Apr 19, 2004 13:07
Okay so here's the latest things that have been happeneing to me. Basically I worked all weekend, well except for Sunday morning in which case Ada crashed the night. That was fun. Math sucks, but it always does. I got to work with Zonca on both days for a while so that was fun. He told me the funny story about what happened to him. Supposably he was at the Airport, talking on his cellphone with his girlfriend, and his hand or something accidentally knocks someone's luggage off one of those little pully carts. He apologized and put the luggage back on and looked up. He had knocked over George Lucas's luggage. So yeah, he was telling me this and all the other day, and he was all excited. Supposably George Lucas always shows up a week or two before Star Wars weekends starts to get a scan of the layout or something. That'll be cool. Also My mom has been so overly stressed out about the whole finding a house issue. She REALLY wants to buy the one in Sandlake Hills. The one I DON'T LIKE! I finally just looked at her and said, " Just buy what you want, I'll live anywhere, it doesn't matter to me!" So according to my brother she put a bid on that house this morning. So once the walls are repainted and the rooms recarpted (that's if we get the house, though I have no doubt we will) we'll be ready to move in. So Ada, Heather, Tracy, and whoever, I need people to come over before furniture and everything gets there or we at least move fully in. I want to have to WHOLE house cleansed! There is NO way in hell I am sleeping in that place without it being purified! *shudders* I still HATE that hallway and bathroom, which of course is where I will be staying, but what can I do. So yeah, guys talk amongst yourselves, get a day off work, and if mom gets this house PLEASE come over and help me!!!