GiulyB in Japan 1.1/??? Kis-My-World Tour @ Tokyo Dome 09/19 (Part 1)

Oct 14, 2015 23:21

After all this time, I decided to divide this entry in 2 parts, cause I have too much to write and I don’t want to bother you. So, I’ll just post my report in 2 different entries. Even if my English is not good, I like to talk/write/tell so.. I’M SORRY FOR YOU!!! XD

Warning: This entry will be full of “Wataru” words. If you don’t particularly like him or if you can’t stand random flailing… I don't think you should read this post XD (it’s just a warning, cause I know myself… and this entry will be full of ;___; Wataru *___* Wataru ;___; etc) Plus I really don’t want you to hate him cause I’m flailing too much… Please, be good with me. I think this is a “once in a life” thing, so… ;;

My poor brain is a total mess right now. Like… I don’t know where to start with writing stuff. Almost a month has passed since the concert, so my memories are a bit blurry (well, some of them.)
*Let’s take a VEEERY BIG breath*
Okay, I can do it.

First of all I wanna share with you the pic of myself before the concert. I was a concentrate of happiness/incredulity/flailingness/curiosity and my Wataru’s uchiwa helped me a lot. So… This was the me at the Dome!!!

When Kiri arrived at the station, we walked to the Tokyo Dome. People were already entering there, so we did the same. Security staff controlled our bags, then we gave our tickets to a lovely guy (I don’t if he really was lovely, I was just thinking “you know this is my first Kisumai concert and I’m exploding of feelings, so please don’t pull out my ticket, it’ll be a precious memory to me”) and then we were there.

I mean it.
I was blabbing to Kiri things like: “It’s SO strange. I’m here, but it’s so surreal… and I’m not really sure to be here for real.”
Poor, poor Kiri XDDDD I’m really sorry for her… Excited GiulyB is one of the worst kind XDD
Btw I decided to buy some cookies, cause I’ve just eaten a salad at lunchtime and I was scared to be hungry after that (SILLY ME).
We entered the Dome and… OMG THE HUGENESS O_____________O
I’ve been to Wembley Arena in London once, but it really wasn’t that big O___O
I was like: “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEH???” and while we were descending the steps I was thinking “Where are our seats????”
And then we arrived there and we were like here:

(I made this thing with Paint, so it looks horrible, I'm sorry....)

As soon as I’ve understood I wasn’t dreaming, I’ve asked Kiri if I could take a picture. She answered I wasn’t supposed to, but everyone was doing it, so we did the same XDDD

I took just 2 blurry pics and then I realized I had to pee. Again, I’ve asked Kiri if it was a good idea going to the toilet at that time, but concert would have started in 20 minutes, so NO! BAD IDEA!!! ;____; poor GiulyB. (I kept my pee for 4 hours. Wataru I feel you when you say you need to pee during the concerts and you keep it as long as you have a pause, I respect you ;___; <3)
So I got my penlight ready, while I was looking for other Wataru’s fans. And every time I saw one of them, I said “That’s a friend of mine. Yoroshiku.” Kiri must have thought I’m crazy more than once (Yes, sorry. I really am XD)
But I really think we all should be just one big family… I mean, we’re Wataru fans… we’re bonded by something deep!!! XDDDD
I was seriously dying of impatience. COME ON I WANNA SEE THE GUYS *____________* I was really dying dying dying inside. Everything was so surreal ;___;

Next to me I had Kiri on the right and a Tama fan on the left. She was older than me (YAY!!!! Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with all the fans and all the ages, but I feel pretty old lately, so I was happy to see that there were some fans older than me XD) and when she found out that Kiri was a Tama fan too, they had a very cute and smiling moment together *___* She looked at my uchiwa and she saw the Wataru’s kanji and she smiled at me (probably understanding that I wasn’t able to speak a grammatically correct Japanese) ;___; Thank you Tamafan-san ;; I’ve really appreciated your kindness **

People entered the Dome until 17:03 (wow) and then, FINALLY, a Jr entered the stage and everything started.
I was there but I didn’t understand anything because my mind was exploding with (of? #englishwhy) feelings.
A mirror/door/don’t know appeared on the big screen and we used our penlights to “open” it? (Lots of Japanese talking, so I’m sorry, but I didn’t get everything XD) With the penlights (keys) we opened it (I turned it on) and then the 4th Overture started and I think I was crying already. On the screen they showed the opening clip: Kisumai are in a forest wearing black cloaks and THEY’RE SO COOL ;__________;
I don’t remember the order, but I was hearing screams everywhere and when Yokoo appeared I screamed a lot and I felt a bit bad because I was screaming more than the others (sorry people, he’s my tantou XD) .
Btw the clip was really cool and *____________* I can’t wait to see it another time in the dvd ;__;
Btw 7 guys appeared on the main stage and I’ve been completely fooled… cause… they weren’t the real Kisumai!!!

