Player Meets Player [Ch.7]

Sep 11, 2010 19:01

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Angst, Drama, Humor
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

Everyone forced themselves to get their gorgeous asses out of bed and catch the coach bus that Siwon had rented for the day. They all shuffled in and took random seats, some immediately went back to sleep while some had fully awakened and were now chatting like long lost friends. They just never seem to run out of things to talk about.

Yunho walked in and looked around for a free spot, the other guys who were already there greeted him cheerfully. He half chatted with the ones sitting at the front and half scanned the bus for someone. His eyes caught Yoochun's and the man grinned before hurriedly switching seats, confusing Yunho to no end. That was, until Yunho heard a familiar sweet voice which was spouting not very sweet words at Yoochun right now.

He walked over to where Yoochun previously sat and glanced down at the obviously annoyed Jaejoong sitting by the window seat.

"You dyed your hair," Yunho asked in wonder. Jaejoong's hair was now ebony black, a stark contrast with his pale skin and red lips.

"Good for you for noticing." Jaejoong replied dryly.

"Wow..." Yunho mumbled before shaking his head and blinking. Why was Jaejoong acting so cold? "What's wrong with you?" He asked before shoving his bag under the seat and plopping down next to Jaejoong.

"Who told you to sit there?!" Jaejoong exclaimed as he pushed against Yunho.

"Yah! Why are you acting like this?! I thought you already forgave me!" Yunho replied, staying in his spot.

"What?! No!" Jaejoong stopped pushing as he looked at Yunho incredulously.

"You even said that you'd think about being friends!" Yunho was now turned in his seat, facing Jaejoong with his hands gripping the latter's shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Jaejoong smacked Yunho's hands and turned away, pouting as the man beside him flailed around telling him a weird story on how he supposedly forgave the guy.

Across from them sat Yoochun, who was busy banging his head on the seat in front of him.


"I'm home!" Yoochun burst into Jaejoong's room without a single knock.

Jaejoong threw a sock at him from his spot on the bed.

"You're in the wrong house."

"Aw, c'mon Joongie don't be like that," he jumped onto Jaejoong's bed, causing it to bounce violently and for Jaejoong to whine and throw a pillow at him.

"Why are you here? Go bother Su or something!"

"Su's out for dinner with his family," Yoochun responded as he tapped at his phone, texting rapidly.

"Who's that?" Jaejoong leaned over to look at Yoochun's phone. Yoochun tucked his cellphone away in a flash.

"No one," he murmured, which earned him a look of suspicion from Jaejoong.

"Okay then... I'm gonna go change, you stay here and... be your weird self." Jaejoong muttered, still giving Yoochun an odd look before finally turning away and entering the bathroom.

Yoochun opened Jaejoong's msn messenger and accidentally signed him in. He was about to sign Jaejoong out when a message popped up on the screen, it was from Key. He grinned and decided that it'd be fun to talk to people under Jaejoong's name. He thought of Jaejoong's writing style and easily copied it. He was shocked, however, when Yunho suddenly appeared in the convo, he didn't even notice the guy was on!

He was about to sign out once again as he didn't really want Jaejoong to catch him talking with Yunho on his account when the Yunho stopped him by typing up an apology. A brilliant idea, at least for Yoochun, flashed in his head and he let out a big smile. He accepted Yunho's apology and quickly signed off after hearing cluttering noises in the bathroom, signalling that Jaejoong was already finished with whatever night ritual he had.

He sat up and tried to look inconspicuous. Jaejoong returned to looking at him oddly before kicking him out, telling him to get a good rest so he could lose whatever weird bug he had in his system. Yoochun shrugged and bid him a cheerful goodbye.

"Wait!" He called out and Jaejoong stopped halfway from closing his door.


"If Yunho apologized, would you forgive him?"

"Most likely, yes." Jaejoong mumbled hesitantly before shutting the door.

Yoochun smiled and bounced down the steps, typing on his cellphone.

To: Key Bumbum
From: Chunster

That wasn't Jaejoong, that was me

To: Chunster
From: Key Bumbum

LMAO jae's gonna kill you, when i said get them together, i didnt mean to pretend to be jae and be all nice to yun

To: Key Bumbum
From: Chunster

what??? he wouldve done the same thing!

To: Chunster
From: Key Bumbum

yeah, yeah good luck when he finds out ^.~

Yoochun huffed and looked through his contacts. Chul would surely appreciate my effort more than Bumbum. He thought as he began to type another text message.

To: Chulster
From: Chunster

yunho apologized and i took the liberty to accept it for jae keke

-End of Flashback-

Yoochun ceased his head banging and simply rested his abused head on the cushion. He looked over at the still bickering duo.

