Player Meets Player [Ch.8]

Sep 19, 2010 12:01

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Angst, Drama, Humor
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways 
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

Tick... tick... tick. That was the only sound that reached Jaejoong's ears as he pelted the coconut with the little stones in his hands. He was never really an outdoor kind of guy and never even paid attention in classes where they teach you survival techniques... wait, did he even take those classes? Whatever, the point was, he didn't know what to do.

If only Yunho wasn't injured then maybe we'd be able to get out of here quickly.

He looked down at Yunho, who still had his head on Jaejoong's lap. Jaejoong was tempted to drop the head on the ground and shake out his legs to get the blood flowing properly but no, he wasn't that cruel.

He slapped Yunho again and the man rubbed his face irritatedly.

"Why won't you let me sleep?! My head feels funky!" Yunho exclaimed in a surprisingly clear voice.

"That would be because you got hit by a coconut genius and I don't want you sleeping, it's risky," the crease between Yunho's eyebrows disappeared and he let out a sound of understanding.

"Oh..." he lifted his hand to touch his forehead but Jaejoong shoved it away.

"Don't touch it! We don't want it to start bleeding again!" Jaejoong kept a tight hold on Yunho's hands.

Yunho smiled at the gesture only for it to disappear as he felt sudden pounding in his head.

"Wait, wait... there was blood?" Yunho asked, shutting his eyes tightly, hoping it would ease the pounding a bit. He opened his eyes again to see Jaejoong nodding. His eyes went wide and the pounding in his head seemingly got worse.

Jaejoong noticed the other man paling unhealthily and quickly placed his free hand on Yunho's cheeks, feeling his temperature; he couldn't touch the forehead since the wound wasn't fully healed yet. When Yunho let out a groan of pain, Jaejoong's worry piqued and he leaned closer only to hear Yunho mumble something about 'blood' and some other colorful words.

Deciding to try and lighten the mood, he jokingly teased Yunho on the topic.

"Don't tell me Mr. Badass player is scared of a little blood?" He smirked when Yunho stopped mumbling, choosing instead to glare at him.

"I'm not scared. Tch... they're just... icky and yucky and red and... and liquid and ugh," Yunho made a disgusted face, ending his mindless rant.

Jaejoong's laughter echoed as he covered his face and crumpled to the ground, shaking.

"Seriously Yunho? Liquid?!" He managed to let out before laughing again, helplessly trying to take in some air to breath. Yunho crossed his arms over his chest and pouted, completely ignoring the dull pounding in his head as he watched Jaejoong make grabby hands in the air. It looked like he was trying to grab some oxygen to fill his lungs. Quite amusing in his opinion.

"Yah! Stop laughing at me!" Yunho protested and Jaejoong slowly calmed down, wiping the tears in his eyes. That was the first time that he'd genuinely laughed at a statement made by Yunho.

"Don't worry, I already took the time to wipe those evil liquids from your face so you won't have to see them," he playfully poked at Yunho's face but before he could retract his hand, the other man caught it in a tight hold and smiled sweetly at him.

"Yah," he pulled his hands away and frowned.

Feeling the soft hands disappear from his grip, Yunho frowned but quickly made up a plan that could surely gain Jaejoong's attention.

He slumped on the ground sideways, clutching his head and whining in pain. As expected, Jaejoong rushed to his side and continuously tapped on his shoulder asking what was wrong. He smirked inwardly but still continued to grunt.

Jaejoong sat beside Yunho, constantly asking what was wrong but he never received any answer. He was on full out panic mode now, what was he supposed to do? What could he do in a situation like this? How could he help?! He needed to help somehow! What if... what if Yunho died on him?!

No! No! Bad Jaejoong! Bad, bad paranoid Jaejoong!

Jaejoong stopped himself from thinking any more pessimistic thoughts and started firing questions at Yunho.

"Yah! Yunho! How many fingers am I holding up?" He wasn't sure what he was trying to do here but that was all he could come up with.

"Uh... 3" his eyes widened at the response, he was only holding one finger up!

"What's your name?" Jaejoong tried again. Yunho was currently very amused.

"Yunnie," the smaller man made a weird face but decided that the answer would do.

"What color is the sky right now?"

"It's all... pink and fluffy Joongie!" Yunho almost burst out laughing at the expresion Jaejoong made. The smaller male gazed at Yunho's eyes for a while, checking for any hints of blood, creating the 'pink and fluffy' vision. There was none.

"Joongie?! What Joongie?! The sky is blue! BLUE!" He grabbed Yunho's shoulders and shook them, but immediately stopped when Yunho grunted in pain. The shaking actually made Yunho dizzy for real.

"Sorry... um what school do you go to? What is your hobby?" He asked desperately.

"School? Oh! I have a friend named Bambi... and my hobby is eating!" Jaejoong slapped his forehead. Great, Yunho went nuts.

