Alrighty, what is a nerve block you asked?!! *ponders this answer* Basically I have a pinched nerve in the back base of my skull (or at least that is what the doctor thinks) and to try and relieve the HORRIFIC headaches that it gave me he injected medicine (in the form of four needles) into the supposed muscle that was blocking the nerve. So yeah That hurt! *ponders* What else?!! Oh yeah school. I took my math test on Monday, I really didn't want to but I had no choice in the matter. On Tuesday I went to my Creative writing Teacher and asked what I missed on Thursday. Now she's a really nice person, until you miss class. Then she looks at you and gets this attitude like you should be ashamed of yourself for missing class you lazzy ass. She gave me that look and said, "WEll that's ashame because it was a really fun and neat class and there is no way to recreate it." Then she just gave me this look like that's all you can leave now. I was FUCKING PISSED OFF! I'm so sorry I missed class, I would have come if I could. I'm sure it would have been amusing to see me have a dizzy spell and throw up on the computers in the classroom. I called up some friends (or atl east the only ones still in the area) but no one could go out and help me relieve my anger so i packed boxes. I now have SEVEN boxes packed in my room and that covers ONLY my books and comics. Isn't that sad? We also still have no place to live. Mom wants to really move into this house in SandLak Hills. I would LOVE to live a block or two from Ada, however, this house is just really FUCKING CREEPY. My bedroom would be at the end of this long DARK hallway. The bedroom at the very end. In the corner of the other side of the room is the bathroom, that for some reason has a closet. I have no idea why. But the SHOWER, oh dear goddess, it is FUCKING FREAKY! It's practically pitch black, even when the tiny light is turned on. It's built into the wall and even though the light might be on inside, the glass door looks pitchblack too. Mike and Mike came over today. They took measurements of the house and one was telling me there ideas of how they would gut and redo rooms that my mom had redone either herself or that she supervised. It irked me alot but I just smiled and was like, "Oh that's Neat" "What a cool idea" Then they would bicker with eachother like an old married couple, which was kinda funny. Then the younger Mike looked at me with this "Why Me" look and said, "Never get married!" I was like okay... And then this LJ was stupid and made me retype this WHOLE entree. I'm just having a crappy week. If I insult people or annoy you, I apologize. I really don't mean to I'm just annoyed, frustrated, and my head hurts LIKE HELL!
Oh and now the Quiz:
How Would YOU Take Over the World?