Ah, the things we do for Yunjae.

It was already late in the afternoon when Yunho woke up. The bus was quiet as everyone was passed out in their seats. Yunho chanced a look at the sleeping man beside him who, thankfully, had eventually calmed down. They even managed to hold a partly civil conversation with each other, partly because the bitchiness, snark and sarcasm were still present.

Jaejoong shifted around and Yunho was attacked with a full view of the man's cute sleeping face. He smiled as Jaejoong kept shifting, probably trying to find a comfortable position. He lifted an arm and was about to wrap it around the wiggling body when a faint voice stopped him.

"I bite." Jaejoong murmured sleepily and cracked one eye open to weakly glare at Yunho's arm. Yunho retracted his arm and smirked.

"Hm, I bet you do," he winked, then chuckled when Jaejoong shoved at him lightly and hugged his pillow tighter.

"WAKE UP!" Everyone was startled awake at Siwon's loud voice and Heechul, who was sitting right beside him, shoved at his face quite harshly.

"No need to bust my eardrums Choi!"

Siwon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and smiled sweetly.

"Sorry Chullie," he cleared his throat and tried again."Anyways we're here- " before he could even finish whatever he was going to say, everyone let out excited jumbles of words and dashed out of the bus, barely remembering to carry their bags. " -okay then," he calmly grabbed his and Heechul's packs before walking out the bus, not forgetting to thank the driver. Heechul looked over at Jaejoong who was poking Yunho's stomach trying to get him to move faster so he could follow the rest while Yunho took his time, enjoying the attention he got from the pretty man.

Heechul gave them an amused look and shook his head.


The first couple of hours was spent putting up their huge tents, choosing sleeping buddies and settling necessities inside their tents. By the time everyone finished, it was already dark.

"Ah, the real deal shall start tomorrow!" Junsu dropped on the ground as everyone got out of their tents, carrying blankets and marshmallows. He took out multiple bags of Graham crackers from his bag and threw two bags at each side of the circle they had formed.

Rain, Jonghyun and Kangin returned from the forest carrying branches and placing them in the middle before joining the circle. Yunho, who was sitting beside Jaejoong, frowned when Rain sat down on Jaejoong's other side. He looked at the man in the middle who was ripping the plastic off of his precious crackers violently, seemingly unaware of neither Rain nor Yunho.

Siwon took out a lighter and lit the branches, igniting the large bonfire.

"Who's up for some scary stories?" Changmin wiggled his eyebrows, taking one of the long branches and poking a marshmallow with it.

"Hell yeah! What's a camp night without some creepsy stuff?" Key wrapped a blanket around him and reached out to steal a cracker from Jaejoong. "So, who's got something?"

"Me!" Yoochun grabbed a flashlight and turned it on under his chin. Everyone laughed and threw marshmallows at him.

"Bring it on scary guy!"

As Yoochun told his story, Jaejoong felt himself drifting off, he was full and comfortable. He had eaten two hot dog buns and a shitload of roasted marshmallows with crackers.

Yunho turned his head in Jaejoong's direction when he saw the man's head drop forward from the corner of his eye. Jaejoong's head shot back up and he tried to keep his eyes open, only for him to almost topple backwards as his head leaned back in his fatigue.

Yunho watched in amusement as Jaejoong's head shot back up again and steadied himself. The raven head pulled his blanket tighter around himself before his eyes started closing again, this time his head was leaning to the left- where Rain was. Yunho's eyes unconsciously narrowed when Rain smiled, tilting his head slightly, just waiting for Jaejoong to fall onto him.

Not gonna happen.

Yunho scrunched an empty plastic bag loudly and had pretended to look sheepish when everyone shushed him. He threw the plastic bag in the trash can and his lips stretched into a satisfied smile as Jaejoong's head shot back up again. Barely.

His smile widened when he realized that Jaejoong's head was now lolling to the right- where he was! He brought his hand up to catch Jaejoong's body which was about to fall straight into his arms when a large hand suddenly cupped Jaejoong's face and a muscled arm wrapped around the small waist.

His eyes went up and was met with Rain's glare, he glared right back and buried his fists in the blanket uselessly sprawled on his lap. He didn't want to start a row but it was oh so tempting.

Rain pulled Jaejoong's limp body to himself and let Jaejoong rest against him. The sleeping beauty shuffled around for a comfortable position before staying completely still in slumber.