"You're not Changmin! You're hobby is dating not eating! AND BAMBI IS NOT YOUR FRIEND... uh... what about your work? What do you do for work?" He tried one more time.

"I'm batman." Yunho almost laughed, once again, when Jaejoong let out an irritated squeal and grabbed his hair, pulling at it. Jaejoong leaned closer to Yunho and decided to try one last time. He pouted as he thought of a question.

Yunho grinned and wrapped his arms around Jaejoong's waist, pulling him down to his chest. He couldn't believe that Jaejoong had actually believed all of Yunho's ridiculously ridiculous answers.

Oh Jaejoong, you gullible little thing.

"Why are you so cute?" Yunho spoke loudly and laughed when Jaejoong pounded on his chest.

"Let go of me! You were pretending weren't you?! Hey! Watch the hands! Ugh, injured or not you're still a pervert!"

"Ohh, you caught me," Yunho answered sarcastically, refusing to loosen his hold. A particularly strong punch got Yunho pouting and he slowly let go of Jaejoong.

"Hmp!" Jaejoong brushed his clothes clean of the leaves that stuck on his shirt. "And to think I was actually worried" he mumbled, head turned away from Yunho.

Yunho smiled and tried to move closer but his vision swam and he cradled his head, once again slumping on the ground.

Damn, that coconut can cause real shit.

Jaejoong noticed the odd silence and saw the the other man resting on the ground with his eyes shut tight, an obvious frown marring his face.

Yunho blinked his eyes open when he felt his head being lifted by careful, soft hands and later being placed on a warm lap.

"Stop moving, you're aggravating your head," Jaejoong spoke quietly, just in case loud noise would affect Yunho's injury.

"Aw Joongie~ you care?" Yunho asked playfully.

"Shut up. Give your brain a break, who knows how hard you're working whatever's left of your brain cells right now."

"I'm okay now, really. You distract me from the pain." Yunho said with a gentle smile.

Jaejoong couldn't help but blush at the comment, he bowed his head and looked everywhere but down at Yunho. An awkward silence followed.

Well, hello there awkward turtle, nice of you to join in on our adventure. Jaejoong shook his head from the childish thoughts. Well, if Yunho's okay now... then maybe he can help me find a way to get out of here?

He opened his mouth to talk but Yunho beat him to it.

"I'm sorry," Yunho hastily said. Jaejoong blinked in response.

"Um, for what?"

"You know... fail date." Jaejoong smiled, sure he got a little pissed at times, remembering what happened but it was just a memory now and he didn't like to live in the past. "But for the record I wasn't doing anything wrong! You see, I was short of two bucks so I- " Jaejoong held up a finger to stop Yunho's rapid babbling.

"Forgiven." Yunho couldn't explain why he felt a load lighter hearing that simple word from Jaejoong and seeing the beautiful smile that followed right after.

Another silence followed, but this time, the awkward turtle decided to leave them alone.

Yunho broke the comfortable silence.

"So... how 'bout we play... 20 questions?" Jaejoong looked at him incredulously.

"Didn't I tell you to be quiet for a while?"

"I can't! I'm gonna fall asleep!" Jaejoong sighed and nodded, anything to keep the other from dozing off. He remembered Siwon's mom, a doctor, telling him that falling asleep after a possible concussion would be very dangerous.

"So I'll start..." Yunho said, smiling happily. "Favorite color?"

"Black... yours?" Jaejoong asked back.

"Red... hm, favorite food?"

"Anything spicy, you?"

"Anything not spicy." Jaejoong laughed at the answer.

"Family members?" Yunho continued.

"Two sisters, mom and dad. My middle sister is already married, but my oldest one still can't get over her love for work, she's engaged though." Jaejoong smiled as he recalled how he was the one who set up his sister and her long time boyfriend. "My mom and dad still act like a newly wed couple," his laughter reached Yunho's ears once again, bringing a smile to the other man's face. "It's like their love for each other only grows day by day... I kind of envy them in that aspect... well anyways, your turn."

"Yah! You're only bouncing my questions back at me!"

"Fine! I'll be original next time, but for now, answer the question."

Yunho sighed. "Parents."

Jaejoong kept silent, waiting for Yunho to continue, but when the other man didn't he looked down at him questioningly.


"And nothing, my dad's cool."

"What about you mo- "

"So what's your pet peeve?" Jaejoong stopped his sentence at Yunho's obvious avoiding of the subject. He noted that at the back of his mind.

"Well I..." their game lasted for almost an hour, both of them getting distracted after every question and they found themselves talking about stuff that weren't even related to the question asked. Like when Jaejoong had asked Yunho what his favorite sport was, they had ended the conversation talking about how 'Dragon Ball-Z The Movie' had sucked so much, Jaejoong felt like stabbing the TV.

About halfway through their game, Jaejoong's hands had started to comb through Yunho's thick locks, further soothing the dull pain in the man's head.

