Player Meets Player [Ch.16]

Jan 02, 2011 18:57

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Humor, Drama, Angst
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

"Break, break! I need a break!" Yunho yelled tiredly as he unceremoniously plopped down on the gym floor. Practice, practice, practice. That was all they ever did these past few days, or maybe even weeks- he couldn't even tell. His studies weren't dwindling thank goodness for that. The teachers seemed to ease up for the month as they knew how hectic the students' schedules were during these times; what with preparations, school work and their own jobs.

"I agree, we need a break." Rain sat on the bench, taking a white towel to wipe the sweat off his face.

"THANK YOU!" Key responded, dramatically falling on his knees and pumping his fists in the air. The others just chuckled and laid down on their backs, too tired to even get up to get themselves some refreshing drinks.

"It's almost over guys, we just need about two more practice sessions and we're good to go!" Rain added after a moment of serene silence. His statement was met with a chorus of tired cheers.

"I'm gonna go shower and get ready for next class," Yunho forced himself to stand up and grabbed a towel from the bench. "The culinary people should be done by now right?"

"Hmm, they should be." Eunhyuk answered before closing his eyes to take a short nap, uncaring of the fact that he was drenched in sweat or that the ceiling lights were shining right at his face.

Jaejoong stood in front of the sink washing the last of the dishes along with their new head of the kitchen. He glanced at Seunghyun who just stood beside the counters juggling tangerines.

"Hey Mr. Boss, maybe you'd like to help me with the dishes? Just asking." The beautiful man asked teasingly, the two had grown quite close during the short time they had spent with each other. They had a lot in common and their personalities oddly matched. Jaejoong still didn't know that the tall man's real name was actually Seunghyun though.

"Nah, I gotta practice my juggling, you look better doing the work anyways." Seunghyun chuckled, earning a soapy slap on the face from Jaejoong.

"Dry the stupid dishes!" The smaller man insisted, throwing a dishtowel at his companion.

"Hey, hey! Don't be treating me like that Mr. Kim." Seunghyun caught the towel in his hands and started to walk over to the dish rack but stopped half way.

"Hurry you lazy boss! We can't stay here all day!" Jaejoong turned the tap off and faced the other with his arms crossed.

"Let's play a game, I'll dry these if you win but you'll have to do it if you lose." Seunghyun smirked, throwing the clean towel over his shoulders.

"No! I already washed them, it's your turn to dry!"

"Aw c'mon, we have some time to kill anyways, with my great cooking skills we actually finished a bit earlier than planned right, right?" The head chef teased, juggling the small fruits in his hands once again. Jaejoong sighed. The other had a point- there was nothing better to do anyways.

"Fine what game?"

"Guess the ingredient!" Seunghyun exclaimed with a grin.

"What the fuck." Jaejoong looked at the other man blankly.

"Be more enthusiastic will ya? Now let's!" Seunghyun placed the tangerines back on the counter and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Close your eyes and I'll hold something up for you to smell, if you guess right three out of six times you win." He explained.

"What's the point of this again?"

"Nothing, we gotta kill time and it's fun now, close your eyes cutie."

"Don't call me that." Jaejoong grumbled but closed his eyes anyway.

"Alright," Seunghyun looked around and grabbed something sitting in one of the many baskets on the table. He held it in his hands and waved it around Jaejoong's pouting face.

"That's easy Mr. Boss, bell pepper." Jaejoong answered without hesitation.

"Hm, okay which color?" The taller man asked jokingly, thinking that Jaejoong would start whining about not being able to differentiate their color just by the smell but to his surprise, the other only smirked and replied confidently.


"Wha- how?"

"It's the only one we have left genius." The newly dyed golden blonde stuck his tongue out and swayed around cheerfully.

"Fine, fine you smartass, next." Seunghyun spotted some herbs lying in a bowl behind Jaejoong so he stepped forward and tried to reach over quietly, holding his breath so that the other wouldn't be able to feel him.

"C'mon what's taking you so long?" Jaejoong whined, crossing his arms once again. "If I open my eyes and see that I'm all alone right now I swear you won't see the next daylight."

