Player Meets Player [Ch.6]

Sep 06, 2010 18:36

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Humor?
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejooong school. Enough said.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

Shit. Yunho leaned back against the hood of his car and roughly rubbed at his face.

Okay, so maybe this was his fault but honestly, he was only half heartedly flirting with that cashier girl. He wouldn't have done it if he wasn't short of two dollars to buy his favorite comfort food. Two- damn- dollars. Two! Jaejoong just had to see it. He didn't even get the chance to explain himself, thanks to that little speech that Jaejoong spitted at him, why was he so mad anyway?

It's not like he actually likes me right?

Yunho had to admit that Jaejoong was right on one point though, he was different. Truth was, Yunho had wracked his poor brain for the whole night thinking of where to bring the pretty guy for their date, but he really couldn't think of anything. Hopeless huh? The previous girls he had dated were usually contented with the fact that he was willing to walk around with them; just be their temporary trophy boyfriend. Heck they were the one's that ask him out and not the other way around. But no, oh no, he just had to act all cool and pretend that he knew exactly what to do for the date with Jaejoong.

Mall? Psh, I am so damn lame! Maybe I should've called up one of our friends and asked for their opinion, but then Key would yell at me for asking him out too early. He did tell me to leave Jaejoong alone for a while and to NOT ask him out at any circumstances as of now.

Guess he was right, everything went too fast and now their relationship, whatever that relationship was, was heading downhill twice as fast.

Alright Yunho, get your thoughts back on the main topic. He didn't walk away from you because of your stupid mall idea, it was because of that stupid act you pulled while inside the said stupid mall. Stupid, stupid two dollars! Why did everything decide to be so damn stupid today?!

Including you

Shut up inner Yunho. But wait, if he got mad because of that flirting thing, then does that mean that he was jealous? Yunho pushed away from his car and started pacing.

Nah, he probably just didn't like the fact that he was being cheated on before he got the chance to dump me or something. Yeah... that's it... wait! I wasn't even cheating!

What do you call it when a guy flirts with some other person during a date? The voice in Yunho's head piped up.

Not cheating, that's what. I mean, it's for the two dollars!

Your argument is invalid Jung Yunho. You. Were. Cheating!

Yunho grabbed both sides of his head and gave it a wild shake. Good thing there were only ahjummas surrounding the parking lot right now, he'd die if someone who knew him saw him like this. All... un-suave like.

He stopped shaking his head and took a deep, calming breath.

Oh well, it's not like I care. I mean I'm Jung Yunho, I do whatever I want. Besides, he's always hated me anyways.

Then how would you explain the way you reacted when you saw him with those guys?

Oh, welcome back inner Yunho. Now, will you kindly shut up and let me think in peace? Thanks.

He went in his car and revved up the engine.

Eh whatever, he can hate me all he wants now. I only asked him out for the sake of saying that I did go out with Kim Jaejoong and got to dump him first... right?


He closed his car door and buckled up, then a sudden thought hit his head.

Shit! Jaejoong doesn't have a car! I can't let him wander alone, it's gonna get dark soon damn it!

He stepped on the gas pedal and carelessly drove away from the parking lot, following the direction that Jaejoong had walked off to.

You're worried.

No... it's just my instinct to... err protect people. I thought I told you to shut up?!

And who are you? Superman? Your argument is invalid.

Yunho drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, and bit his bottom lip. He'd been looking for Jaejoong for quite a while now but the man was nowhere to be seen.

Did he turn an alley or something?

If he did then it'd be impossible for Yunho to follow him with his car. Not having much of a choice, Yunho made a sharp u-turn and drove slowly towards the direction of Jaejoong's house.

He can't walk all the way to his house from that mall, it's pretty far away.

He looked carefully out both sides of his car, ignoring the honks he got for driving too slow. He didnn't really give a damn, could you even get ticketed for driving too slow?

His thought process halted as he saw a familiar figure sitting on one side of a little dinosaur seesaw, kicking at the sand. He pulled over just across the park and was about to unbuckle himself when a yellow Toyota FT-HS Hybrid screeched to a stop in front of Jaejoong.

Whoa... is everyone in Kiju really stinkin' rich?

The door of the Toyota opened and out came a worried looking Heechul, asking Jaejoong which kind of pizza he wanted to eat. Jaejoong said something before both of them entered the car and drove off.

Pizza? Yunho shook his head as a more important thing thought dawned on him. Heechul will know.

I am so gonna die on Monday.

Monday came and Yunho didn't die. Not yet anyways, he realized that Jaejoong hadn't told everyone about the little fail date they had on Saturday. Only Heechul, Junsu, Key, Changmin and Taemin were told.

But then Heechul told Siwon, who told Yoochun, who spazzed at Junsu for not telling, who spazzed at Heechul for telling, who ratted on Key for telling Jonghyun, who told Donghae, who told his fishy buddy Eunhyuk, who told Taemin but he already knew so he told Minho instead who tried to tell Changmin but Changmin just shrugged and said that he already knew. It was inevitable really, sooner or later, everyone in their massive group of friends would know.

