Player Meets Player [Ch.5]

Aug 26, 2010 20:21

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Humor?
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejooong school. Enough said.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

Jaejoong got home from work and immediately opened his laptop. He went on msn and saw that someone added him, he clicked the accept button without glancing at the name of the person. Big mistake.

Uknow-Yunho: what effed up your life jaejae?

iSexyBoo: oh gosh ITS YOU?! ∑(O_O;)

Uknow-Yunho: the one and only ;}

iSexyBoo: m-(_ _ ;)-m

Uknow-Yunho: what?? be happy!


Jaejoong slumped down in his first period class and sighed. They were now a month and a half into school.

Craziest month ever. He thought as he placed his hands under his chin, waiting for Heechul to arrive.

For the whole month, he and Yunho did nothing but piss the shit out of each other, if that even made sense. It was like a routine now, Yunho would say or do something annoying and Jaejoong would respond by saying something snarky or just hurt Yunho some kind of way. Poor guy.

Then there was also Rain.


"Rain?" Jaejoong called out quietly.

"Yeah?" Rain put his book down and looked at his boyfriend.

"I need to talk to you," Jaejoong stood up and walked to a deserted hallway, knowing that Rain was following right behind him. He stopped and took a deep breath.

"Let's... break up. I'm sorry," and he really was. Rain had been a great boyfriend to him but he was an even greater friend. That was why he thought that they should end their relationship now. They were better off as friends and he didn't want to hurt the guy by breaking up with him any later than this, he only saw him as a brother now.

Rain sighed and rubbed his face. He knew this was coming, he was dating Kim Jaejoong after all. But he thought that maybe...

He shook his head and approached Jaejoong with a determined face.

Jaejoong kept his head down. He made a mental note to stop dating anymore potential best friends. It only left him swimming in guilt.

"Jae- "

"I- I hope we can still be friends after this Rain," he looked up at the bigger man. "I hope you're not mad but I totally understand if you- "

His ranting was interrupted when a pair of lips covered his. Jaejoong's eyes widened as he stared at his now ex-boyfriend.

"I understand but... that doesn't mean that I'll stop liking you," he brushed his thumb over Jaejoong's cheek and walked away, leaving a confused Jaejoong in the middle of the hallway.

Jaejoong turned to walk in the other direction and blinked rapidly. What did that mean?

-End of Flashback-

He rubbed a lock of his hair between his thumb and forefinger, a thoughtful look on his face. Rain didn't really bother him these past two days, so why did he have to say that he still liked him?

"Jae! Jae! Come here, why are you in class?" Heechul called to him excitedly.

"Because... we're in school?" He answered slowly. Why else would he be here?

"Aish... there's a little fundraising thing outside! We get to miss class, come on!" He grabbed Jaejoong's arm and dragged him outside, where the rest of the seniors in the school stood around playing games.

"This is a fundraising?" He asked blankly. More like a senior playground.

"Yes, whoever thought this up is a genius!" Heechul smiled and dragged Jaejoong to where their other friends were at.

The speakers sounded as a teacher took the microphone and spoke into it.

"While those guys finish up their game, we'll start a new one!"

"But what if they wanna play too?" A student shouted from the audience.

"Then too bad, we're running out of time so we need to play," the teacher cleared her throat and continued explaining. "The next game is called...'Kiss the Apple'!" The students cheered as they already knew how the game went but he teacher explained the rules anyway. "So in the game, two people will stand on either side of an apple- " she gestured to the large rectangular field filled with apples hanging on strings from the metal bars they set up. " -they must place their hands behind their backs and those hands must not move, so use your faces, noses, or mouths to control the movement of the apple. Whoever finishes their apple first, wins!"

"Alright people! Choose a partner and stand beside an apple!" There was a flurry of movement as students scrambled to find partners for the game.

Changmin grinned an evil grin while Key squealed at the opportunity.
Sorry Jae. They both apologized inwardly before setting into action.

They pushed a protesting Jaejoong towards the center and held him in place.

"Come on Joongie! This is for charity, you wanna help right?" Key smiled at him.

"How is this for charity? I don't like apples!" Jaejoong whined.

"You know you do," Jaejoong looked up at the person across from him, hoping that he was only hearing things.

Nope, perfect hearing. Damn it.

He scowled at Yunho and turned his head away with an indignant 'hmp!'. Changmin and Key just nodded at each other and hurried to move away.

"Just enjoy yourself Jae."

"I know I'm not going to Jung."