To say that Yunho was angry would be a huge understatement. It had been a while since he felt this way and damn this was a horrible feeling. Ever had something you really want about an inch away from your hands only for it to be forcefully taken away by some evil person then they stick their tongue at you and say 'finders keepers!' even though you were actually the one who got it first?!

That was how Yunho felt right now. Only ten times worse. He was so close to holding Jaejoong without getting smacked away! So. Close!

Apparently, Yoochun's story got really scary and almost everyone let out loud screams, making Jaejoong flinch and sit up. He immediately gave Rain a shy, apologizing look and moved away. Yunho wanted to do a victory dance.

"Guys, I'm gonna drop dead any moment now, I'm going in. Night." Jaejoong said audibly enough for everyone to hear. His friends shouted out their goodnights before turning their attention back to the story teller.

Now without distraction, Yunho got to listen to the rest of the story. He shivered and held in his screams. Yoochun's little ghost story was- in Key language- indeed very creepsy.

The next morning, Jaejoong was the first one up- or so he thought. Yunho was already outside of his tent, rummaging through the snack bag they had brought.

"Why are you up so early?" Jaejoong asked.

"Early riser?" Yunho's statement sounded more like a question.

Jaejoong groaned inwardly, why did they had to have so much in common?!

He took some food from another bag and started eating, trying to ignore the other's presence. Yunho got up and walked closer to him.

"Jae," he started.

"That wasn't me." Jaejoong interrupted.


"The one you talked to on msn was Yoochun. He was messing with me."

"Oh," Yunho replied, shifting his feet on the ground.

Jaejoong could hear the disappointment in Yunho's voice and almost rushed up to comfort him. No, Jaejoong. Just, no. He tried to stop himself. He got up and headed to the forest, not exactly sure where he wanted to go.

"Jaejoong!" He heard Yunho's voice call out and a set of footsteps following him.

"Just leave me alone Yunho!" He yelled out as he walked faster. Why is he following me?

"No! We need to talk about this!"

"What do you mean 'this'?! There's nothing to talk about!" Jaejoong was full out running now.

"Don't deny it Jae! We-" Yunho was interrupted when Jaejoong made a sharp turn.

"Wait Jae! Stop!" Jaejoong felt his body being tackled to the ground and he let out a surprised yelp. A loud thud could be heard from somewhere above him and he rolled over to see what had happened.

"Yunho?" He shuffled closer to Yunho, who was groaning on the ground, a large coconut lying beside his head.

"Ow..." Yunho turned over and Jaejoong's eyes widened as he saw blood trickling down from Yunho's forehead.

"What happened?!" Jaejoong asked as he frantically held Yunho's face in between his hands.

"Dizzy... stupid coconut..." Yunho mumbled incoherently. Jaejoong glared at the large round thing beside Yunho and kicked it, yelping when the hard object made contact with his foot. He looked around and noticed that they weren't anywhere near the campsite anymore.

Would they hear me if I screamed loud enough? I've got a pretty good set of lungs.

He looked up at the tall trees and at the thick, dark bushes surrounding them before his eyes landed on a single coconut tree a few inches away from them.

Why the hell is there even a coconut tree in this kind of place?!

He then looked down at the still groaning man on the ground.

And who the hell lets themselves get hit by a stupid coconut?! He sighed and placed Yunho's head on his lap. He caressed the latter's face as he wiped the blood with a soft cloth that he found in his pocket, inwardly thanking whatever force made him put that cloth in there. Aish Yun... you better not get a concussion!

He looked around and calculated the situation. So they were surrounded by unwanted greenery blocking any paths that they possibly made during their little marathon from earlier, he's got a barely coherent Yunho hurting on his lap and another coconut fruit dangerously close to falling on the ground.

He looked down at Yunho worriedly and ran a hand through the man's hair. It was now all up to him.

Phase one- prepare lungs for intense screaming.

He took a deep breath and tightly covered Yunho's ears before screaming like a banshee. Not wanting to lose his voice, he stopped after a few minutes only to be met by complete and utter silence. He slapped Yunho to keep him awake, seeing that the man's eyelids were already drooping.

"You! Stay awake!" The only answer he got was an annoyed groan and... was that an attempted raising of the middle finger he saw? He slapped Yunho again, just for that.

Okay, phase one failed...onto phase two...

Oh wait, he had no phase two.

Why is life so shitty these days?


Well, this was late lol (I wanted to update last Thursday >.<)
School's been gobbling up my time :'[ and it's only been the first week!

Anyways, here's the first part of their camping trip! I couldn't fit everything in coz it'd be way too long haha
The rest of the trip would be on the next chappie :]

Thanks for reading everyone! Comments make me happy <3

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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