Seunghyun turned his head to retort only to find their faces inches away from each other. Apparently, he'd unconsciously taken a couple of steps forward trying to reach the bowl. He blinked at the beautiful sight in front of him; Jaejoong's skin looked so soft to the touch and as flawless as can be. It was a healthy shade of creamy white which was a stark contrast to his full pink lips. The wide brown eyes were closed and formed a long line of thick dark lashes fluttering above high cheekbones.

Well damn. He knew that he was attracted to the pretty man in front of him at first sight but he never really dared to stand this close to the other as he decided that he would have to get to know Jaejoong better before making a move. But now...

Seunghyun slowly leaned forward to Jaejoong's unsuspecting form.

Yunho quickly shoved his dirty clothes into a plastic bag and changed into a new set. He realized that they actually finished earlier than supposed to so his boyfriend's cooking class may not be over yet. He didn't care though, he missed his Boo and he would see him no matter what.

"Hey, what time is it?" The dancer asked a random student passing by as he charged out of the gym doors.

"Uh, 12:40-ish." The student responded confusedly. The ever so famous Jung Yunho actually talked to him!

"Alright, thanks man." Yunho ran along the hallways with a wide smile on his face. He had at least fifteen minutes to get Jaejoong and grab some lunch with him. Unless, of course, they decide to skip gym class and just bum around at the rooftop. Oh hey, that's not a bad idea. He turned a corner and sped down the last few steps to the culinary room. He didn't even pause as he held the knob with the hand holding his gym shoes and haphazardly threw the door open.

"Oh, what the fuck?!"

Seunghyun leaned painfully slow as he didn't want Jaejoong to realize what was going on. He heard the door burst open and felt a shoe hit the side of his head.

"Oh, what the fuck?!" A familiar voice exclaimed before the sound of footsteps rushed over to him. "Hey man, sorry! I didn't know my shoes would fly like that!" Seunghyun groaned and turned his head to see Yunho standing beside him with an amused expression on his face.

"You did that on purpose Jung!" He growled and lightly punched Yunho's shoulder.

"I swear I didn't!" Yunho lifted his hands up, laughing. It was true though, the shoes just flew off his hands when he threw the door open and it just happened to hit his friend on the head. Still, it was pretty damn funny.

"Yunnie!" Yunho turned with that huge smile back on his face. Jaejoong ran into Yunho's arms while Seunghyun watched confusedly and a bit brokenheartedly.

"So you guys know each other already huh?" Yunho said, still hugging Jaejoong tightly.

"You guys know each other too?" Seunghyun asked softly.

"Yeah, this here is my Boo, my Kim Jaejoong." Yunho stated proudly. The latter's best friend just stared, slowly digesting the harsh information he just received. "And this person right there is the best friend I mentioned before, Seunghyun." This time, Yunho directed the statement to the man in his arms.

"Oh? He's your... but he said his name is Oh Pee! Tee Oh Pee..." Jaejoong looked up confusedly only to have his boyfriend laugh in his face.

"No, no baby, that's his nickname, T.O.P, his name's Choi Seunghyun." Yunho answered, fiddling with a silky strand of Jaejoong's hair.

"Oh... that sounds much cooler now." Jaejoong mumbled, turning to face the quiet Seunghyun. The latter stood up straight and forced a smile on his face.

"Go ahead Jae, I'll dry all these, I have no special one to spend my lunchtime with anyways." Seunghyun declared, hiding the bitterness he felt. So the Jaejoong he knew was actually Yunho's 'JJ'.

"Alright Mr. Boss, have fun~" Seunghyun smirked and threw a dishtowel at the couple. He sighed as the two left the room.

I guess it's a good thing that Yunho didn't see what I was about to do. He shook his head and started drying the wet dishes.

"Ah, finally some fresh air." Jaejoong opened the door leading to the rooftop and was immediately rewarded by a cold gust of wind hitting his face. Yunho held his hot chocolate securely in a gloved hand while the other stayed in his pockets. Jaejoong slid down the wall and brought his knees to his chest, enjoying the warmth provided by his own hot chocolate and the presence of his boyfriend who followed him to sit against the white wall.

"It's a nice day huh?" Yunho took his right hand out of his pocket and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend. He felt Jaejoong lean his head on the taller man's shoulder and nod. Yunho smiled against the ticklish feeling of the soft golden strands brushing his chin. They were content just like this; the weather not too warm nor too cold. Complete silence surrounding them with their cellphones turned off. No worries or problems to think about for now.

