I'm still here...

Oct 12, 2015 21:40

I swear I didn't run away...
I'm still here, trying to finish writing that concert report, but I think I'll need some more time, cause putting all my feelings and memories together is not that simple... especially cause I'm writing it directly in english, so it's not easy for me.
But I really want to write everything I remember and what I felt, so... I'm sorry for being so slow XD

In the meanwhile I leave you here this thing that killed me today.

I still have to watch the actual episode, the actual scene, BUT!!! These screenshoots are so good like this XD I wanna believe he's like a DoS prince who's saving his best kiss for later XD

Well... I hope you're all fine!!!
"See" you soon!

life, kis-my-ft2: yokoo wataru

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