"Ready? Start!" The teacher blew the whistle and the students quickly munched on their apples.

Jaejoong took a bite at the same time as Yunho to steady the fruit between them. Yunho trapped the apple once again after he swallowed his first bite but didn't actually bite it, he just held it in place. He waited for Jaejoong to finish chewing and grinned as the latter leaned forward to take another bite.

Yunho shoved the apple away with his mouth and leaned forward. Jaejoong's eyes widened when his brain registered that no, it wasn't an apple that his lips were on, it was someone's lips.

Jung Yunho's lips.

He let out a little squeak and pulled away, not forgetting to stomp on Yunho's foot before marching back into the school.

"Fail." Heechul remarked when Yunho reached them. Yunho just sat down and pouted, sulkily nursing his injured foot.

Jaejoong went back into the classroom where Heechul found him and sat down in his seat. He took out his notebook and began doodling random things on a page.

How dare he?! That... that... UGH! He touched his lips with the tips of his fingers and scowled. Stupid Jung, I don't kiss anyone unless they're my boyfriend! Seven or Rain didn't even get to kiss me on the first date! GAH! The angry student looked down at his paper that contained huge blobs of scribbles in the middle. This looks like a black hole or something, Yunho should be thrown into a black hole.
His mind then backtracked to one of his previous thoughts.


He shook his head as the memories came rushing back. Seven was truthfully the best boyfriend he ever had, he even thought that the guy would be the one to stop his player ways and finally get Jaejoong to settle down.

But Jaejoong was wrong, Seven wasn't the one.

Then Rain asked him out. Rain was a really good boyfriend too but Jaejoong ended up with only brotherly feelings for him. It would've been awkward to continue their relationship- for him anyway. He thought back on his other relationships previous to Seven and Rain but came up short. Those relationships weren't very memorable; just a few games to satisfy Jaejoong's ways.

He sighed and turned the page, giggling slightly as he realized something. I seemed like he had a thing for great dancers- even singers- as long as they had cool nicknames.

Hmm... Eru, Se7en, Rain... who else? Hmm.... U-know...


He shook his head vigorously and slapped his face for good measure.
U-know is totally not cool, it's an ugly, ugly name. UGLY I say! Ugly!

Yet his hand seemed to think otherwise as it scribbled 'U-know' on the blank piece of paper over and over again.

iSexyBoo has signed in (6:23 P.M)

SusuiieHere!: jae! what happened back there? why'd you walk off?

iSexyBoo: didn't you see?

SusuiieHere!: see what? i didn't see anything i was in the game with chunnie

iSexyBoo: that jung bastard kissed me

Uknow-Yunho: that wasn't a kiss

iSexyBoo: D:< who invited him in?!!!

MinniemineyME: i did =D

iSexyBoo: who invited YOU?!! o(>.<)o

Chunnielicious: i did XD

iSexyBoo: and who- im not even gonna ask aish (-_-;)

iSexyBoo: bye

Uknow-Yunho: WAIT

iSexyBoo: why should i?

Uknow-Yunho: coz i kissed you

iSexyBoo: u said that wasn't a kiss now bye

Uknow-Yunho: yeah it wasn't really but WAIT

SusuiieHere: whew...i'll give you guys some privacy

SusuiieHere! has signed off (6:30 P.M)

Chunnielicious: peace

Chunnielicious has signed off (6:31 P.M)

MinniemineyME: heh. he said peace

MinniemineyME has signed off (6:32 P.M)

Uknow-Yunho: jae... so now we're alone

iSexyBoo: no we're not, some nosy guy 1248139 miles away from us can be reading this convo from whatever computer company thing he's from

Uknow-Yunho: right. well hi stranger guy! will you kindly go away?

iSexyBoo: i didnt laugh

Uknow-Yunho: *grins* sure you didn't... anyways since we're having a decent convo right now... wanna go out with me tomorrow?

iSexyBoo: are you serious

Uknow-Yunho: do i look like i'm not?

iSexyBoo: i cant see you

Uknow-Yunho: good point. but i'm serious

iSexyBoo: fine

Uknow-Yunho: great, see ya tomorrow cutie ;]

Uknow-Yunho has signed off (6:40 P.M)

Jaejoong laid flat on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

What did I just agree on?
Inside, he knew exactly what he agreed on. He just didn't want to admit to the fact that he was actually willing to give the annoying bastard a shot.

The next day came and Jaejoong stood in front of his closet, picking out an outfit. He wondered where Yunho would even take him.