"Young master is not picking up madam." The butler bowed his head low as he approached the Lady Jung. Yunho's mother carefully placed her teacup down on the glass table before stiffly turning her head towards the uniformed man in annoyance.

"Why is that?" She asked in a tone that suggested it was his own fault that her son didn't want to pick up his cell.

"His phone seems to be off madam." The man replied, sill bowed low.

"Pick him up from his school today, not one minute late after his school ends. He must come home early- "

"But madam, he has his own car, I'm sure that he would- "

"Do not interrupt me," she sent him a sharp gaze and he cowered slightly, nodding before bowing even lower. "I do not care about his own car. Get someone else to drive it home, I will not waste my time waiting for that boy to come home in his own time. Now, go."

"Right away." The man bowed one last time before scurrying off and dashing out of the room. Lady Jung sighed and rolled her eyes as if she just dealt with the most difficult situation ever encountered. She glanced at her nails for a moment and decided that she needed a new manicure before fishing her cellphone out of her purse and dialing an unknown number.

Seunghyun walked off to the school field, a light jacket adorning his body as he spotted a bench and sat on it. He didn't notice a girl lightly swinging back and forth on the swing set just beside the bench he sat on. He was too absorbed in his thoughts.

"Hey." The girl called out, startling the dejected man.

"Hey," he answered, he didn't expect anyone to be out of their classes around this time. He glanced at his wrist to check his watch. Then again, anyone could skip if they wanted. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"I have health this period. I don't really wanna hear more about sexual diseases or some stuff like that any more than I had," The girl answered, jumping off the swing to join him on the bench. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Nah, I'm just here to help with the cooking anyways, I have a choice on whether to attend or not." Right now, he didn't really feel like sitting in class hearing the teacher talk. The girl nodded in understanding; she heard about that new kid before.

"I'm Park Sandara, call me Dara." The girl smiled brightly.

"Choi Seunghyun." He smiled slightly in her direction.

"Why do you look so depressed? You know, this place is supposed to be a happy place! Many good memories happened in this park; including how my two friends got together." She gushed, seemingly recalling the memory and squealing over it.

"Oh yeah? Do enlighten me..." Seunghyun decided to humor her, wanting to take Jaejoong off his mind even for just a little bit.

"I have these two stubborn friends." Dara stuck out two fingers as she began to explain. "Apparently they were sworn enemies since the first day of school according to everyone around." She placed her hands back on her lap. "They were the school's biggest players and weren't willing to lose to each other's fames but deep inside they really had feelings for each other." Seunghyun turned his head to face her, this was actually starting to get interesting. "After... I think 2-3 months of fighting, I can't even remember, but it took them a while... they finally sucked it up and confessed to each other. It was really sweet... but I think they fought before confessing. Well anyways they're together now and so, so cute!" She finished, looking at him with that same smile on her face.

"So they got together here?"

"Yes! They're really popular in this school, I won't be surprised if you knew them already."

"Oh? Who're they?"

"Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong." At this, Seunghyun couldn't hold back a bitter chuckle.

"Ah, them."

"So you know?" She inquired, noticing the lack of happiness in his laugh but decided not to pry. She received a nod for an answer before silence enveloped the two of them.

"I really like someone." Seunghyun broke the short silence, not exactly sure why he blurted that out. Maybe it was the comforting aura that the girl carried that made him want to tell her what laid heavy in his chest. "I got hit hard at first sight." He smiled at the memory. Dara kept her silence, listening intently to the other. "He's part of the culinary team I'm helping, I was gonna ask him out during the festival."

"You were going to? Not anymore?"

"I can't." Seunghyun leaned his head back to stare at the dim sky. "He already belongs to someone."

"Is that why you looked so gloomy when you came here?"


"May I ask who this is?"


"I dunno, you never know, I might be able to help!" Seunghyun chuckled a bit before glancing at her with a contemplating look. He suddenly smirked and decided not to care anymore.

"Kim Jaejoong."

Dara sat frozen. Well then... this is awkward.

