Player Meets Player [Ch.15]

Nov 25, 2010 20:08

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Angst, Drama, Humor
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways 
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

"Need help?"

Jaejoong rolled his eyes at the person behind him.

"No, I do not. I'm perfectly fine! Why don't you go mingle or something." Jaejoong ordered but leaned up to kiss his pouting boyfriend anyways.

"But boo! It's so boring without you!" Yunho continued to complain. He snatched the tray of drinks from Jaejoong's hands and placed it back on the counter. They were only about two hours into the party and Changmin's mansion was already packed with people. Apparently, Changmin failed to mention that he also invited the whole school.

Yunho wrapped his arms around Jaejoong and rested his cheek on the smaller man's head.

"Come dance with me, you've been playing waiter this whole time." Yunho dragged Jaejoong onto the dance floor.

"But how will people get their drinks?"

"They have hands and feet Joongie, they can get it themselves." Yunho placed his hands back on Jaejoong's waist and swayed slowly, nevermind that the song currently playing was an upbeat one. "Do you... still like that Se7en dude?" Yunho mumbled almost inaudibly.

"What?" Jaejoong pulled away slightly and stared at Yunho with a confused expression on his face.

"Do you still like him?"

"Wha- "

"Stop trying to stall Joongie."

"I'm not, I'm jus- "

"Answer me straight!"

"Will you- "

"Jaejoo- "


"...." Yunho immediately shut his mouth tight and nodded. Right, must not anger explosive boyfriends.

"Where the fuck did you get that idea from?" Jaejoong asked, somewhat irritatedly.

"Well, he was your first love and- "

"Where the fuck did you hear that he was my first love?"

"I-I was talking to Rain and he said he was your first serious boyfriend!"

"For your information, I've never said 'I love you' to anyone outside of my family before." Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Yunho's shoulders and sighed. "Don't be so insecure. I'm over him kay?"

"But what if that kind of thing happens again?"

"What kind of thing?"

"The thing that happened in the dance venue!"

"Oh... well get used to that. You're dating the Kim Jaejoong after all." Jaejoong joked, laughing at Yunho's expression.

"Let's not get too cocky now alright babe?" Yunho's feelings eased up as he stared down at Jaejoong's playful face.

"I have the right to be cocky Yunnie-corn..."


"Yunnie and corn. Get it? Yunnie-corn!" Jaejoong laughed at his own lame attempt at humor and leaned closer to the taller man. Yunho just chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness and leaned down to capture his lips.


"Wha- what?" Their peaceful Yunjae bubble was popped when loud crashing sounds invaded their ears. The sound of two girls yelling their lungs out could be heard from the living room.




"Whoa..." Jaejoong ran forward the moment he caught a glance at one of the yelling girls. He grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her away from the crowd and into the balcony.

"Hey what happened?" He asked Dara softly as they sat on the bench followed by Yunho and one of Dara's friends, Bom.

"Nothing, she just pissed me off," Dara sighed and rubbed her face, letting out a frustrated sound.

"You usually just ignore her, what's the difference today?" Yunho asked. All he knew of what happened was that Dara and Ara just started yelling at each other's faces and that Dara was ready to commit murder.

"I'm just so frustrated right now! I can't deal with stuck-up bitches like her." Jaejoong glanced at the worried Bom and told her to tell everyone that Dara was okay. Bom nodded and left the three their privacy.

"So what's up?"

"Auntie called me earlier," she didn't need to elaborate who this 'auntie' was. "She asked about you and Jaejoong."

"And?" Yunho prompted, sitting on the space beside her.

"I accidentally let it slip that you guys are together..."


"She went quiet and hung up, I-I don't know what she's planning but- " she looked up and glanced at Jaejoong and Yunho's blank expressions.


"I'm so sorry guys..."

"She doesn't like me." Jaejoong remembered his first meeting with Yunho's mom.

"I don't care, she can plan whatever she wants, she can't break us up," Yunho stated firmly, squeezing Dara's hands. "It's okay, she'll find out sooner or later anyways, stop thinking about it." He comforted the distressed girl and got up, pulling her to stand with him.

"So you were taking your anger out on Ara?" Jaejoong asked amusedly.

"I had to take it out on someone." She answered, somewhat feeling better. Changmin's head popped up from inside and looked at them.

"Thanks for putting up some action in my party Dara, everyone's back and alive again!" He exclaimed, flashing two thumbs up at her and scurrying off in the kitchen.

"Weirdo." Jaejoong mumbled.

"I'll go grab some drinks to cool my temper or something, I'm really sorry guys."