And so when lunch came, it seemed like everyone was already updated about his weekend flop. Yunho ignored Key's glare and sat beside Changmin. Changmin stood up and grabbed Yunho's shoulder, dragging him out of the cafeteria while they still munched on their pork buns.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Changmin asked him around a mouthful of bread as he roughly pushed Yunho, resulting in loud clacking noises as the latter's back hit the lockers.

"I wasn't, it's not a big deal anyways!"

"It is! We all thought that... that date you guys went to would finally end the Yunjae war!"

"Yunjae war?"

"Yes, Yunjae war! You made it worse! Jaejoong's been like a walking thunderstorm since morning!"

"What do you want me to do about it?!" Yunho was really confused. Why was everyone making such a big deal out of this? Isn't this kind of thing normal for high school students?

"Apologize." Changmin stated calmly.

"Uh. No." Yunho said before walking away.

"Fine, but trust me, you eventually will!" Changmin called out loud enough for the disappearing Yunho to hear.

Four days, 12 hours and 4 minutes. That was how long Jaejoong had been ignoring Yunho like dust, not that he was counting. Yunho frowned as Jaejoong moved away when Yunho took a seat across from him. The other guys at their table were still talking to Yunho as if nothing happened but they didn't tease about 'Yunjae' anymore like they used to. Key had stopped glaring two days ago but he was still a bit annoyed with him while Heechul wasn't talking to Yunho at all. The little brat had also taken a liking to throwing little sushi bits at Yunho during lunch.

He was so bored. So, so bored. He missed bickering and teasing with Ja-

No I did not just think that.

"Hey people! Listen up!" Siwon grabbed his friends' attentions by banging his hands loudly against the table.

"My dad rented this awesome campsite for the weekend but his mates cancelled cause of work and stuff. Anyone up for some camping this weekend?"

A chorus of excited yells followed the question and Siwon sat back, smiling.

Donghae nudged Yunho and asked him if he was coming. Yunho nodded, thinking that he might as well enjoy the outdoors before it started to get too cold.

His eyes moved forward and was greeted with Rain's cold face.

Well damn... is he also coming?

Uknow-Yunho has signed in (8:48 P.M)

TheKey: you ass

Uknow-Yunho: hello to you too

TheKey: you coming tomorrow?

Uknow-Yunho: yeah i guess

TheKey: wanna try talking to jae? you know, to ease the tension in our group and all

Uknow-Yunho: why does it have to be me?

TheKey: are you really asking me that?

Uknow-Yunho: ok, ok but really why me?

TheKey: would you stop being in denial and listen to the voices in your head for once?!!

Uknow-Yunho: what voices? who said i had voices? i dont!!!

TheKey: dude, calm down...i was just saying

Uknow-Yunho: well i dont

TheKey: ....okaaayyy so you'll apologize?

Uknow-Yunho is typing a message

iSexyBoo has signed in (8:55 P.M)

TheKey: ok! great! hes on

Uknow-Yunho: NOO KEY

iSexyBoo has been added in the conversation

TheKey: hey jae!

iSexyBoo: key! <33

TheKey: ohhh i hear my mom calling, im gonna go help her! brb

iSexyBoo: but....hmp

Uknow-Yunho: jae?

iSexyBoo: ....

Uknow-Yunho: ....

iSexyBoo: ...since when were you here?

Uknow-Yunho: you're talking to me!

iSexyBoo: congratulations for realizing that

Uknow-Yunho: does this mean you forgive me?

iSexyBoo: no, bye

Uknow-Yunho: but jae! wuegtlwkugtew

iSexyBoo: o.O

Uknow-Yunho: i figured that i needed to type something fast so yeah well anyways

Uknow-Yunho: sorry

iSexyBoo: .......

Uknow-Yunho: sorry for flirting with that girl during our date, AND i wasn't trying to get into your pants you know...i just.. i didnt really mean to but.. yeah sorry

iSexyBoo: ok

Uknow-Yunho: ok?

iSexyBoo: yeah i said that didnt i?

Uknow-Yunho: oh well...err friends?

iSexyBoo: i'll think about it

iSexyBoo has signed off (9:06 P.M)

TheKey: ok then

Uknow-Yunho: that was easier that i thought

TheKey: joongie doesn't really know how to bear grudges :/

Uknow-Yunho: hes nicer than i thought

TheKey: yerp, alrighty then see you tomorrow! *pats you on the back* im proud of you for finally apologizing XD

TheKey has signed off (9:10 P.M)

Yunho took out his backpack and started shoving clothes in it. He sat back on his ass and smiled brightly, for some reason he felt a lot better now.

I wonder if we can really be friends...

His cellphone beeped, alerting him of a new text message he got. It was from Heechul.

"You and Jae. Whatever relationship you guys have, is really like a rollercoaster ride *eyeroll* good for you for sucking it up ^-^b"

Huh... Kiju, where news travels very fast.


I'm back! XD
Gosh I missed writing so much >.< and of course, my lovely readers ^^

I'm currently in the process of hating on school (first day of school tomorrow T^T) and fixing the stuff I bought :/
I had so much fun! Thanks to everyone who wished me a good vacation XD

I'm still disoriented from the lack of sleep haha so I hope this chappie was good enough.

So does Yunjae really like each other or not?
What's going on inside Jae's head?
How will the camping trip go?
Questions, questions x]

Thanks for reading everyone! Hope you liked this :]

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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