Player Meets Player [Ch.13]

Oct 24, 2010 10:17

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Angst, Drama, Humor
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways 
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

"Joongie get up! You're late for your date!" Jaejoong rolled out of his bed and landed on the floor with a thud. He automatically got up and ran to the bathroom.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" He shouted from behind the closed door.

"Well I'm sorry, you should've turned on your alarm clock last night! I’m not your maid!" His sister yelled right back.

"UGH." Was the only response he could come up with before running the shower and drowning out his sister's obnoxious laughter.

He and Yoochun actually got nothing done the night before, they ended up chatting and gossiping about their day and coming to the conclusion that yes, a majority of their friends were indeed dating each other. All they had accomplished to do was throw Jaejoong’s clothing on every single corner of his room, deeming none of them worthy enough of being Jaejoong's outfit for the date.

He turned off the shower and hurriedly got out of the bathroom, haphazardly opening his closet and glaring at it as if it would just throw the perfect outfit at him if he stared hard enough. He grabbed his washed out blue jeans along with a loose black shirt and a plaid scarf, trying it out before scoffing and practically ripping them off of his body, moving on to the next outfit. This went on for about an hour and only stopped when he heard his heard his cell phone beep. Yunho’s text read that he was on his way to Jaejoong's house.

Jaejoong bit his lip and turned around to look at himself in the mirror. He sighed and grabbed the pieces of clothing that stuck out from his mountain of rejected clothing a.k.a his whole closet. He looked at himself once more and nodded, finally approving of what he wore.

He zipped on a sleeveless white, wide turtle-neck shirt with his long silver cross necklace dangling on his chest. His dark blue pants were accented with a white belt with musical notes decorating it. He grabbed his cell phone, key and a small wallet and shoved them in his pockets. He ran down the stairs but then ran back up after realizing that he forgot to bring some other things. He pulled out a thick white cardigan and a black and white striped beanie, running back down just in time for the doorbell to ring.

"I got it!" The excited male yelled out to his sister who was about to stand up and answer the door. He quickly shoved his feet into a pair of black boots and placed his beanie onto his head, taking a deep breath to compose himself before opening the door.

There stood Jung Yunho looking ever so handsome in his black button up shirt which slightly faded to white in the middle area. His hands were shoved into the front pockets of stylish black pants paired with simple black shoes. The wind blew at his light brown hair and the faux-fur vest over his torso moved slightly to the left. Jaejoong looked up and stared at the handsome face adorned with black-rimmed glasses. His boyfriend looked like he was modelling for something even when he was just standing at Jaejoong's door.

Effortlessly gorgeous. Freaking Jung. Oh hey, we match! - Kind of. Jaejoong thought when he realized that Yunho was wearing all black with a little white while he was wearing all white with a bit of black.

"You look great Jae," Yunho smiled, looking him over and Jaejoong couldn't help but smile cheerfully.

"Thanks! I just... threw this on haha..." he trailed off, playing with the hem of his shirt. Right. "You don't look bad yourself!" He teased.

"Heh. I just threw this on too," Yunho smiled playfully and bowed to someone behind Jaejoong. The latter turned his head and found his father looking at them sternly; the newspaper rolled up in his hands. He looked like he was ready to swat a fly.

"Jae, you come home before midnight. Take care alright?" He kissed Jaejoong on the head and gave a small nod to Yunho. The older Kim walked back into the kitchen without giving Jaejoong the chance to introduce him to Yunho.

"Alright, bye dad! Mom! Sis!" He waved at them and closed the front door.

"Okay... shall we then Cinderella?" Yunho extended his hand and grinned. Jaejoong laughed and rolled his eyes, pushing the hand away and walking to where Yunho's car was parked.

“So may I know where we’re going?” Jaejoong asked, buckling up.

“Nope, you shall wait and see” Yunho replied, grinning widely.

“It better not be a mall,” Jaejoong glared. Yunho laughed.

The car stopped and Jaejoong took a look out the window; the place was unfamiliar to him. His eyes roamed around the stalls selling trinkets, to the small, simple looking shops until his eyes landed on the brick grounds.


