GiulyB in Japan 1.1/??? Kis-My-World Tour @ Tokyo Dome 09/19 (Part 2)

Nov 19, 2015 22:01

[2 months ago I was waiting to go to the concert right now ;__;]

I’m sorry if I haven’t post this entry in ages, but RL is slowly killing me and I don’t like it.

Here we go with the second part of my report!

You can read the first part HERE

After Busaiku, all Kisumai showed up dressed as fairies. Miyacchi was the host and he presented all of them saying something about their personalities.

I don’t remember everything, but I’m 100% sure that when Wataru entered the stage he started singing the Endless Road’s “ATSUMAREEEE…” bit and guess what? He WAS IN TUNE. Okay. I really remember he sang that in tune. Lovely to know their gonna use the Kisumai fairies segments as extras in the concert DVD, cause I wanna be sure to not be wrong!!!
Anyway… I think Miyacchi said something about Tama being cool and cute together (so, the Kawaiikkoi/Kakkowaii thing can be real, after all)…
They had to answer to the question “What make girl’s hearts skip after the kabe-don”
I don’t remember all the answers, but anyway Tama won.
The others, who lost, had to hold those HUUUUGE balloons while Jrs were bursting them. And I think that that was REALLY MEAN XDDD cause it was very funny to watch, but I don’t think it was funny for the guys XDDD /poor babies/

AAAAAH!!! During the segment, Mitsu lost one of his wings and (he was sitting right next to Watta) when he came back and sat down, Wataru put the wing on Mitsu’s back. I SAW WATTA MAMA IN ACTION *____*
Ahahahah I was so so so happy XDDDD
And btw all the members were whispering things to each other while Miyacchi was talking (or when the other members were answering the question)… *___* So so so lovely!!! I love to see them interacting like this!

After that…

They sang アゲてくぜ somewhere and then ドキドキでYEEEAAAHHH , still with the fairies outfits.

At the end of the song the guys went to the backstage and they showed a clip with all the Kisufairies and WATATAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII *___* Cuties orange and pink fairies interacted a lot with each other and GiulyB was happy!!!
I think there is more than one version of this clip, and unfortunately I don’t know what they were saying, but they were all happy in this “fairy house” together and… ALL THE KISUFEELINGS *___*

AND THEEEEN... COOL OUTFITS APPEARED!!! (Not the coolest, but still)
Look at me while I FLAIL a lot cause SKATES!!!
I mean…
Kisumai means rollers… (at least to me!)
So I was reeeeeeeeeally happy.

There was the kisumai-bank and they sang Kis-My-Venus and when I heard the beginning of the song I was like “EEEEEEEH? O.o”
I really didn’t know Venus was included in the setlist XDD
(To be honest is not one of my favorite side songs, but I really enjoyed the performance)
As you can see in the picture, the Kisumai-bank is 8 meters tall and 25 meters large. SOOOOOO HUGE!!! And I was a bit worried about them falling down, but HEEEY! They’re professionals!
Senga, Miyata, Nikaido and Yokoo arrived first. Then Kitayama, Fujigaya and Tamamori joined them.

After that they sang Halley. Halley is such a cutie song *____* I really liked it. Mitsu passed in front of us a lot again, and Tama too.
Every time Tama was there, all the fans were screaming A VERY VERY LOT *___*
Again… the portion of Dome turning all yellow was really pretty!!

After that was Wanna Beee time and they were going around again!
Oh, right. I forgot to write one important thing. Maybe I still haven’t said much about this, but we’ve used the penlight for every song… And every time the movements were different!!!
Well, yes, I know, I’m not telling you something new, but it was really hard to follow all the choreographies. I usually just watch concerts on the screen, so it was the very first time for me to be there waving the penlight for like 2 hours and a half XD (MCs excluded)…
Btw while they were still singing Wanna Beee, Senga and Nika disappeared.
So… as soon as the song ended I’ve turned my penlight on GREEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!

Double Up!!!
I’m reaaaally sorry, but this genre is not my genre at all ;___; And I’m kinda frustrated because I seriously LOVE Nika’s voice (Senga’s too, but Nika’s voice is the one I prefer over Kisumai).
And I like how they perform together too. They’re Nisen, their interaction is perfect…
But that song… Nope. I don’t like it. I thought I’d changed my mind with the concert, but it’s not their fault… it’s just not my genre ;____;
Btw they’ve been super cool and danced amazingly and I was so happy.
I was swinging my penlight in time with the music like a pro #yeah #oh!!!