"Really, stop thinking about it. It's nothing kay? Go on," Jaejoong opened the balcony door and gave her a slight push, smiling reassuringly. He turned to Yunho and sighed. "How vicious is your mom?"

"Pretty vicious," Yunho answered, leaning over the railing. "Not as vicious as you though." He chuckled. Jaejoong came up behind him and whacked his head.

"She doesn't like me."

"I know..." Yunho turned slightly and draped his arms over Jaejoong's frame, shielding him from the cold. "Whatever she's planning though, I bet we can take it."

"I hope so..." Jaejoong inaudibly whispered into the night air.

"You're already at school?" Jaejoong ran back and forth from his room and into the kitchen. The cooking committee decided to experiment with some ingredients in their own houses so now he had to bring all of the containers to school for some taste testing.

"Yeah, we have to choreograph 2 more dances for the festival. Damn." Jaejoong sighed in agreement. Their school's winter festival was fast approaching and every single clubs and committees had to work their asses off to make everything happen according to plan.

"Yeah I know right? We still need to decide on what kinds of foods we're gonna make, Mr. Lee keeps ranting about how our stuff should be 'unique and absolutely more delicious than those other schools'. Why can't we just make ramen or something?!" Jaejoong complained, stacking the last of the plastic food containers in his car- yes, he had a car now.

"Because that's just lame baby," Yunho chuckled. "Ah shit, dance break is over, we gotta get up again. I'll see you later kay?"

"Alright Yunnie, take care! Don't push yourself too much!"

"Got it!"

Jaejoong snapped his phone shut and started up the engine. It's only been three days since the first meeting for the festival and they were already bombarded by all these preparations. He turned on the radio and proceeded to drive to school.


Jaejoong glanced at his sideview mirror and saw a van beeping hysterically at him. It was a red light so he just ignored the idiot.


His eyebrow twitched and he glared at the car behind him.


Jaejoong stuck his middle finger out and waited impatiently for the light to turn green. He hated these kinds of people. The car behind him decided to move to the side to pass him but Jaejoong saw a motorcycle coming from the left. He honked at the man on the motorcycle and tried to tell him to stop. The man looked up and turned sharply, narrowly missing the over-speeding car headed his way.

"YOU ASSHOLE I HOPE YOU FALL IN A DITCH!" Jaejoong yelled out at the disappearing van, getting out of his car to help the fallen man. "Are you okay mister?" He asked, voice softer.

"Uh yeah, I think so," the man took off his helmet and shook out his hands, checking for any pain. "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled at Jaejoong.

"Do you need any help? Coz you might be feeling fine but you're not really and- " Jaejoong glanced at the time and cursed.

"I'm fine really, thanks for asking." The man smiled wider at Jaejoong's actions.

"You sure? You're not gonna die when I leave or something?" Jaejoong asked, already walking backwards to his car.

"Yes, yes I'm sure, thank you." The guy chuckled. Jaejoong nodded and rushed back in his car, yelling out a last 'be careful!' before he zoomed off to the school. The man shook his head and smiled, sitting back down on his vehicle. "Cute."

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" Jaejoong placed the stack of containers on the kitchen counter beside the other ones.

"Mr. Lee's coming in to taste them," one of the students in the room mumbled. Jaejoong rubbed his face roughly and and prayed that Mr. Lee would have mercy for once and approve of their food.

The door opened and all heads turned to the stocky man at the entrance. The teacher walked to the counters and opened one of the containers without a word while the students watched on, fiddling with their aprons.

Jaejoong tiptoed and watched in anticipation as the professor slowly lifted a spoon to his mouth. It wasn't one of Jaejoong's dishes but he trusted his team mates to produce great results.

"Hmmm," the man placed the spoon back down and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Sir?" A boy timidly asked in a small voice.

"No," the whole room groaned in disappointment. Jaejoong promptly turned around and banged his head onto the nearest cupboard. "A student from another school is coming over to help the food preparations, he is exceptionally talented in the art of cooking and will definitely be a great help for your team."

"What?" Jaejoong halted his actions and looked at the teacher incredulously. "You can't just up and get a complete stranger from another school to do this! We're completely capable of handling this on our own!" He exclaimed, trying to keep his anger in check. His pride wasn't taking this news too well.

"Well Mr. Kim, you guys are not capable enough." Before Jaejoong could get out another word, the man walked out and shut the door with a bang.

"My god..." Jaejoong walked over to the counter and took a spoon to taste whatever Mr. Lee had eaten. The food tasted a little too salty and there wasn't enough pepper in it. He threw the spoon in the sink and plopped down on the ground. The old man didn't even bother to taste his cooking.