He looked around once more. Everything looked like they were made of bricks.

Yunho smiled seeing the expressions play on Jaejoong’s face. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for his still dazed date.

“Planning on getting out anytime soon?”

Jaejoong looked up at him, snapping out of his thoughts and nodded, stepping out and walking forward. He saw something shiny at one of the stalls and ran for it, hastily telling Yunho to follow. The other just smiled and walked towards the enthusiastic male. He knew that Jaejoong would love this place.

“Pretty...” Jaejoong eyed a ring sitting on a white velvet box. It was a black titanium band that was connected in the middle by a single, small diamond. It had faint silver words embedded on the inside but he couldn’t see make out what they said.

“Gorgeous isn’t it?” The old lady, who Jaejoong guessed was the owner of the stall, smiled as she gestured at the ring. “It was found way back in the early 20’s when a young man found the ring lying inside one of the cracks on the mansion floors. It was said to belong to Prince JaeYoon and was dropped the day he died alongside his forbidden lover,” she winked at him. “Quite the back-story huh?”

Jaejoong nodded, completely taken by the ring while Yunho just stood beside him quietly. He had heard that story a lot of times before, his past targets had told him about the ring and tried to get him to go with them to this place. They were actually in Chunsang right now, in a place called- well it was called Chunsang Dynasty. It was a place where couples go when they think that they had found ‘the one’ but Yunho didn’t plan to tell Jaejoong that. Not yet anyways.

“How much would this be?” Jaejoong inquired.

The old lady sighed, as if she knew what was going to happen next.

“300 000 won...”

“Ho’ shit,” Jaejoong mumbled inaudibly, disappointed of the price. Well, that was real diamond and the ring was rare. “Well, thanks for your time ahjumma but I don’t think I’ll get it.” He said, rubbing his neck and staring longingly at the ring.

“I understand young man, go on have and fun you two,” she smiled at both of them as they walked away.

“Well that was sad,” Jaejoong tried to forget about the ring and grabbed Yunho’s arm with both of his hands, pulling him forward.

“Come on! Walk faster! We need to explore this place! How did you find this? Where are we anyways?” Jaejoong fired questions after questions, staring up at the tall, old looking buildings. This place feels so serene!

“We’re in Chunsang Dynasty. It’s the oldest part of the town,” Yunho explained, removing his arm from Jaejoong’s grip and placing it around the smaller man instead. “I thought you’d enjoy it here.”

“And you thought right!” Jaejoong jumped slightly in excitement and flashed Yunho a huge smile, sticking his thumbs up in front of them.

Yunho chuckled and hugged Jaejoong tighter, the place was pretty crowded that day and he didn’t want to lose the other in the crowd.

They entered several shops, fooling around with the unknown objects they found, camera whoring in the process and walking out empty-handed. Hours went by and they didn't even notice.

“- then I told him to shut up but he wouldn’t! So I threw an ice cube in his face but his mouth was so wide open that the ice cube actually went in and he started coughing- then he called me a bitch.”

Yunho laughed loudly at Jaejoong’s random story telling. He had asked the other how he met their friends and ended up hearing a barrage of crazy, unexpected meetings. They continued walking around hand in hand.

“And I met Rain in the dance studio, he was a new student back then so we didn’t know each other yet. I entered the studio and tripped over the stereo cord and accidentally unplugged it, so then I grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be a loose rope that was holding a curtain up and the curtain fell down, covering me from head to toe. It tangled Rain’s feet while he was doing some dance move so we both fell and he had to help me untangle myself and see the light again,” he laughed at the memory. “It was quite a disaster.”

Jaejoong looked down at his free hand holding the camera and browsed through their pictures.

“Yunnie, you look like a squirrel in this one!” He showed Yunho a picture of the other wearing a fur hat with what looked like a beaver’s tail at the top. Yunho was also nibbling on a piece of chip in the picture.

Yunho laughed quietly and clicked the next button. He smiled at their goofy pictures and reminded himself to ask Jaejoong to send him all of them. He suddenly laughed when he saw one of the pictures he took.