They FINALLY APPEARED ;____; from the hole of the Second Stage, and they flown all over the Dome with those sparkling and colorful outfits singing Brand New World

And then, WITH MY OWN EYES, I saw Wataru. The real one. Flesh and bones. Everything.
[Please, don’t get me wrong (again). I don’t wanna seem the one who says “ah I saw them and you haven’t”… I’m just trying to write what I felt during those moments… cause after have seeing them for 4 years on a screen, it has been pretty shocking for me being there with them ;___; Seeing them for real… I still have some doubts X°DDD
So, if I sound bitchy (in any way) I’m sorry, but maybe I can’t put down what I feel in English in the right way. ;________; (_ _)]
After that moment, I’ve looked at him all the possible moments.
(Santa bring me a Watta for Xmas, pretty please ;;)

I really really liked Brand New World. I like the song and I got crazy while singing with them. The energy you can feel by being there it’s AMAZING. I mean… All the fans, they’re voices, all the penlights, all the smiles and the happiness… Everything was perfect in that moment. (To be very honest I’ve seen some fans being quite and still, but they were just a few of them!!!)

When they reached the Main Stage Kiss魂 started.
You have to know that Kiss魂 reminds me of France (I still have to write about what happened in France, sorry ;;), cause I’ve listened that song A LOT while I was there... so… the outfits, the guys, the song, THE CHOREOGRAPHY ;____; and Wataru being the centre for a little moment… aaah *thumbs up*

After that, Unmei Girl started. THEY STARTED MOVING. And I’ve understood that I was seated on the wrong side, cause Wataru was going on the other one. BUT THEY WERE SKATING *__________* Finally the skates appeared. THE SKAAAAATEEEES!!! I don’t know if you feel the same as me, but every time I see Kisumai skating, I cry of joy, because they’re gods on skates and I love them ;__;
Btw we had a lot of Senga, Nika-chan, Tama and Mitsu. Every time someone was walking/skating in front of us we were changing our penlight’s colour. That’s such a cute and useful thing. Thanks to that you know where a member is and you can easily follow him (eheh).
Btw they made the cho-cho line train with the skates and Wataru was right behind Fujigaya, and my heart kyued a lot, cause WATATAI. (Not true, that wasn’t Watatai, but who careeeees XD) Here’s a pic for you!

Then… EVERYBODY GO!!! And I got the chance to answer back them the famous “KISUMAI GO” multiple times. AAAAAAAH the debut song!!! Plus, like I said before, we got to see a lot Mitsu and he was always smiling and hyper, screaming here and there things, every time… the same as Nika. He impressed me a lot, cause his face was always happy, smiling around, waving, SO CUTE ;___; Nika-chan ilu *_____*

LUV SICK: Fujigayaaaaa. Is the only thing I can think about AHAHAHAH *___* KAKKOII!!!! And the choreography and all of them ;___; I really like Nika’s dancing, so it was really nice looking at him *__*(Even if I’ve looked at him a lot during SHH /SPOILER/ XD)

After that, Another Future started. They were on the Second Stage and I don’t remember much, cause I really don’t like this song (yes, it happens, I know), so I was probably looking around to see how the Dome was while Kisumai were having a concert. I really love to see this kind of things, so… XD (tbh I’ve looked around a lot, cause I wanted so see how fans were reacting at Kisumai… when you watch DVDs you can’t see fans that much, but I’ve always liked everything about concerts, movies or shows XD - Like… when I’m at the cinema, sometimes I turn around and I look how the others react at a certain scene or such… #CRAZYPERSONHEREYES)

Then… if.
Something pretty important to me happened during this song. They were singing aligned with mic’s stands and Wataru (his face was oriented to the Main Stage) was the last one of the line (the first one, respect my seat, so even if he was turned I was seeing him. You can see where he was by looking at the Dome pic I’ve posted at the beginning. I’ve put an orange heart as mark XDDD). Right in front of him, in the arena, there was this Yokoo fan with a “Wataru” uchiwa. She was waving at him with it, very politely, and after a while HE FINALLY SAW HER and waved back at her and, SERIOUSLY, I was SO HAPPY FOR HER omg ;______; and for him too. It must be wonderful to see your uchiwas around. I was so so happy for both of them. And everything around him was orange, cause fans had changed their penlights color to orange and I really loved it ;__; Such a good and loveable memory. I’m really happy I’ve got the chance to see this moment happening “in front of my eyes”.

君にあえるから. Such a good song. Such a nice choreography. They were still wearing the sparkling outfits *___* And I really like the song. It gives me good vibes, like Daisukidesu ;__; (still a bit sad they didn’t do it ;__;)

I completely didn’t expect ANYTHING, because this summer I was working and the only word I’ve read about this duet was WEDDING, but except that, I didn’t know ANYTHING about BE LOVE.

