Player Meets Player [Ch.14]

Nov 08, 2010 20:22

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Drama, Angst, Humor
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways 
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

"Changmin cheated on his lovely Kimchi ramen!"

"What?! Now way..."


"With who?"

"Kim Kibum."







"The stage producer Kim Kibum," Key interjected with a roll of his eyes. Their group was huddled in the middle of the hallway, uncaring of the fact that they were currently the cause of a huge traffic jam in said hallway. Key pushed at his friends so that they stood closer to the sides instead of smack dab in the middle.

"So, whatchu guys smuggling?" A cheerful voice interrupted their pointless conversation and Key whipped his head around, smiling widely at the owner of the voice.

"Heeey Joongie!"

"Heeey Key... what do you want?"

"Details. Everything."


"Aww come on!" Key left their circle of friends in favor of following Jaejoong to his locker. "Fine, not everything. Just the best parts!"

"It was the best date ever!" Jaejoong exclaimed before slamming his locker shut and skipping away.

"That's not a proper answer!" Key jogged up to Jaejoong, unrelenting. The only answer he got was cheerful humming and the loud vibrating of Jaejoong's cellphone. Jaejoong never runs out of text messages!

"I'll tell you everything later Kibummie. For now, just leave it." Jaejoong said as he looked around the crowded hallways, gossip-hungry students clutching at their phones.

"Fine, make sure!" Key remarked before waving at him and disappearing in the crowd. Jaejoong entered his classroom and sat at his usual spot. Dara entered a few minutes after him and occupied Heechul's seat since the other wasn't at school that day.

"So. How was the date?" Dara nudged him and giggled.

"How did you guys know?!... oh wait stupid question. Don't answer that," he blinked and glanced down at his phone with a frown. "I'll tell you guys later, I don't wanna risk being overheard by these students. Who knows how much they'll alter my story? I bet they'll turn our simple trip to Chunsang Dynasty into some crazed sex adventure in the Dynasty church." He babbled absentmindedly as he tapped at his phone quickly.

"MYGOD YOU WENT TO CHUNSANG DYNASTY?!" Dara exclaimed louder than intended, immediately snapping her mouth shut when scandalized gasps were heard around them. "Sorry..."

"That's alright," Jaejoong sighed, he didn't understand why Dara was so shocked when he mentioned that place. He looked around imagining what kinds of gossips the students were going to come up with this time. His cellphone vibrated and he looked down seeing a text from someone without a name.

To: 010-2797-5588
From: 010-9374-2983 (Unknown)

AHH Yunjae went on a date at ummm Joseon Dynasty? OMG Yunho has time travelling powers! O.O So romantic...

He groaned and plopped his head on the desk. How did these people even get his number? More importantly, his boyfriend did not have superpowers!

"Yunho!" The tall man looked around to see Jonghyun running up to him.

"What's up?" He casually slipped out of his expensive car and shut the door.

"I'm late, I need a late buddy." The other man explained.

"A late buddy?"

"Yeah, someone to walk in with so that when teachers see me, they won't be only mad at me!" Jonghyun explained, smiling widely as if he just answered a mind boggling problem. Yunho laughed at the other's logic.

"So... where did you take Jae?" They walked slowly towards the school, hoping to waste as much time as possible. Yunho checked his phone and chuckled.

From: My Boo <3
To: Uri Yunnie-yah~


"This place at Chunsang." He replied shortly.

"Okay... and then?"

"I had the best time of my life." Yunho answered, a wide grin on his face.

"That's not an answer!" Jonghyun retorted, stomping his feet like a little kid.

"Okay, okay. Well, we walked around like normal couples do, ran into some girls but Jae totally handled it then we went in this church and played around... then we lost each other- "


" -THEN we found each other again... after that, we ate and I took him to this place that only I knew of. He absolutely loved it." Yunho ended his story there. He wasn't really the best at recapping events; he made the date sound so bland.

"That's it?" They were already inside the school building, heading to their lockers.

"Um, we kissed?" Yunho added, unsure of what else to say. Jonghyun laughed loudly, lightly shoving at Yunho. "What?!"

"Whatever Yun, you suck at summaries. Oh! There's a meeting in Room 114 in about 10 minutes, you have to attend it and tell Jae too. See ya!" He yelled out before running to the direction of his locker.