They both laughed loudly at Yunho's answer for the last question.

"You seriously wanted to be a stewardess back then?!" Jaejoong snorted, trying to stop from laughing.

"I didn't know they were only for girls! At least I didn't wanna be a washing machine!" They both laughed harder, thinking of their absurd childhood dreams.

Their laughter subsided and Jaejoong took a deep breath while Yunho clutched lightly at his head.

"Wow, all that laughing made me light headed." Jaejoong's concerned face quickly leaned close to him and asked where he was hurting.

"It's not really hurting, I just feel weird." Yunho smiled, enjoying the attention.

"You sure?" Jaejoong asked, scrutinizing Yunho's face for any sort of hidden pain.

"Really, I told you you're enough to distract me from it," he chuckled.

"Stop," Jaejoong tapped Yunho's chest lightly and smiled.

"So... friends?" Yunho held his hand out, hoping that their little time spent together made Jaejoong feel more comfortable with him just like how he felt for the beautiful man now.

"Friends." Jaejoong took the offered hand and gave Yunho a dazzling smile. Maybe we could work after all.

Jaejoong heard faint voices and he whipped his head around, signalling for Yunho to be quiet. The latter frowned but sat up with Jaejoong's help.

"Did you hear that?" Jaejoong asked him.

"No, not really," Yunho looked at Jaejoong strangely. "Jae- "

"Shhh!" Yunho promptly shut his mouth and listened.

"Please tell me you heard that!" Jaejoong looked at him with wide eyes, he slowly nodded his head and closed his eyes to heighten his hearing. He opened his eyes and smiled, the voices sounded familiar.

Jaejoong stood up from his spot and took a deep breath, hurriedly telling Yunho to cover his ears.

"HEEEEEEELLLPPP!" He screamed as loud as he could. The murmuring voices got closer and he could now also hear multiple sets of footsteps nearing their spot.

"Yes! HURRY!" He yelled out once again. The leaves of the branches hanging in front of them rustled then finally parted, revealing their friend's surprised faces.

"Jae?" They then looked at the man sitting on the ground. "Yun?"

"No duh!" Jaejoong ran forward and into Yoochun's arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He pulled away and went back to where Yunho was.

"He needs medical help right away! Oh and how did you guys find us?"

Junsu walked straight past Jaejoong and stood in front of the evil head smasher, eyes twinkling. He picked up the coconut and squealed, jumping up and down hugging it close to him.

"Actually," Siwon interrupted, drawing everyone's attention to him instead of the overly excited Junsu. "I was leading everyone out to the beach nearby- "

"There's a beach nearby?! Oh wait, what's more important is... YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT LOOKING FOR US?! What if there wasn't a stupid beach nearby, you'd just let us rot here by ourselves?!"

"Now, now Joongie, of course we would've eventually looked for you guys but- " Key tried to calm his furious friend.

"So why didn't you look for us right away?!"

"Actually Jae," Heechul decided to take over the situation, knowing perfectly what would get Jaejoong to stop popping cells in their eardrums. "We didn't look for you cause we figured that you two simply went to look for a nice, private place to have some hot, steamy se- "

"AHHHH!" It was now Jaejoong's turn to cover his his ears. Yunho watched amusedly as Heechul stepped closer, grinning and still rattling about what he thought they were doing the whole time they were away.

"Lalalala~ I can't hear you!" Jaejoong ran behind Jonghyun hoping to block out Heechul's voice.

"You know, Jonghyun is too short to block you," Key chortled, trying not to laugh.

"Yah!" Jonghyun smacked him on the head and everyone started laughing, poking fun at his height.

Yunho watched the laughing Jaejoong with a small smile on his face. Jaejoong was caring, sensitive and warm hearted despite the bitchy, non-caring front he liked to show others. He felt a rush of excitement run through him while thinking of his new found friendship with Jaejoong. At least their relationship was now something instead of just being labelled as 'whatever relationship you guys have'. He'd like to see this workout and then maybe...

He wobbled as Yoochun and Changmin grabbed his arms and helped him up.

"Yun, you feeling okay there?" Changmin worriedly asked. They had already called Siwon's mom and she stated that her helicopter should arrive in a couple of minutes. Yeah, they have a helicopter.

"Of course!" He swayed slightly before turning back to Jaejoong's direction, he saw the man's worried face and smiled. See, Joongie cares! Hm, why is it getting darker?

"Yunho!" Was the last thing he heard before he let the darkness in the corners of his vision completely take over.


And so Yunho faints now, but don't worry! He's gonna be fine :] I updated later than I wanted once again >.<' I'll try to update on thursday next time!

The last part of their camping trip shall be in the next chappie ^-^ Not much crack in here cause I needed yunjae to get closer hehe this chappie turned out shorter than I'd planned D:

*hurries and forces self to work on essay* :[

Thanks for reading everyone!

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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