"Man! What are you doing here?!" Yunho ran up to a tall guy and smacked his back. He smiled brightly at the sight of his best buddy.

"Yah!" The guy hit him back before taking off his sunglasses, revealing smoky feline eyes that could intimidate even the biggest person in the room- like Rain for example. The dance group leader looked at Yunho questioningly and gave a wary glance at the stranger but kept his silence.

"Planning on enlightening us any time soon Yunho?" Key muttered, impatiently tapping his feet. They had just finished making up some new moves for the second dance that they were going to perform and were now on a short snack break.

"Oh yeah, guys this is my best friend all the way back from Chunsang, Choi Seunghyun. Seunghyun these are my friends- Rain, Key, Taemin, Donghae and Eunhyuk," Yunho indicated to each one. "Actually, that's just a small portion of them, you're in for a surprise at lunch." He chuckled.

"Ah, I won't be able to join you guys at lunch," Seunghyun murmured, securely locking his motorcycle in place. "I was called here to help with the cooking preps."

"You cook?!" Key couldn't help but ask. He expected the guy to be a gang leader or something, not a cook!

"Yes." Seunghyun chuckled, walking towards the office. Rain and the others excused themselves to get some snacks while Yunho stayed to accompany his friend.

"Oh hey, maybe you'd meet my lovely boo in the culinary room." Yunho smiled, taking out his phone to stare at Jaejoong's phone number. He wanted to call his boyfriend so badly but he knew that he would only disturb the beautiful cook if he did so.

"The legendary guy who you wouldn't stop prattling to me about?" The other man chuckled, waiting for the office lady to retrieve whatever they needed to give him so he wouldn't be seen as some thug walking around their school building. A lock down would be bothersome for the festival preparations.


"You are so whipped man, I never thought I'd see the day."

"Ye- NO, I am not!" Yunho scoffed indignantly, taking a huge gulp from his Gatorade bottle.

"Sure you aren't buddy, what's his name anyways? You never told me."

"Jae- "

"Choi Seunghyun?" The office lady suddenly appeared and interrupted their conversation. She handed Seunghyun the room number of the culinary room, Mr. Lee's office number and his locker location. "This is the room where the guys are working and this is the head chef of the school. Don't hesitate to consult him if you need anything alright?" She smiled brightly and turned back to the computer screen.

"Man, definitely hesitate when dealing with Mr. Lee." Yunho whispered on the way out of the office doors. "My JJ always complains about him- but then again, my baby bad mouths anyone that crosses him."

Seunghyun chuckled and pushed Yunho towards the gym doors.

"Go practice Yunho, we better catch up later okay?!"

"Sure thing man see ya! Cook well...or something." Yunho muttered before running inside the gym and going back into dancing mode.

"Hello?" Seunghyun opened the door a bit and peeked inside the room, the lights were dimmed but the sink was running so he figured that someone was still in there.

"Yeah?" A voice replied to him and Seunghyun entered, closing the door behind him.

"Er, um how do I say this...I'm uh..."

"The student sent to help us in cooking?" The voice finished for him and Seunghyun couldn't help but think that the voice was familiar. The boy near the sink turned to face him and he immediately figured out why.



They both raised their index fingers and pointed at the other. Seunghyun had a silly smile on his face while Jaejoong just looked totally confused.

"You cook?!" Jaejoong asked, a little perplexed.

"Yeah." Seunghyun smiled, it was always funny when people reacted like that.

"Well thank god it's you. I was worried that we'd have to deal with some prick who thinks that he can order us around... you're not like that are you?" Jaejoong narrowed his eyes and walked closer to the other man.

"No, no," Seunghyun raised both hands up and shook his head. "At least I like to think that I'm not."

"Hm, I don't think you are. My name's Kim Jaejoong, you are?"

"T.O.P" Seunghyun smirked, he liked his nickname.



"Tee OhPee?" Jaejoong followed him around as he walked away to find his assigned locker. "Hey! Don't walk away from me!"

Seunghyun decided to keep silent and smiled to himself.

"Yah! I've never heard of anyone having the last name Tee! What are you?" Jaejoong continued to ask, walking behind Seunghyun in the empty hallways. "And what kind of name is OhPee?!"

Seunghyun walked faster and tried to hold in his laughter. He would definitely enjoy working with these people.

"YAH!" Jaejoong stopped in his tracks and stomped his feet as the other guy just kept walking away. He wasn't allowed leave the kitchen alone so he couldn't move any further than where he stood. "YAH! WHAT ARE YOU?!"