"As I was saying, the school festival is drawing near and I am aware that you guys are interested in helping out in the preparations- "

Yunho shifted in his seat, trying to stay awake. It didn't help that the speaker's voice was so monotone it sounded like one of those voices in the intercom of train stations who announces the next stops. Oh wait, even those voices had more tone in them.

" -I will not tolerate lowered grades and you will be automatically removed from participating once we see that happening."

The teacher opened her mouth to start another rant and Yunho groaned, dropping his hands loosely at his sides and tilted his head up, staring at the light green ceiling.

Oh hey! Our ceilings are green!

His thoughts were interrupted when a soft hand grabbed his large one making him snap his head down, looking over at his left side where Jaejoong was sitting. His boyfriend gave him a quick glance and a sweet smile.

Jaejoong placed his pen in between his lips and pretended to pay attention to the teacher. He moved his hands around Yunho's until their fingers were locked together with their thumbs sticking out. He could see his boyfriend smile knowingly from the corner of his eyes before they started moving their thumbs around, trying to hold each other down.

They spent about twenty minutes thumb wrestling, Yunho's boredom forgotten as he concentrated on chasing Jaejoong's thumb around. It was harder since they were both looking at the front, totally clueless as to where their fingers were located. Jaejoong bit his lip but couldn't contain a soft giggle as he hid his thumb on the side of their locked hands. Yunho looked down confusedly and laughed when he realized why he couldn't find Jaejoong's thumb anymore. The teacher cleared her throat and raised her eyebrows at them. They both mumbled quick apologies and composed themselves.

"Would you like to share what was so funny Mr. Kim?" The teacher pressed on, taking the opportunity to pick on her least favorite student.

"No thanks." Jaejoong responded coolly, further irritating the teacher. She turned back to writing on the chalkboard with a huff, not able to think of a good response back.

Yunho shook his head and held Jaejoong's hand, deciding to play with his fingers to pass the few remaining minutes. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the bell rang, signalling break time and they all scrambled away to the cafeteria.

"Seriously, what was the point of that meeting?" Yunho complained, stretching his arms above his head while walking.

"I have no idea. Seniors always had that meeting before the festival, it looked more exciting when I was just a junior," Jaejoong shrugged, he stopped in one of the corners of an less crowded hallway and wrapped his arms around Yunho's neck. "You're gonna have dance practices for the rest of the week while I'll be busy in the kitchen. We won't be able to see each other as often anymore," Jaejoong whispered softly before leaning up to peck Yunho's cheek.

Yunho sighed and leaned down to give Jaejoong a proper kiss on the lips.

"I know, but make sure to drop everything on the day of the dance competition. I need you there," Yunho declared, hugging Jaejoong's waist.

"I promise."

They kissed one last time before parting ways, Yunho went to the cafeteria to grab some food before going to dance practice while Jaejoong headed towards the culinary room.

iSexyBoo has signed in (8:43 P.M)

TheKey: as promised i'm online, now spill

iSexyBoo: funny how i remember telling you the exact same thing BUT YOU NEVER TOLD ME >:[

TheKey: oh... right well onew and i just kinda happened. you know, couple's day pressure and all that jazz and we just spilled the beans and confessed and tadaaa we happened. now ur turn!

iSexyBoo: o.o that is sooooo... um whats the word? hmm, un-amazing?

TheKey: well i'm sorry princess, not everyone has yours and yunho's drama worthy life

iSexyBoo: LOL

TheKey: you went to joseon dynasty? *laughs*

iSexyBoo: lmao. we went to chunsang dynasty, we didnt time travel

TheKey: haha XD so how was it?

iSexyBoo: i dont know how to explain it!! it was lovely. he was so sweet and funny and caring and GORGEOUS and cute and and and!

TheKey: lol! ok i geddit! what exactly did you do there?

iSexyBoo: we just walked around for a few hours, the place was amazing key! but then there was a small accident during a circus show and we kinda lost each other

TheKey: D:



iSexyBoo: i dunno, they're just in the process of making it. who knows, it might break down or something


iSexyBoo: then we ate at this expensive restaurant that yunnie's uncle owned it was so fancy i couldnt even understand shit

TheKey: HAHA

iSexyBoo: so i ordered like the most common food ever and the look on the waiter's face was funny. we ended up just eating outside though. like, streetfood

TheKey: omygod i want streetfood they are soooo amazing!

iSexyBoo: I KNOW RIGHT? so then yeah we ran out of the restaurant and we made like a bajillion turns before we saw this stall that sells the best ddeokbokki and odaeng ever

TheKey: ohhhh

iSexyBoo: then we started running again, carrying our food and he took me to this place and there was this fountain thingie and it was so colorful and the water was twisting around making shapes OMYGOD IT WAS BEAUTIFUL it was like the fountain was alive

TheKey: *o* i wanna goooo

iSexyBoo: XD

iSexyBoo: how was dance practice?