The beautiful man grabbed a pair of dark blue skinnies and a white tank top to go with his light gray sleeveless sweater. Just as he finished fixing the last strand of his hair, the doorbell rang and he purposely walked slowly down the stairs.

He pulled open the door revealing a casually dressed Yunho. The taller man smiled handsomely as he greeted him.


"Uhuh," he replied, trying to sound disinterested as his eyes glued themselves to Yunho's car. So this blockhead's got taste.

"Where are we going?"



"Yeah, mall."

Jaejoong glared at the man beside him and huffed. He was fully capable of taking himself to the mall thank you very much. Couldn't Yunho choose a better place for this so called date?

This will be the worst date ever.

"Jung!" Jaejoong called out to the man in front of him. Yunho turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Can you stop walking so fast?!" He crossed his arms over his chest and looked angrily at Yunho.

"Not my fault your legs are so short" Jaejoong's mouth opened in shock and he threw a punch at Yunho's shoulder.

"My legs are far from short! You're just abnormally tall!"

"What do you call Changmin then?"

"Abnormally tall times two," Yunho chuckled at the response and decided to slow his pace.

They had been walking around the mall for two hours now, actually being civil with each other and could Jaejoong even daresay...

Having fun.

Maybe this won't be the worst date ever after all.

They spent the first half hour bickering of course. They wouldn't be themselves without fighting but Jaejoong found that their comeback jabs slowly became teasing instead of biting. They mostly just window shopped and exchanged comments about this and that. So far, the past hour and a half had been pleasant enough for Jaejoong to actually stay with Yunho without gutting him.

"Let's go buy some food," Yunho suggested, walking straight to the food court. The brunet lined up in for one of the mini fast foods while Jaejoong decided to order his food somewhere else.

When Jaejoong finished ordering, he looked around the food court for any trace of Yunho. Finding none, he chose a table near a weird looking sandwich store and sat down. He looked up only to see the guy he was supposed to be on a date with chatting up the pretty cashier of the weird looking sandwich store he saw.

His face scrunched up in annoyance and he glared down at his food.

Fine, two can play this game.

He looked around and made eye contact with a group of good looking guys entering the food court. He gave them a small smile and they all smiled back, hurriedly approaching him.

"What's a pretty guy like you doing here all alone?" One of them asked as they reached Jaejoong.

"Oh nothing really," he smiled at them once more and almost laughed at the besotted looks on their faces. He decided to indulge him, wondering how long it would take for Yunho to notice and interrupt- if Yunho would even notice.

A large hand suddenly grabbed his arm and yanked him away from the group of guys.

"Leave." Yunho gritted between clenched jaws.

"We're not going anywhere," the men bravely stood their ground and faced Yunho.

"Stop," no matter how mad Jaejoong was at Yunho, he didn't like violence. Unless it was caused by him of course.

Yunho just looked at them with an unreadable expression on his face while tugging Jaejoong away from the food court. The men moved to stop them but Jaejoong shook his head and let himself be dragged.

"What was that?" Yunho asked, his voice dangerously low.

"What was what?" Jaejoong answered warily.

"Why the hell would you do that during our date?"

Something in Jaejoong snapped at the proclamation.

"Me? ME?! Who's the one who started flirting first huh? Was that little cashier girl too pretty for you to resist?" Jaejoong threw out, eyes flashing in anger. "If you were paying any attention to me at all, it wouldn't even take you as long as it took you to stop me from talking to those guys!" He continued, rounding on Yunho, who had the gall to look bewildered with every word that came from Jaejoong's lips. "Don't even try to blame me for ruining this date Jung- oh wait, did you even plan on making this date a good one?! I bet you just wanted to get in my pants like those other girls you dated. Well guess what, I'm different, I'm Kim Jaejoong. And this- "he punctuated as he gestured to himself. " -this is the one person that won't ever fall for your dirty little tricks." He pulled his arm away from Yunho's grip with surprising strength before walking off. His steps quickening in anger.

Why do I always jinx myself? That really was the worst date ever.

And to think that I actually wanted to give him a chance. You're such a fool Jaejoong

Don't be such a fool again


I couldn't make this longer! I'm packing D: don't worry about Jaejoong's little outburst. All will be explained later!

I'm leaving on a last minute vacation tomorrow so I won't be able to update this for a week >.<

Please wait for the next update~ Thank you!

Next chapter will be in Yunho's POV ^-^

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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