"Hey Jae, wanna go watch a movie tomorrow?" Yunho slung his school bad on one shoulder and stood beside Jaejoong,  who was still rummaging through his locker.

"Sure!" Oddly enough, as the festival approached closer, their schedules seemed to lighten up and they were able to find some time to spend with each other. "Which movie?" Jaejoong let his bag drop on the ground as he turned and placed his hands on Yunho's shoulders, brushing some small lints off his boyfriend's sweater.

"I don't know, you pick." The taller man leaned forward and grabbed one of Jaejoong's hands, kissing his nose. They heard a shriek coming from the left and the blonde man peeked to see some failing-to-be-subtle fangirls staring at them with wide, anticipating eyes. Yunho chuckled at the commotion they caused. "Ah, let's give them something to ogle at shall we?"

"You're such an attention whore Yun." Jaejoong managed to laugh before Yunho swooped down to give him a kiss. Jaejoong played along and wrapped his arms around Yunho's neck, tilting his head for a better angle. Yunho, in turn, wrapped his arms around Jaejoong's body and pushed him harder against the lockers, causing an audible slam. The smaller one giggled inwardly at what they were doing. Yunho's face was covered by Jaejoong's arms while his whole body was covered by Yunho's. It seemed like they were eating each other's face off when they were really exchanging another one of their sweet kisses. How he loved misleading angles.

They pulled away after a few minutes to prevent the girls from fainting. Yunho grinned and reached over to lock Jaejoong's locker for him.

"Let's go." Jaejoong picked his bag off the ground and happily walked out of the school building, his hands interlocked with Yunho's. They were about to pass the gate to get to the parking lot when two big men in black suits stopped in front of them and bowed.

"The lady wishes for your time young master." One of them spoke. Yunho scoffed and tried to walk past them.

"I don't wanna give her my time."

"Yunho," An old man dressed in the same black suit, but seemingly held more authority, stepped out of the limousine parked near them and stopped Yunho from stalking off. "Just a bit of your time, you don't have to stay for long." The old man declared softly. Yunho couldn't say no. How could he say no to the one who took care of him throughout his childhood? Sure, his relationship with his dad was good but the man also had long lasting business trips to attend to. The old man a few feet in front of him acted as the parental figure in his life.

"Fine. Just because you're the one who asked me." Yunho grumbled, turning to Jaejoong to give him a goodbye kiss.

"Who's that?" The pretty man asked, eyes going to the gentle looking old man standing beside the limo.

"It's my butler."

"Oh, is his name Sebastian?"

"No." Yunho chuckled amusedly.


"No." Yunho's chuckles were slowly turning into full out laughs now.

"Then what?!"

"Jeeves." Yunho managed to get a name out before bursting out laughing. Jaejoong brought his hands up to his mouth to try and control his laughter. "Nah, his name is Chul Ho." He added after their laughing fit. The big men who still stood by the gate cleared their throats and indicated to the vehicle. Yunho sighed irritatedly and brought Jaejoong into a hug.

"Go on, you have Sebastian to back you up." Jaejoong teased, bringing his hands up to rub circles on Yunho's back.

"But they never let Jeeves in the room to help me." Yunho answered with a smile. Jaejoong always knew how to cheer him up.

"Then call me right after, or even go straight to my house. I'll be awake for you." Jaejoong pulled away and kissed Yunho's cheek.

"Aw Boo~" Yunho pinched Jaejoong's cheek before kissing the reddened skin. "I'll see ya."

Jaejoong waved as Yunho got in the limo. He turned around and spotted a couple of his friends, jogging over to them as they all headed for the parking lot. He hoped that whatever Mrs. Booger Mom planned wasn't as serious as those in the tv series his sister forced him to watch. He already had enough of drama.

What he didn't know was that the real drama was just around the corner, waiting to strike them head on.


I'm so happy to finally find time to update ^-^ after more than a month!

Thank you to everyone reading right now! Thanks for waiting~ 
I'll try my best to update the next chapter sooner but I can't guarantee it since my summatives and exams are approaching. I will try my best not to take a month though ^^;

Thanks for reading! Comments are <33333 
I miss hearing from you guys!

Oh and happy, happy new year!!

fic: player meets player, humor, drama, romance, au, fluff, angst

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