TheKey: we're close to perfect ^^b

iSexyBoo: good! =D

TheKey: this week will be soooo busy :[

iSexyBoo: i know but hey this is fun!

TheKey: yessss

iSexyBoo: where are the others? :/ no ones on

TheKey: probably camping out changmin's house to attack him with questions lmao XD

iSexyBoo: LOL funny mental image

TheKey: haha XD

iSexyBoo: kay i gotta go now, mom needs help in the kitchen

TheKey: aww did you just go online to keep ur promise to me?

iSexyBoo: lol sure? bye~

TheKey: XDD bye~~

iSexyBoo has signed off (9:10 P.M)

The week passed by quickly, all of them barely saw each other, other than those who were in the same committee of course. They only interacted using their phones and their never-failing msn conversations.

Jaejoong bustled around the kitchen, double checking appliances, making sure no one forgot to leave anything on and that everyone cleaned up after themselves. He placed the last of the barbecue marinade in the fridge and clapped his hands together, looking around at the spotless kitchen.

"Joongie! Let's go! 30 more minutes before the thing starts!" He could hear Heechul scream out from outside the room. He hurriedly took his apron off and threw it on the apron rack.

"All done!" He locked the culinary room and ran towards Heechul's car where Yoochun and Junsu are waiting.

"I wonder who's gonna win this year," Junsu spoke out loud, obviously excited. "How long does it take to get there?"

"About 20 minutes without traffic and those damned red lights." Heechul responded, turned on the radio.

"We have enough time." Yoochun said, looking at his watch. "They're performing second last."

Jaejoong drummed his fingers on his legs, smiling. He couldn't wait to see Yunho's performance.

Yunho looked at the huge wall mirror and began fiddling with his outfit. He loved dancing but they never had a dance group back in Chunsang High so he wasn't used to performing on stage. He was nervous, but he wouldn't admit that. Oh no.

"Hey Yun!" He jumped as he was brought back to reality by Donghae's voice. "You okay there dude?"

"Yeah I'm fine," he let out a convincing smile and walked over to join the rest of their dance team in the middle of the dressing room. They were going over their routine one last time before they were shooed out to go backstage. Loud music erupted in their ears as the DJ tested all the CDs to make sure they all worked. A couple of groups passed by them and they exchanged smiles, they knew some of them from the past dance battles.

"Are you guys ready?!" The MC of the competition spoke into the microphone and the audience cheered.

"Omygod." Yunho ran to the curtain and peeked out. He didn't expect that much people to come! Key laughed beside him.

"That's quite a lot huh?" Yunho just nodded, scanning the crowd and hoping that his boo would get a good seat.

"We're starting in a minute!" A staff member backstage declared, warning the dancers.

"Yunnie!" Yunho felt something soft hit his back and he turned around with a huge smile on his face, recognizing the voice. "Not much time Yun, I just sneaked in here to tell you something."

"What's that?" Yunho asked, still smiling.

"You guys are amazing and you'll win!" Jaejoong smiled and hugged him briefly before pulling away to go back to his seat. "Good luck!"

Before he could completely move away, Yunho grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Wha- " Jaejoong was interrupted by soft lips being placed on his.

"I needed a good luck charm," Yunho explained with a wink before letting Jaejoong go. The latter just smiled and quickly turned away, hiding the pink on his cheeks.

Jaejoong clapped enthusiastically as the third group finished their routine. As always, the yearly dance competition didn't disappoint, it seemed like the groups just got better and better every time. His thoughts were interrupted when the whole stadium exploded once again. He looked up at the stage and his eyes widened in shock.

Heechul and Yesung, who were sitting on either side of him, kept glancing at him from time to time. Jaejoong kept quiet for that particular group's performance, no clapping or cheering coming from him- which was odd since he was normally one of the loudest ones. He had a contemplative look on his face as he stared at the dancers. The music ended and the loud applause followed. Jaejoong blinked and shook his head, trying to rid of his thoughts to pay attention to the next performance. His boyfriend was next.