Then… when the lights turned off, Kitafuji appeared on the central stage.
AAAAAH ;____;
Me and Kiri were both like “yabai” and… AH ;;
I think I should have written this report some time ago, cause now I really don’t remember their dialogue before the song.
Btw they were seated on two chairs, holding their guitars, both good looking and awkwardly almost smiling.
And then, it happened.
Fujikita started playing guitars, started singing… and I started crying.
It’s not a secret that I really like 証.
It’s like this since the very first time I listened to the song. It gives me goosebumps and… for real… I don’t know.
It was probably one of those moments when I was realizing I was actually seeing Kisumai, in real life, so I got super emotional.
Plus… that song and seeing Fujikita together.
Probably a mix too much mixed for me.
[When I started following Kisumai, back in 2011, I was wondering why only Kitayama and Fujigaya were singing. I remember that THE VERY FIRST QUESTION I asked about Kisumai SHIPPING has been: “Do we have to ship these two together?” XD So… yes. I have this kind of love/don’t know what toward Fujikita. But I like them both, and somehow, I like what they are together.
And seeing them singing 証 got me. ]

But it wasn’t over… at all.
(Maybe you don’t know but the very first time I listened to FIRE I was like “why?”. I’ve started to listen to that song regularly only when I was in France XD).
But somehow I really like it too now and…
Okay FIRE made everyone go crazy.
All the crowd was screaming and… come on! It’s FUJIKITA!
There’s that moment when they link their arms together and then they turn their faces to look at each other…
When Mitsu turned his face, he completely bumped his mouth on Fujigaya’s microphone.
I started laughing like an idiot XDDDDDDD (Height difference can be mean XD)
Btw me and Kiri screamed a lot during the song and WOW!!!!
I liked that performance!

I have to take a BIIIIIIIIIIIG BREATHE now.
The bit after them was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.
O.M.G T.H.E. F.E.E.L.I.N.G.S.

These are my favorites of this concert.
They guys were ALL GORGEOUS AND COOL AND GOOD LOOKING (and I’m biased, so you can have some pictures!!!)

They started with HAIR.Finally got to hear Fujigaya's "Hair" *_________* and… COPRICALLYYYYY!!! Unfortunately they were using the Kis-my-zero version, so the coprically became copricade and $/()/&%££”$%$£& (If you’re asking what coprically is - sounds like coprikelly - it’s the Complicated Mitsu’s version during Playzone 2009)
We wanna be a crazy bomb!
Yes Tama, me too!!!
Omg Hair.
Pre-debut songs are so good…
Did I mention they were seriously looking good with those outfits???

Just… amazing.

After that they started singing FIRE BEAT!!!
Heads movement… !!! ALL TOGETHER *____________*
(I know it’s Bang! Bang! Bang!, but Bam Bam Bam born one day at university, when I was showing Hair - HSJ concert version - at some colleagues XDDD)
From the central stage they moved to the last stage and…

ETERNAL MIND happened.
I looked at Kiri and I think I’ve screamed (a lot) a bit, cause I REALLY LOVE ETERNAL MIND.
(Like… when I watched for the first time the Good Ikuze dvd I cried XD)
And… oh my poor heart. ALL THE FIREWORKS and the fire!!! I felt the hotness of the fire and I was completely shocked cause the guys were there, right in the middle of the tongues of flame and that must have been a VERY VERY HOT MOMENT, but they kept singing and dancing like anything was happening. Waaaa AMAZING performers.
(This is one of the things you really can’t understand by watching a DVD… ;___; )
[After Tama we know that Tama burned a bit himself during Nagoya’s concert… ;__;]
Btw… There was SO MUCH POWER in that performance. They were dancing and singing and I was amazed and I wasn’t caring about the big screen, cause seeing them with my own eyes (even if they were a bit smaller) was really much better!!!
So, I probably missed something, but it has been perfect anyway.

