Apr 11, 2004 23:37
Well let me see. On Wed I got a nerve block done. They injected medicine (in the form of four needles* into the back base of my skull, right next to me left ear canal. The doctor was all like, "if you hear a squirt of water in you head, that's normal". So I'm not sure if he got in the right muscles or not. Since then my neck and base of my skull has been SO sore and SO tense that it hurts sometimes to move it to the sides. And to make matters worse, I'm getting headaches, nasty ones, AND horrible Dizzy spells. I went to work on Saturday cause I thought I'b be better by then, the Dizzy spells got so bad I was afraid of either keeling over or throwing up. And the managers looked all fussy and upset that I wanted to go home cause they were understaffed for closing. I called in sick today cause I didn't want to risk THAT again. I found out my mom officialy broke up with Alex so she can start dating this guy named Mike, who's really nice and from talking to him I think my friends would like him as much as I'm starting to. Well they were supposed to go canoeing today at this state park WAY past downtown. I was kinda depressed to be spending the day sick and cooped up in the house when mom calls me and says that Mike offered to let me come with them. So I drove down there cause I LOVE canoeing. We rented a canoe and it was so BEAUTIFUL!!! I love nature and lakes! I'm a freshwater Cancer, I don't really care much for the ocean but get me near a lake and YAH! But there were a whole abundance of turtles and there were THREE aligators in the same water we were canoeing in. On the way back to turn in the canoe we were along side this canoe that had these two guys that looked about late twenties or so. I joke at them and said,"wanna drag race" So in they're way they accepted so with me and Mike paddling against those two we raced back to the docking beach. WE WON!!! It was major fun even if I can now add a horrible sore shoulder to my headaches and what not. Oh and Yeah the house is officially sold and we don't have any place to move yet, haven't even found a place yet to move. *sighs* Wish us luck on that!