“Look! You- “

“Yunho!” He was interrupted by a chorus of loud squealing and yelling of his name. He looked up from the camera and saw a bunch of girls jumping in their spots.

“Oppa! You didn’t tell us you were visiting!”

“You don’t reply to my texts anymore!”

“Who’s that?”

Jaejoong turned around and faced the loud hooligans interrupting their happy conversation.

“You’re not worthy of hearing my name,” Jaejoong replied nonchalantly and took a picture of a random building in front of him.

The girls gasped and pouted at Yunho.

“Oppa! He’s being mean to us!” One of the girls tried to act cutely, stomping her feet and crossing her arms. She only succeeded in looking like a total spoiled brat.

Jaejoong hummed, completely ignoring their presence and enjoying Yunho’s light chuckles near his ears.

“He can do whatever he wants,” he told them before trying to walk away.

“Yunnie! Come on, hang out with us! We haven’t seen each other in a while,” one of the girls smiled sweetly. “I’m sure you’ve missed me.” She added confidently.

Jaejoong laughed and shook his head, “you’re sure he missed you?” He asked incredulously. “Yunnie, what’s her name again?”

Yunho looked down at Jaejoong and could tell that the other was getting pissed.

“I... uh...” he looked up and tried to think. He seriously couldn’t remember what the girl’s name was.


Jaejoong turned his head and looked at the girl, “yes, I’m positive he missed you. So much that he can’t even remember your name anymore,” he rolled his eyes and pulled on Yunho’s hand. “Let’s go Yunnie.”

“Don’t call me Yunnie.”

The girl perked up, thinking that Yunho was about to reject Jaejoong for her.

“I mean you,” he turned to her. “You can’t call me Yunnie. Only my Boo can call me that.” He pulled Jaejoong closer and kissed his head, finally able to walk away as the girls were still in a state of shock.

The girl’s mouth was hanging open, ready to tell everyone she knew that Jung Yunho had been brainwashed by someone from KiJu High.

Jaejoong pulled Yunho into an abandoned church; it looked very ancient and he felt giddy entering it. He managed to take a picture of it back when they were dealing with the snooty little girls and immediately wanted to go there.

“AH!” He screamed out and it echoed all around them. That was fun.

“WHOO!” Yunho joined in, his voice also echoing. “YUNJAE WAS HERE!” He added, laughter joining the echo of the words.

“JAEHO WAS HERE!” And more laughter echoed.

Yunho smiled widely and grabbed Jaejoong’s wrist, running over to the altar. He bent down on one knee and placed both of Jaejoong’s hands in his.

“Will you marry me Kim Jaejoong?” He asked, letting go of Jaejoong’s hands to pull out an imaginary ring. He looked at Jaejoong and held out his ‘free hand’.

“Yes, yes!” The other man played along, acting like an overjoyed puppy. He pulled Yunho up by the hands and they started jumping around while spinning in a circle like little kids. They stopped once they felt the world tilting around them.

“I don’t think proposals are supposed to go that way,” Yunho laughed.

“Yeah, we’re such horrible actors,” Jaejoong agreed also laughing. “Are we drunk?”

Yunho laughed even more.

“Nah, I think this church is filled with laughing gas.”

“Like the gas in Super Junior EHB?”

“Yeah, like that.”

They burst out laughing again.

“Are you feeling better now?” Yunho asked once he'd calmed down from his high and the world stopped moving.

“Hm? Why do you ask?” Jaejoong asked, confused.

“You looked kinda pissed back there.”

Jaejoong scrunched his nose cutely.

“Yeah, well I hate it how people know us everywhere.” He got up from his spot on one of the chairs and headed for the exit.

Yunho got up and jogged to him, hugging him from behind.

“Hey, at least we know how to deal with the situation,” he moved in front of Jaejoong and hugged his waist. “And as I told you, you’re not like them,” he leaned down and leaned his forehead against Jaejoong’s. “You’re the only one I see.”

Jaejoong gave him a quick peck on the lips before lightly pulling away.

“Cheeseball!” He laughed and ran to the exit.

