squirrel next to him before he spoke.

"Yuri, I.. I have something to tell you.." Ryosuke mumbled as he just could not look at Chinens beautiful eyes. "I'm leaving Japan within 4 hours..."

"What?!" Yuri froze as his energy suddenly left his hands and dropped his drink. "W-why so sudden?!"

"I have to go back to Paris and help my mother out with our company. It was so sudden but I have to. I'll be gone for around 4-5 years---" Ryosuke was cut off as the squirrel hugged him tight. "Gomen Yuri... I.."

"Iyada! Iyada! Iyada!!" Yuri screamed as he tightens his hug. "I don't want you to leave! You promised me you'll be by my side forever!! You promised..." The little one sobbed as Ryosuke hugs him back. "Why... Why... Why..." Ryosuke pulled apart as he wipes away those heart breaking tears.

"I'll be back after I sort all things in Paris. I'll be back by your side." Ryosuke smiled as he kissed the chibi on his trembling lips.

"Promise?" Chinen finally stopped crying. He held out his slim pinky as he sniffs. The older boy smiled as he hook his pinky with his lovers

"I promise." Ryosuke hugged the squirrel lightly as a car drove and stopped by them.

"Mou nii chan! I finally found you!" A little girl came out of the car as she pouted. Just like a girl version of Chinen Yuri.

"Mou Karen! You just had to interrupt our moment together don't you! I'll be back before the plane leaves anyways!!"

"Ah Chinen sempai!! Hasashiburi!!!!!!!!" Karen squealed as she ran towards Chinen and gave him a big hug when Ryosuke just pouted. "Gomen ne for my Baka nii chans acts! He didn't hurt you desho??"

"Ohayou Karen imouto chan~~ thanks to you~ we are now lovers na~~ demo he's leaving today desho?" Chinen made a sad face as he pats the head of the shorter girl in front of him. "Genki desu??"

"O Genki desu~~ ma maa~ I'll let you two stay with each others first~ I'll be back soon!" Karen winked at her older brother as he blushed slightly.

"Ne Ryosuke~" Chinen called to catch the older boys attention. He finally smiled as he held the older boys hand. "I'll wait for you until the day you come back to me! Dakara, don't worry! Also, be safe okay? Remember to send me letters and mails every so often!"

"Hai! Anshindesu yo! I'll be safe and I promise to send you mails! You'll have to be strong and be genki! Ryutaro will take care of you while I'm at Paris. Remember to eat more and wear more clothes when it's cold!" Ryosuke giggled as they hug each other.

"Okay, you'll need to leave desho? Go home ne...?" Chinen gave his sweetest smile as the two kissed for a while. "And don't you dare cheat on me or I'll make sure you can't make sperms anymore."

"Hai hai~ my dear princess~ You should go back into your house ne.. I love you too. And ohayou." Ryosuke leaned down and gave his morning kiss before he went into the car and left. Yuri waved as the car vanish by the turn.



After Yamada had left, again, a series of love confession was presented towards the chibi at school. But the little one rejected them since he's still waiting for his "special one" to come back. Every two weeks he'll recieve a mail from his lover from Paris and would write back to him. Takaki once tried to apporach him again but he was caught by the chibi. Chinen was furious and he called the police. Takaki was sent to jail.

Time flies and it's already the morning of his important day.

"Mou..! Baka people!" Chinen is wearing his casual clothes, holding a laptop and his books for his university classes, tip toe-ing. Trying to peep which class he is operated to when suddenly, his phone vibrated. The chibi looked at it as his eyes went wide. ID- Ryo~Chan <3

"Moshi Moshi Ryo chan?!" The little one immediately answers the phone while tears are welling up his beautiful eyes.

On the other line, Yamada chuckled before speaking to his little lover again. "Baka, why are you crying?"

"Is this how you treat your own boyfriend? Calling him Baka? I'm not a baka nor I'm crying!!" Tears fell rolled down his watery eyes but was quickly wiped away by the little one.

"Hm... Hounto? I don't think so~~~" Yamada chuckled again as he heard sniffs on the other line. "Make a wish Yuri."

"Heh? Why?"
"Dont ask, just make a wish~~ I'll fullfill it for you~~"
"Really? Anything?"

"Hm..." The little boy touched his forehead as he think what he should wish for. "I wish I can see Ryo Chan now." He said as he waited for his lover to speak. But instead. His lover had already put down his phone. The little chibi pouted and closed his phone when a pair of arms wraped around his tiny waist and a peck was placed on his cheeks.

"See? I told you I can fullfill your wish~~"

The little boy froze as he truns and sees his grinning strawberry prince. "RYO CHAN!!!" Chii flung himself at the taller boy and hugged him tightly. Ryosuke laughed before he hugs him back. "I MISSED YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!"

"I did too~ But now, I'm back desho---"

Yamada's words are cut off due to Chinens moist mouth blocking his. They held each other tightly as they share the sweetest kiss in the universe. They slowly let go of each others lips as they look at each other lovingly.

But not so pleasantly, the bell interupped their lovey lovey moment. They both screamed 'Yabaii!' before interlinking thier fingers and run to their classes together. Chinen smiled, seeing thier tangled fingers holding onto each others so tightly.

Chinen Yuri, never thought of ending up being the happiest boy on earth. His family accepted him again and have a cute wonderful chubby cheeked boyfriend that loves him.

After all, He thought he'll never experience love anymore after being dumped by Yuto.

But in the end. He still did.


Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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