[Jaejoong's House]

iSexyBoo has signed in (5:44 P.M)

TheKey: heeeey joongie :]

iSexyBoo: heeeeey key ^-^

Heedictator: heeeeeey me <33

iSexyBoo: lol XD

Heedictator: how come i never see you guys anymore??

TheKey: soo sry chullie :[ all these festival shit is eating up all our time!!!

Heedictator: i can see that ]:< i should've joined something to busy myself too. the lunch table seems so empty!!

iSexyBoo: but theres still a lot of us left in there

Heedictator: yeah but its not all!!

TheKey: yeah...

Heedictator: i heard that some hot guy from another school is helping you guys cook ;)

iSexyBoo: lol hes ok


Heedictator: BRAINWASHED

[Starlight Cafe]

Yunho sat in one of the empty tables of the cafe, holding a cup of hot chocolate in one hand and his phone in the other. He flipped his phone open and stared at his screen saver- it was a stolen picture of Jaejoong pouting in annoyance.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late," Seunghyun sat on the seat opposite of Yunho and smiled as he chanced a peek at what his friend was looking at. "Man, you got it bad."

Yunho scoffed and flipped his phone close before Seunghyun could take a good look at the picture.

"You wouldn't know how I feel until you're actually in my shoes."

Seunghyun chuckled at the defensive response and sighed as he stared out the window.

"Actually, I think I found someone."

Yunho snapped his head up and looked at his friend in wonder.

"Seriously?! Who? When? Where?!"

"I-I don't think that it's as strong as how you feel for your boyfriend right now but... it's getting there," he paused, sipping at his warm coffee. "As for the when, don't freak or anything but I just met him this morning."

"What?! You crazy man, what is this? Romeo and Juliet?!" Yunho interrupted.

"No. It's not like we kissed and decided to get married right after you idiot," Seunghyun retorted, leaning back on his chair. "I almost died on the way here." He added with a big smile on his face.

"What?! Why are you smiling? What are you on? I swear man, if you don't quit whatever your smoki-"


"Alright, sheesh." Yunho grabbed his rapidly decreasing drink and tried to keep quiet for the rest of his companion's story.

"I was on the way to your school and some jerk driver decided to beat the red light. That guy I'm talking about came out of his car all worried and he was just so adorable I felt I don't even know..."

"Like at first sight huh?"

"You can say that."

[Jaejoong's House]

iSexyBoo: what? my yunniebear is hotter ;D

TheKey: lmaoooo

Heedictator: ewwww yunniebear? you guys= cheesy

TheKey: so cheesy you can put the producer of gouda cheese to shame with all your cheesy goodness

iSexyBoo: XDD

Heedictator: well then tell us more about this hot/okay guy

TheKey: yeah we heard ms. fail flippy hair blabbering abt him during lunch

iSexyBoo: hes good at cooking

TheKey: -_-

Heedictator: -_-;

iSexyBoo: what??? i dunno what to say! hes fun to talk to? even though he wouldnt give me his proper name ugh

Heedictator: lol what did he say his name was?

iSexyBoo: ohpee or something



Heedictator: are you sure you didnt hear it wrong? coz lmao thats hella unique in a.... not good way :/

[Starlight Cafe]

"He's also in the cooking team that I'm helping. What are the odds right?" Seunghyun smiled, recalling the past few hours he spent helping in the kitchen.

"Stop smiling like a fool, and you say that I got it bad...tch." Yunho commented, tipping his empty cup over. He wanted more!

"Oh shut up, trust me, you're worse than how I'm acting right now."

"Screw you," Yunho balled up a table napkin and threw it at the other. "Do you even know his name?"

"Yeah of course." Seunghyun picked up the crumpled tissue and threw it back.

"Ooh, what's his name?"

"Kim J- "

"Jung Yunho?" The cashier yelled out, looking around the shop as she tried to find the customer who ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Yunho stood up to retrieve his order while Seunghyun took out his phone to check the time.

"Oh shit Yun I gotta go, I still have to settle myself in my hotel. See ya!"

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Yunho paid for his drink and decided to leave the cafe too. All that talk about special someones is making him want to see his special someone.

[Jaejoong's House]

iSexyBoo: im pretty sure i heard right. i forgot his last name though

Heedictator: lol you are so messed up

iSexyBoo: how???

TheKey: messed uppp~ cant believe you're all loyal to yunho

iSexyBoo: get used to it

Heedictator: XD

TheKey: =DD ^-^b

iSexyBoo: uhh okay

Jaejoong paused and looked around when he heard a light tap coming from somewhere. He shrugged and turned back to his laptop, thinking that he was just hearing things. Another tap resounded but it was considerably louder this time around.

iSexyBoo: brb guys

iSexyBoo is now away

Jaejoong got up from his bed and made his way to the window just in time to see a small rock flying straight at the glass screen. He slowly opened the latch on his balcony door and mumbled to himself.