“Yah! I was being serious!” Yunho called out, running up to the other. “Whoa,” he stopped behind his boyfriend and stared. “Where did all these people come from?!”

“It wasn’t this crowded before,” Jaejoong scratched his head. There were suddenly a lot of people swarming the area outside the church, some couples even walked passed them and into the church. Good thing they already had the chance to enjoy the place alone.

“Come on, let’s find somewhere to eat.” They intertwined their hands together and pushed past the crowd. There was some circus thing going on in the middle but they couldn’t see it clearly. Yunho took out his phone to check what time it was.

“Whoa whoa watch out!” They looked up and saw a guy standing on long, narrow sticks toppling backwards. A kid unexpectedly ran towards the circus man and accidentally tripped him. Some people screamed and scurried away to avoid getting hit and the circus staff tried to run through and push a trampoline behind their companion so he wouldn’t hurt himself from the fall.

A huge crowd pushed at Jaejoong, forcing him to let go of Yunho’s hand while Yunho got swept away by a couple of panicky ahjummas.

“Jaejoong!” He yelled out when his hands grabbed at thin air. He was about to go forward where he last saw Jaejoong but a trampoline blocked his way, the man walking on the long, wooden legs landing ungracefully onto it.

“Shit,” he cursed under his breath as he was pushed away once more, this time, by the security guards. The crowd kept stepping backwards, taking him with them and he tried to squish himself forward to get to the other side.

“Jae... where are you...” he scanned the place once he was out of the chaos but couldn’t spot the pretty guy. He felt around his pockets for his cell phone and found them empty other than his wallet. “Fuck it!” He cursed again, loudly this time, as he saw his phone on the ground not too far from him, broken. He must’ve dropped it when they were shoved.

“Yunho...” Jaejoong placed his cell phone on his ears for the fourth time, looking over people’s heads to try and find his boyfriend.

The number you have dialled is unavailable, please try agai-

“UGH!” He shoved his phone back in his pocket and rubbed at his face. He lost his balance in the crowd and was pushed too far away from the church. He would’ve fallen if he didn’t step back along with them.

He ran forward and tried to find where the church was. He looked around bewilderedly. This Chunsang Dynasty place looked bigger and scarier without Yunho beside him. He ran again and whipped his head around, hoping to find Yunho’s brown head somewhere in the crowd.

“I should’ve kept my hair blonde for this,” he murmured, running to where he saw a glimpse of a long wooden leg.


“Damn it MOVE!” Yunho was losing his patience, a bunch of people were just loitering around, taking pictures of the accident. It wasn’t that great!

“Jaejoong!” he called out but no one responded. He stood in front of the church and looked around hopelessly. The other was nowhere in sight.


Jaejoong stopped running. It wasn’t a wooden leg. It was a stupid wagon; they were making the world’s largest wagon or something. He sighed and ran to the opposite direction, it was getting dark and his hands were freezing. He rubbed his hands together and blew on them, tearing up when he didn’t recognize where he was currently standing.


Yunho left the church and ran to where he saw the crowd exit from before. He stood in the middle of an open area quite far away from where the incident happened. His eyes moved everywhere, there was still enough light for him to see clearly but the sky definitely got darker. He turned and ran to the left.

What is a giant wagon doing in this place?


Jaejoong was back to running. Just a couple of minutes ago, he managed to land himself somewhere familiar by walking aimlessly in a random direction.

There it is!

He stopped and panted for a few seconds before running full speed towards the church.


Yunho realized that he just went in a circle. He was now back to where the church was. He sighed and walked away, completely panicking on the inside.

Where’s my Jaejoong?


Jaejoong burst out once he realized that Yunho wasn’t inside. There were only a bunch of couples declaring their love for each other as if nobody else was in there. He sniffed as he walked out, something silver catching his eye.

“Yunho...” he walked closer to the thing on the ground and was sure that it was Yunho’s phone. He bent down and picked up the broken pieces, his eyes welling up in tears once again. How was he supposed to find Yunho?