As the KiJu group entered, the cheers became explosive and Jaejoong had to cover his ears momentarily. He flashed a sweet smile at Yunho and gave him the thumbs up sign mouthing a quick 'Fighting!'

The music played and the screaming became louder. Jaejoong couldn't wipe the mesmerized smile on his face. Key wasn't kidding when he said they were almost perfect a week ago. Now, they were absolutely one hundred percent perfect.

A certain part of the song played and Yunho moved to the middle, ready to do a solo. Jaejoong cheered and clapped loudly for him. Yunho danced around the stage like he owned it, nervousness seemingly forgotten as he pulled off his solo like a pro. At the end of his part, he lifted both of his hands a formed a heart with them, staring directly at Jaejoong and winking before stepping backwards. Jaejoong heard some people in front and behind him squeal, probably thinking that the wink and the heart sign were for them.

Jaejoong's energy was revived, he was clapping and cheering whenever necessary. The song ended and the thunderous applause followed. Seriously, you would think that you were in a concert instead of a mere dance competition.

The last group performed and received much love from the audience. The awaited intermission came next and the judges took this time to decide on who would win. Everyone got up from their seats to greet their school representatives and congratulate them on the great show they put on.

"Guys, you go ahead. I'm just gonna find the bathroom." His friends nodded and told him to hurry up and to not get lost. Jaejoong laughed and turned in a corner before he noticed that his shoelaces were untied so he bent down to fix them. He got up and turned around only to find someone blocking his way. He apologized without looking up, muttering a quick 'excuse me'. He really needed the bathroom.

"Jae." A familiar voice called out to him and he froze. He clenched his fists and tried to ignore the person beside him, continuing his walk.

"Jae." This time, the owner of the voice grabbed his hand and turned Jaejoong around to face him.

"What." Jaejoong gritted out, he was pissed and he needed to go to the freaking bathroom!

"I just want to talk to you- "

"There's nothing to talk about Dongwook," Dongwook, or better known as Seven, took a deep breath and held onto Jaejoong's shoulders to keep him from turning away. Jaejoong tried to shrug the hands off but it was useless. "If you wanted to properly talk to me, you could've done so a year ago."

"Jae, I'm sorry. I- I still..." he looked softly at Jaejoong's eyes and the latter looked away, angry that he couldn't escape his hold to go to the fucking toilet!

"Don't even say that you still have feelings for me Dongwook. I sure as hell don't." Jaejoong lifted his hands to try and pry Seven's fingers off his shoulders.

"You're sure you don't Jae?" Seven's eyes flashed and Jaejoong noticed how the guy was leaning down closer to him.

"Stop it! Let go of me!"

"Hey!" Seven and Jaejoong looked up to see Rain enter the abandoned corner, a frown etched on his face. He pulled Jaejoong away by the hand but Seven still held on to Jaejoong's other hand. "What do you think you're doing?"

Seven narrowed his eyes, last time he asked around, people told him that Jaejoong and Rain were dating.

"I'm just trying to talk to him."

"It didn't look like you were exactly trying to talk." Rain retaliated, pulling Jaejoong closer to him but Seven still held on.

"Stop pulling guys!" Jaejoong complained. Bladder problem here!

"Let go of him!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"You have no right with- "



"Yah!" Yunho appeared in front of them and yanked Jaejoong out of their grips. Seven let go out of surprise while Rain just let Yunho pull him away.

"And who are you?" Seven asked, a frustrated expression on his face.

"Jae's boyfriend." Yunho answered, looking back at him calmly.

Jaejoong fidgeted on his spot. He had to go so badly and it didn't help that the situation just kept getting more awkward by the minute.

"And who are you?" Yunho bounced the question back.

"Jaejoong's first." Seven stopped there and Yunho twitched at his statement. There were many possibilities of firsts.

"That's nice. I'll make sure I'm his last then." Yunho was about to walk away but Seven grabbed Jaejoong's wrist again.

"Not gonna happen." Jaejoong was surprised at what his ex-boyfriend said.

"Fuck yeah it's gonna happen." Yunho was now obviously mad. Jaejoong winced as both their hands tightened around his wrists.

"Hey stop!" Rain, who kept quiet the whole time, jumped forward when he noticed Jaejoong's pain. The three of them started talking all at once, mainly Seven and Yunho yelling at each other while Rain tried to pull Jaejoong away.

"Guys..." he was ignored as they continued jabbering.