The Miyatama song.
Oh my god.
I really don’t know where to start cause FEELIIIIIIIIIIIINGS ;__________;
Turned my penlight on yellow and enjoyed my first death.
They showed on the big screen some pages of a BL manga (I don’t know the story sorry), but the characters were Tama and Miyacchi and their voices were saying lovely things (I’m sure of it) and then everything ended with the starting of the song, their ikemen voices saying: 大好きだよ. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Tuxedos. Tama in white one, Miyacchi in black. OBVIOUSLY Tama was the “girl” ;_____; my poor heart! They held hands while singing and looked a lot into each other’s eyes. And then they showed some pics on the screen and OH MY GOD, they were SO IN LOVE IN THOSE PICTURES. Like… so good ;___; (Example: Tama and Miyacchi seated on some stairs looking at each other, completely in love. And it wasn’t fake.) And then they seated on a couch and Tama was laying on Miyacchi’s lap and he was brushing Tama’s hair with his fingers and fans were dead. All of them. At least… on my side we were dead. (Lots of Tama fans were seated on my side).
A church on the screen appeared, a red carpet from the Main Stage to the Second one, Miyatama walking down the Second Stage (while Jrs were throwing petals around them) where Tama had a white veil on his head and when Miyacchi opened it, he got really close to Tama and they were almost kissing but… everything went black.
And the song ended.
But yes. YES. LOTS OF YES.

(If you wanna see what happened, you can click HERE)

I still didn’t know if I was dead or alive when わんダフォー started.
You don’t love me. At all ;______________;
(I know, Yokofuji is not mine and they call themselves Watatai, but I love them both and WATARUUUU.).
Wearing fuchsia and white dog suits, Wata and Tai appeared… so CUTE AND COOL.
I mean… you can be cute and cool at the same time. I’m sure of it. Cause they were both CUTE, but still cool idols and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
AND LET ME SAY THAT WATARU’S HAIR HIT ME HARD. (Gaya’s too… the maegami!!)
Btw… seriously.
The song is simple and catchy and their movements were too cute, but I was exploding of feelings and I think I’ve laughed really hard of happiness cause, come on!!! My favorite idol was wearing a fuchsia dog suit, shaking his ass in a very cute way, barking and NO. That was too much for me. I think I’ve cried of happiness over Kiri’s shoulder (for just the first time).
I had some troubled time while finding the orange of the penlight X°DDD
And then they were flying over a huge and giant white bone… >////////////////< and they were flying over our heads…
;___________________; Hi Wataru ;___; (He was on the right side!!!!!!)
And the Dome was so pretty!!! All the PINK and ORANGE. Ok, I’ll be honest. There wasn’t much orange… the Dome was very pinkish, but I was happy anyway. Every single orange light made my heart cry a bit of happiness. (I’m not kidding when I say this. I was seriously happy ;; and I seriously turned my head to see some orange around XD I should review my priorities…)

After Wandafoo, Shake Body happened. And I don’t remember anything XD
They were probably skating? Maybe not XD For sure they changed their outfits!
Btw as I said I seriously don’t remember much about Shake Body… maybe when I’ll watch the dvd I’ll remember things, but… /BLACKOUT/

But I remember that after that they did She HER HER and (as you probably know… yes? no?) I love the She HER HER dance. And I love how Nika dances this song. I really love his whole body waving at the “ochite yukeru” bit. *_________________* AAAH! (If you don’t remember that part, go and watch the pv noooow XDD or that Jnet video where they teach the song. OH MY GOD what a piece of art. Nika-chan ilu - part 2)

After SHH the pole happened… キ.ス.ウ.マ.イ KISS YOUR MIND!!! XDDDD
Kudos at Mitsu’s kawaii face *___________* I think I fell in love with Mitsu even more after this concert… Like… HE’S SERIOUSLY SMALL AND PROPRIO NANO (sorry for the Italian, I wrote he’s a dwarf XDDD but in Italian it sounds more gentle XD) BUT HE’S TOOOOOO CUTE AND HOW CAN YOU BE 30????? SERIOUSLY. I don’t believe it. Btw I’m stalling.
Mucho! Coming! Coming! is one of the songs I like a lot, so I enjoyed it.