Yunho remembered that he left his phone on the ground in his chaste to find Jaejoong. He turned around and decided to take it back, hoping it was still there. In his desperate state, he was determined to fix it no matter what. However, his heart pounded when he saw a figure huddled on the ground where he dropped his phone. His face stretched into a relieved smile at seeing the beanie on the person’s head.

“Jae!” He ran forward, all his energy seeming to come back to him. The person stood up and looked at him in shock.

“Yunho!” Was all Jaejoong managed to get out before he was crushed in a tight hug. Jaejoong lifted his arms and wrapped them around Yunho’s neck, still sniffing. “Why do we always get lost when we’re together?!” He exclaimed, voice muffled in Yunho’s shoulder.

“Because we both don’t have a sense of direction?” Yunho responded, squeezing Jaejoong tighter. The smaller man let out a short laugh and pulled away.

“That was scary,” he whispered and wiped his face with his sleeves. Yunho leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

“Well, I found you,” he took Jaejoong’s cold hands in his and placed them on his neck to warm them. Jaejoong smiled and tiptoed, kissing Yunho softly on the lips.

“Did you see the giant wagon?”


"Your phone's broken."


They now sat in a fancy restaurant, Jaejoong looking completely clueless. Sure, his parents had well-paying jobs but they never really practiced going into these kinds of places. Good food can also be bought in cheap restaurants!

Jaejoong placed the menu down and took off his sweater. It was getting too warm and he needed to be comfortable and fully concentrated on the English words on the menu.

"Damn," Yunho whispered, eying Jaejoong's alabaster skin. The toned arms flexed as Jaejoong bent his arms to place his cardigan behind him.

"Yunho?" Jaejoong took off his hat and rubbed at his hair, shaking his head to get rid of the static and hat-hair. Yunho caught a whiff of Jaejoong's honey green tea and vanilla scented hair.



Yunho snapped out of his daze and looked at Jaejoong with slightly wide eyes.


"Help me, I don't know what to order..." Yunho smiled and pinched Jaejoong's cheek.

"Just order whatever you want. My uncle owns this place so his chef can make anything for us." He raised his hand and a waiter was immediately by their side.

Jaejoong looked up at the waiter for a moment and blurted out the first thing that popped in his head.


"Jae... we can eat that anytime."

"But I want it now," he looked at Yunho with pleading eyes and the man just sighed.

"Give me the same thing."

The waiter nodded and left, only hesitating a little.

Their food came shortly, both plates decorated with herbs, shaped vegetables, expensive looking plates and whatnot. It looked like they filled the plate with more decorations than the actual food.

"...can I eat this?" Jaejoong asked, poking at the food.

"Yeah?" Yunho replied, amused.

Jaejoong popped three pieces of fishcakes in his mouth.

"I'm done and it tastes weird."

Yunho didn't even take a bite of his own food and just stood up, grabbing Jaejoong's wrist and dragging him out the door.

"Yah, yah!" Jaejoong barely had the chance to pull his sweater off his seat, slipping it on before the night chill could hit his skin. "You didn't even pay!"

"I don't need to. Uncle is the owner remember? Now come on, I gotta show you something," he suddenly remembered one of the secluded places he found when he came here alone. Yeah, Jung Yunho went to this so called 'couple's place' alone. What? He wanted to check it out!

They ran for a few minutes, turning left, turning right, and after what felt like never-ending turns, Jaejoong spotted a food stall and smiled widely.

"Now this is real food!" They ran to the stall and bought three sticks of odaeng and a bowl of ddeokbokki each.

"For take-out please," Yunho added.

"Why? We can just eat it here Yunnie."

"No, I have to show you something. Do you think that I dragged you out and ran here so that I can show you a food stall?" He chuckled. "What time is it?" he asked.

Jaejoong handed his food to Yunho so he could dig out his phone properly.

"It's 8:21, why?"

"Perfect." Yunho just smiled and handed Jaejoong his food back, holding the latter's hand with his free ones.

They turned right twice and took a short walk in a small forest before they came to a clearing with a massive fountain positioned in the middle.

"Wow..." Jaejoong gasped, the insides of the fountain were lit up with bright colors, making the water appear to to be colored itself. There were five benches lined up around the fountain and a metal railing surrounding the spouting watercourse.