"GUYS!" Still ignored.

"YOU IDIOTS LET GO OF ME I NEED TO PEE!" They all stopped talking and loosened their hold on him. Well that was effective.

He pulled his hands away and ran to the bathroom, leaving the three men dumbfounded. He took his time in the washroom, not willing to deal with the situation outside.

"Jae?" Junsu entered, standing beside him in front of the sink. "It's fine now, we dealt with it." He smiled, pushing his thumbs up. They walked out of the bathroom and Jaejoong saw that the previously abandoned corner was now filled with their friends.

"Where are Yunho and Rain?" They all walked out of the corner and sat around backstage. The others shrugged.

"After Seven left, Rain walked off and Yunho followed him." Jaejoong nodded, trusting that those two won't have a showdown like the one earlier. He sighed and plopped on the ground, listening to his friends' random chatters. Why was senior year attacking him with so much drama?!

"Who was that guy?" Yunho asked Rain curiously. "Other than him being Jae's 'first'," he quoted sarcastically. Rain bent down to take two drinks from the vending machine, offering one of them to Yunho. "Oh, thanks."

"Seven, Dongwook, was Jaejoong's first official boyfriend. Official as in Jaejoong was actually faithful to him. No extra dates on the side," he took a gulp of his drink and continued. "I met Jae 2 years ago and they were still together back then, Dongwook was also the dance group leader before me. I really couldn't believe it when people told me that Jae was a player years before they dated."

Yunho nodded, occasionally taking sips at his soda.

"I liked Jae even then but I noticed how happy they were together so I just let him go," he chuckled and shook his head. "It would've been better if I just stole him away. That bastard left him after they dated for 13 months for a dance scholarship at some school overseas. He didn't even try to maintain contact with Jaejoong, he just told him that he couldn't handle a long distance relationship as it would distract him from his priorities." Rain scoffed. "Asshole. Jaejoong was pretty devastated."

Yunho's eyebrows narrowed and he had the sudden urge to look for Dongwook and sock him in the face. The MC began talking again, announcing that the judges have come to a decision.

"And you," Rain pointed at Yunho. "I'm gonna let go of Jae for you, you better not turn out to be like him." Yunho grinned at that.


"Should I trust a player's word?" Rain looked at him sternly.

"Fine don't trust my words. Just watch me do it." Yunho responded without missing a beat. Rain smiled and smacked Yunho's back.

"Good. Now, we've got a trophy to collect."

"You're sure that we're gonna win?" Yunho asked throwing his empty can in the garbage.

"Leader's intuition man, it's strong!" They both laughed as they ran back to their group, the tension previously held between them completely evaporated into thin air.

The crowd went wild and stood up from their seats as Rain and the rest of the group walked up the stage to claim their prize. Turned out that Rain's intuition was right. They all bowed to the audience yelling out their thanks before running off the stage as the MC declared the end of the event.

"OMYGOD YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU!" They all ran towards the small group enveloping them in a messy group hug.

"Two years in a row! You guys are beast!" Yoochun high-fived Key, who was smirking proudly.

"Well what can I say? We're a great team." Rain propped the trophy properly in his arms as the event staff asked for a group picture.

Dara looked down at her flashing phone and quickly answered the call.

"Yes auntie?" She quietly slipped away from the noise to hear the voice on the phone clearly.

"Guys Changmin texted, said he was sorry he couldn't attend blah blah blah... HE'S THROWING A CONGRATULATORY PARTY FOR YOU GUYS HECK YEAH!" Yoochun exclaimed jumping up and running to the exit.

"Let's go guys! It's still early! Plenty of time to partaayyyy!!" His voice faded as he ran towards his car. The others laughed and quickly followed.

Jaejoong looked back at where Dara was standing.

"You ready to go?"

Dara nodded, a hint of worry on her face.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, let's go!" Jaejoong noticed that her smile was forced and the excitement in her voice didn't sound like her at all but he decided to leave it for now.


A chorus of car engines zooming off from the parking lot echoed under the pink, darkening sky.


I kinda died. I'm sorry ^^; 
I had exams so I couldn't really stay on for longer than 10 minutes last week >.<'
But now that that's over, I'm back! Miss me? XD no.

Hope you guys liked this chapter, and no, Seven isn't the drama LOL I just needed something to bring Rain and Yunho together .

The drama will be... worse? Or maybe better than that in a way.... I'm gonna stop talking now.

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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