I was a mess…
And I still didn’t know that I’d started crying a bit - again - pretty soon XD

They changed their outfits and appeared on the main stage again…
All white dressed *0*
They took some time to tell us about how we should have used the penlight for サクラヒラリ.
With the colours, in order, pink-green-red-yellow-purple-orange-blue, we had to follow a guide on the big screen.
And… I think that all the words won’t be enough to tell you how LOVELY and OVERWHELMING it has been.
When they started singing the Dome became ALL pink and then green… and then red.
I was looking at the big screen, seeing the guys singing… and then I turned my head and looked at the whole Dome.
Something amazing.
I really hope they’re going to make a good work with the editing, cause I really hope you can have a chance to watch it too.
And then (yes), Yokoo’s part happened and he harmonized perfectly with Fujigaya ;___; So proud of him. He really was in tune ;___; (plus all the Dome was Orange… ;_____; #cries)
So touching. Really really touching.
I won’t forget this moment forever…
And now, every time I listen to Sakura Hirari I start crying.
Call me idiot, but yes. I seriously cry.

After that they sang KISS&PEACE.
Wearing lovely coloured hats, they were smiling at the audience while singing.
The song is lovely, gives relaxing vibes… and then, right before the last chorus, Mitsu asked us to put down the uchiwas and the penlights and to hold all our hands together.
So… someone probably doesn’t like to do this kind of things, but it wasn’t a bother for me…
I was a bit worried about the lady next to me though, cause I was an overseas fan after all…
But right when we hold our hands together, she squeezed tightly and made me feel accepted.
It really touched me. (I’m being emotional while I’m writing too…)
I thanked her when the song ended and she smiled at me ;____;
Thank you, Tama-fan… you left me a very important memory…
And then Kisumai started with their speaking and I completely lost over them.
I’ve started crying without restraint cause I was understanding what they were saying and btw, looking at they almost teary eyes made me even more happy and blessed.

When Kiri found out I was crying, she patted me on the shoulders…Thanks Kiri ;;
I knew they still had the encore, but somehow I knew that the concert was slowly ending and I didn’t want to…
They showed the ending credits and we saw lots of off-screen bits and rehearsal moments (Miyatama photo shoot , Watatai duet, Kisumai Fairies making etc…) and I really hope they’re going to put it on the dvd as extra cause #FEEEEEEEEEEELINGS.

Btw we had like 3 or 4 minutes to breathe and then, they appeared again!

I wasn’t really sure to be ready, but when I understood what was happening there…
Yokoo = Guitar
Senga = Keyboard
Miyata = Drums

I wasn’t ready.
At all.

They started PLAYING Yacchatta and ALL THE NO XDDDDD
I didn’t know much about the Busaband (since I was working away this summer) but… SO BAD BUT SO GOOD AND AMAZING XDDDD
I think I died cause all the cute and the flailing.
And the fans were all singing with them!!!
I really hope they won’t touch anything about the music and their voices, cause I want you to listen to the actual performance hey did!!!
SO GOOD *______* (and bad. Yes, something like that X°D)
I seriously can’t wait to watch it again, cause IT WAS TOO GOOD ;_______;
And I wasn’t expecting something like that, so I was 100% K.O.

After that KiFT joined Busaiku and they sang Thank you Jyan all together!
There was another guide on the big screen for the chorus, with the hand’s movements XD

Then the first encore ended.
People started calling the second one too and after some minutes, they re-appeared.

Can’t tell you much about the first song (HIKARI NO SIGNAL), just that I’ve heard Tama singing the first line…
Then they turned on all the lights of Dome and we were actually seeing each other.

Kisumai were divided in two groups, in two different wheeled gondolas.
Something like: Yokoo, Fujigaya, Nika and Mitsu (the first one), and Tama, Miyacchi and Senga (the other one).
They were wearing the Kisuworld t-shirts.
Btw… The wheeled gondola where Yokoo and Fujigaya were, came over our side and I’ve started screamed to Kiri “This is my chaaaaaaaaance!”, cause we were right at the same height of them and I was sure someone would have been able to see me.


This is when I found out Wataru doesn’t like me at all.

SO MEAN!!!! [I’m not seriously angry, just let me pretend to be like that XD]

The wheeled gondola stopper RIGHT IN FRONT OF US and I was waving my uchiwa like “COME SOMEONE NOTICE ME PLEASE, I’M THE ONLY WATARU FAN HERE ;_________;”
Then I think I’ve screamed a “FUJIGAYAAAAAAAA” but nothing happened.