Jaejoong placed his food down on one of the benches and leaned on the railing.

"How did you find this? It's so beautiful," Jaejoong ogled the colorful cascade of water.

"A few years ago, I came here alone and had to run away from a couple of people who recognized me," he placed his food down beside Jaejoong's and leaned on the railings, his back to the fountain. "I just ran aimlessly and happened to be lucky and found this spot." He explained, titling his head up to look at the stars. It was already dark and he could see his breath when he talked but they didn't mind the cold.

"Oh, good thing you didn't get hit by a coconut on the way here." Jaejoong responded playfully.

Yunho laughed and shook his head.

"What time is it?"


"Great." Yunho smiled and moved away, turning himself to face the fountain.

"What's gre- AH!" Jaejoong jumped from his spot and ran towards Yunho, hiding behind him. The taller man laughed, pulling Jaejoong beside him.

"Watch! It's not gonna get you I promise," he chuckled. Jaejoong peeked at the fountain and saw that the face that popped in the water was gone, now replaced with two little angels holding each other's hand.

"How..." he gaped as the water moved again, splattering the angels away before twisting around and forming a ballerina figure, spinning on its spot. The figure disappeared and out came a dove, seemingly moving towards them as the water moved around and expanded it. It was like watching a 3-D movie minus the glasses.

"My god..."

"You like it?"

"YES! I've never seen anything like this before," Jaejoong stated, still in awe.

"Yeah, this town is pretty amazing." Yunho faced Jaejoong and turned the other's face towards him.

"Did you enjoy our date?" He asked, taking Jaejoong's beanie from his hand and placing it on the latter's head.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Jaejoong smiled sweetly and placed his hands on Yunho's shoulders, brushing away some microscopic lints.

"So it was a success? I mean other than the getting lost part... that drove me nuts and the girls that showed up... I swear I was never with any of them and the restaurant thing..." Yunho sighed, after saying them out loud, he felt like such a failure. Why couldn't he arrange something perfect for Jaejoong?

Jaejoong laughed, seeing Yunho's expression.

"Hey, it was fun okay. It was fun shoving it to those girls' faces that you're with me. It was nice to prove that not all expensive food are better and... um I guess it was neat that we saw the making of the world's largest wagon?" He placed his head on Yunho's chest and smiled. "I don't want perfection. I want the real Jung Yunho who fails at everything."

Yunho grinned widely, ignoring the underlying insult in the last sentence and pulled Jaejoong's face up.

"Since when were you so nice?"

"Since you told me you liked me? And that you wouldn't play with me?"

"Good. Keep it up, because I do and I won't," and with that, he leaned down and took Jaejoong's lips in his. Their second kiss not any less sweeter than the first. Jaejoong opened his mouth and Yunho smiled, taking the invitation and deepening the kiss.

The fountain splashed, getting rid of the little stars it had formed. The sprinkles of water slowly lifted, forming a huge heart behind the couple who were still lost in their own world. The remaining sprinkles on the bottom curved themselves into musical notes, surrounding the middle of the heart.

Jaejoong and Yunho pulled away, taking deep breaths and grinning at each other like fools struck by cupid.

No text messages were answered- well Yunho's phone was broken anyways.

No prissy chicks to deal with.

No homework to groan over.

No arrogant moms.

No teenage drama.

...and it could probably go on forever, but for now.

It was just them.


Who knew that players like us were the ones that could unplayer-fy each other? 
That's right. No one!

And unplayer-fy isn't even a word.

- KJJ ♥


My brain is so boggled up with Romeo and Juliet and history text books O_O 
I kept changing this chapter. I went through like 4 different versions of the date LOL

I'm sorry I kinda died on you guys this week! My teachers decided to be first class bishes and gave assignments and projects one after the other on every. single. subject. :[

BUT you gotta admit that this chapter was long! Haha it's the longest chapter of the whole series as of yet =D Oh and that fountain thing is real!! I've been to one! It was so cool!

Anyways, drama's coming up and the crack will be back in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading! <3

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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