"I swear Yoochun, if this is you, I'm gonna castrate you and sell your jewel to compensate for my damaged window." He opened the door fully and managed to catch a flying rock thrown his way.

"YAH!" He blindly threw the rock back down and heard a sound of something spilling followed by a barrage of colorful curses. He blinked when he realized that the voice sounded awfully familiar. "Yunho?!" He ran to the edge of the balcony and looked down to see his boyfriend cursing and stepping over a cup of spilled chocolate drink. "I'm so sorry!"

Yunho looked up when he heard Jaejoong's hushed voice and smiled brightly.

"It's okay!" He answered in an equally hushed tone. He brought one finger up, signalling Jaejoong to stay in his spot before he jumped on the huge tree right beside Jaejoong's window and proceeded to climb up.

"Who taught you how to do that?" Jaejoong asked once Yunho landed safely beside him.

"Yoochun." Yunho quickly responded and pulled Jaejoong into a kiss. Jaejoong returned the kiss before pulling away to hug Yunho tightly.

"I missed you!" He whined cutely and rubbed his face on the material on Yunho's jacket. It was quite chilly outside. Yunho, noticing his boyfriend's state, quickly pulled off his jacket and carefully place it around Jaejoong.

"I can just grab my own jacket you know." Jaejoong mumbled, smiling into Yunho's chest.

"Yeah but I don't wanna let go."

Jaejoong laughed softly, leaning his head on Yunho's shoulder to look up at the handsome man's face.

"We've been so busy these days..."

"I know," Yunho sighed, kissing Jaejoong's head. "Why do you think I'm here right now?"

"To prove that you can climb a tree?"

"Oh, you got me."

The smaller man jabbed Yunho's stomach but leaned up to kiss his cheek right after.

"I seriously miss you, you never go on msn anymore and we haven't gone on a date in like 2 weeks or something."

"Are you asking me out Kim Jaejoong?" Yunho asked teasingly.


"Okay, I'll ask you out then." He smiled cheekily and kissed Jaejoong's soft cheek.

"Jaejoong!" They both turned around as they heard a deep voice calling from the inside.

"Oh shit, my dad," Jaejoong pulled away and turned Yunho towards the tree. "He never allows me to bring anyone home except for the few friends that he knows." He explained, urging Yunho to start climbing down.

"Then when will he get to know me? Come on, let's get it over now."

"Yunho! You didn't even come from the front door! You're dating me and you're in my bedroom. That's not a very good first impression, now go!"

"Oh, good point." Yunho quickly leaned down and stole a kiss on the lips before turning and climbing down the tree.

"Goodnight!" Jaejoong whispered. "Wait! Yunho?"

"Yes?" A voice from below answered. Jaejoong shrugged off the black jacket around him and dropped it down the balcony.

"Aw, thanks babe." Yunho placed his jacket around himself and shivered once the warmth hit his frozen skin. "Sleep well, dream of me! I missed you so so soo much!" He whisper-yelled before taking off to the bus stop.

Jaejoong smiled and blew a kiss at Yunho's disappearing back.

"Take care." He sighed happily.


"Yes dad?"

"What are you doing there? It's cold."

"Hm, just needed some fresh air." Jaejoong stepped back in his room and closed both the window and the balcony door.

"If you need some air, go stand in front of the aircon or something." Jaejoong laughed at his dad's response.

"Dad, I said fresh air."

"Whatever," Mr. Kim went over and ruffled his son's hair. "Your mom wants me to tell you to do your laundry, it's overflowing."

"Mmkay..." His dad dropped a goodnight kiss on his forehead before heading to the door.

"And son, stop talking to yourself. It's quite alarming." He mumbled before shutting Jaejoong's door. The pretty man scratched his head and sat back down in his bed with a pout. Great, so now dad thinks I have a retarded streak or something.

iSexyBoo is now online

Heedictator: where did you go??

iSexyBoo: putting the cheese factory to shame with my yunniebear ;D


OKAY SO. This chapter was done and ready on Monday but then my laptop decided to hate on me and shut off without properly saving half of my work
-_- so I went all "WTF ARE YOU KIDDING ME" and had to start the last half over again today. I had a shitload of homework to do >.<

But anyways!! I'm watching Coffee Prince right now and the japanese guy is <3333 I dunno why but he attracts me lol XD

I think that's it for my rambles. I gotta start on homework now TT^TT

I hope you guys enjoyed <3
Thanks for reading!

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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