Boooooo XDDDD
Wataru doesn’t like me at all… XDDD
I failed.

BUT!!! Tama (or Miya) had a camera and the other one kissed it.
That has been a veeeeeeery cute Miyatama moment!!!!

But then the encore kept going and they sang Ai no Beat. YEEEEEEEEEEEES I really like it *____* And the dance and the song and the guys…

Then Shake it up happened (and I felt the pain of Senga ;____; I was sooooooooo loving the first Shake it up dance… the one with the “step, touch step” bit with Senga as sensei, but he was dancing right in front of our eyes anyway and *________* Ah Senga, you’re really good!!!

Kimi to no Kiseki followed Shake it up. And I sang the song while watching at them and the Dome *___* So full of people and bfdubfdocdjn #feelings


I’m so used to sing the guys parts that I almost screwed everything AHAHAHAH
Like I was singing “K-I!!!” and the others “KITAYAMA!” XDDDD
I’m such a fail XDDD
Btw I’m not the only one, cause Nika-chan during his line said “Tsuka-chan dayooooo!” XDDDDD
Such a dork ahahahahahahah

Btw when the song ended they all thanked us and I was almost crying again and we screamed the “KIS-MY-FT2” with them and then they went away and the last one we saw going away was Mitsu, making cutie faces XD

I really don’t remember when they threw the balls… probably during the second encore, somewhere, but this basically happened.

And after, like, THE WHOLE CONCERT, Wataru finally stopped almost in front of us. He didn’t saw me, even if the ball arrived in our sector. BUT I SAW SEEING HIM, SO WHO CAREEEEEEES.
Plus, the Tama-fan right next to me, changed her penlight to orange… ;___; SO KIND OF HER ;__;
And then Nika gave a ball to a kid. OMG I SO LOVE Nika-chan ;______; He’s so sweet!!!
And if I remember it right, Tama threw a ball there too!

And again!! I don’t know WHEN, but Miyatama did the MIyatama car *___________*
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *_______________* <33333333333

So… let me write my general impressions about this concert.

Absolutely amazing.
I know I’m biased, I don’t care.
I just enjoyed the WHOLE concert (yes, even Double up ;;) and I loved them all.
They made laugh, they made me cry, they made me FEEL 3 AMAZING hours.
I need to thank Kiri, cause she helped me in every possible way and I need to thank the Tama-fan too, cause she has been seriously lovely to me ;____;
I’m grateful I had the chance to see them at least once in my life and somehow, sometimes, I really don’t believe I actually saw them.
Unfortunately I don’t remember everything, but I’ll bring most of the memories with me forever.

Wataru didn’t see me… at least this is what I think.
But I think Senga and Tama saw us at a certain point.
I don’t know if Fujigaya saw me when I was screaming at him X°DDD
But hey! I wasn’t there to be noticed…
So I’m okay like this.

The extras on the dvd will kill me for sure.
I’m going to cry a lot by watching the concert again (even if it’s not the one I saw).

I have to be honest… Watatai didn’t Watataed like they usually do, but I’m happy anyway.
Nothing seriously important happened during this concert, but everything has been important to me.
Every single moment.

I think I fell in love with Kitayama, cause he’s seriously a thing *__________* He made me laugh a lot!!!!
Senga impressed me a lot, cause I love how he dances!
Nika’s voice is perfect and I don’t even have words to describe what I feel when he sings!
Tama-chan is such a cutie ;___; And Miyacchi is the best partner for him!! They’re really lovely when they’re together!
Then Gaya is cool and stylish and all he does… AAAAAAAAAAAH >/////<
And Wataru.
I’d like to let him know that I’m happy to “know” him. And I’d like to thank him… for everything.

So… that’s it.
I’m happy and when I think about this concert I always smile like an idiot.
But it’s okay, I guess.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to see them again, but I won’t lie… I’d like to!

Well… if you have questions or comments… I’m here!

group: kis-my-ft2, #eng, kis-my-ft2: kitayama hiromitsu, kis-my-ft2: yokoo wataru, life, !flailing post, kis-my-ft2: miyata toshiya, kis-my-ft2: senga kento, giulyb in japan, kis-my-ft2: fujigaya taisuke, kis-my-ft2: tamamori yuta, kis-my-ft2: nikaido takashi

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