And then… (look at my dubious face)

FOLLOW. I LOVE THIS SONG. Me and Kiri started screaming together, like: OMG IT’S FOLLOOOOOW!!!!! >/////<
One thing: they sang A LOT live (I mean with their real voices) and this surprised me much, cause THEY IMPROVED A LOT since the previews years. (Yes this was my first time seeing/hearing them live, but I’ve watched all the watchable things - or listened live stuff - and I’ve heard them singing live more than once XD)
Btw I liked it and the choreography was good and ALL THE KAKKOII FEELINGS. I mean it. They’re TOO COOL AND HANSOME AND GORGEOUS AND I CAN’T.
(I’m not entirely sure Follow was here, but shhh XD)

Then I think it was the dance with KiFT. Something like a cracking class and the big screen was “following” them somehow. They had shoes with their colors on.

I REALLY DON’T KNOW (I probably lost myself in this bit, but I think they changed outfits)


I didn’t recognize LUCKY SEVEN at first lol My bad, I don’t listen to that song much #SOBS
Btw I liked it. The “Ki.s…M.y…F.t……SEVEN!!” bit was really cute!!!! NANAKAIDO!!! (He didn’t say anything about that, but that song makes me think to Nanakaido XD)

And after Lucky Seven they did Summer Love! Still… I don’t remember much X°D
I don’t know what was happening to me in that moment, sorry XDDD

BUUUUT!!! After that… MC!!!!

Yeeeee we can seat a bit #imold
They talked A LOT. I mean it. I didn’t catch everything, but I’m still sure of ONE THING. Nikaido started saying his microphone was stinking. (And the first thing I thought was: “Well if you smoke….!!!”
I know they were talking about some dokkiris… maybe Nika did something to the others and Mitsu did something to him, but to me, that fact that his mike was smelling, was cause he smokes XDDD I really don’t care if they smoke or not, but when you smoke your breath smells. End of the story XD)
Btw after that, they started talking about all the things they’re doing… Dream Boys, Tama’s drama, Mitsu’s drama. Meanwhile SMY2 disappeared and KiFT kept talking a bit. When they were going backstage Tama and Gaya had a very TamaGaya moment, quarreling about Tama being too ikemen and I don’t know X°D (I’m completely useless, I know. But I think I’ve understood even too much for my standards!!!)
Then Mitsu said something and they were gone.


(Let me say something.
When Busaiku has been formed, I didn’t like the idea of Nakai. I still don’t like the idea of Busaiku and WHY they have been formed.
But somehow, I’ve started to like them by watching Utage. Plus, I really like their songs.
This is 100% contradictory and I know, but this is how I feel.
Yes, the fact that the character of Shishou has born with Busaiku had its weigh on my feelings, I’d be a liar if I’d denied it… plus he has lots of filming screen there and people finally know who he is XD
But still Busaiku is formed by 4 members - of Kisumai too - I like, so I can’t really hate them.
I know their songs and I enjoy their performances.
That’s it.)

The whole Dome started screaming.
I was surprised cause I’ve always thought japanese fans were calm and quiet, but something unexpected happened.
They were ALL screaming TOGETHER.
While Busaiku were singing 棚からぼたもち everyone sang with them and it has been AMAZING.
Then Wataru’s bit happened. (You know the one he killed during SnowDome tour…)
I think Kiri laughed hard by watching at me, because I was singing with Wataru and I was counting the music for him (I know it’s stupid, cause he couldn’t OBVIOUSLY see me, but I was FULL of feelings and he was there, trying to sing that solo part and… ;____;)
His singing was almost good!!!!!!!!!! *___________* He didn’t start singing too early and he has been pretty good ;___; I’m SO SO SO proud of his progresses ;___;

After that they sang てぃーてぃーてぃーてれって てれてぃてぃてぃ ~だれのケ. (Or tittiretti like I usually call this song).
I really don’t know which one is my favorite, but this one is pretty hard to sing.
Yes, I’m biased. I know. I’m completely aware of it. BUT I LIKE IT. I LIKE IT A LOT. (And I’ happy when I can hear him sings ;__;)
Still lots of laughs, screams and sings.
Busaiku are seriously something.
They left me a very lovely memory… and I’m grateful I’ve got the chance to see them… (even if the BEST BUSAIKU PART happened later XD)

I was full of feelings, tears, happiness and lots of other things ;___;

Okay… I think I’m going to stop my report here today, cause my English sucks and you’re probably tired already and… I STILL HAVE LOTS OF THINGS TO WRITE (I’m sorry ;___;)

I mean it. I’m really sorry if my English is not correct, but… I’m doing my best XDDD

And any comments you have… I’m here ready to answer you!

See you soon with the second part (I hope!)

You can read the second part HERE

group: kis-my-ft2, #eng, kis-my-ft2: kitayama hiromitsu, love, kis-my-ft2: yokoo wataru, concert, life, !flailing post, kis-my-ft2: miyata toshiya, kis-my-ft2: senga kento, giulyb in japan, kis-my-ft2: fujigaya taisuke, kis-my-ft2: tamamori yuta, kis-my-ft2: nikaido takashi

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