Player Meets Player [Ch.4]

Aug 23, 2010 19:39

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Angst, Drama, Humor?
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways 
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High


"Today is a good day~ such a good day~" Jaejoong skipped down the halls of the school, humming happily.

He got a good ten hours of sleep last night, woke up right on time so that his sister didn't have to yell in his ears and he had lots of time to choose his outfit. He thought  he looked really good today. Oh and he had two doughnuts and a cup of coffee for breakfast.

He giggled as he reached his locker and found Rain standing beside it.

"Hey Rain!" He jumped up and pecked his boyfriend's lips. Rain smiled bemusedly and grabbed his boyfriend's waist, trying to stop him from bouncing around. You see, the coffee wasn't supposed to be Jaejoong's, it was supposed to be his dad's but everyone was in a hurry as his parents woke up late and Jaejoong practically burned his taste buds when he chugged the cup of coffee in one go- not even tasting all its caffeine goodness.

Now all those caffeine goodness were running in his system.

"Hey Jae! Drank your dad's coffee again?" Yoochun asked as he passed them.

"What coffee?" Jaejoong asked, his eyes bright. He felt so alive today, he couldn't even remember what was worrying him yesterday! He was starting to think that everything that happened yesterday were all just a dream. That's right! That was just one of my crazy ass dreams!

Junsu sighed and patted Jaejoong's hair.

"You guys know what will deflate our Jaejoongie right here?" Yoochun spoke out as he rummaged though his locker.

"What?" Rain asked, still trying to hold Jaejoong still. He smiled anyways and wrapped his arms more firmly around Jaejoong, burying his face in his hair.

Yoochun's eyes flicked over to the entrance and they all turned, seeing three girls walking in... backwards.

"Uh," Junsu tilted his head confusedly.

"Just wait," as Yoochun finished talking, the girls parted in the middle and out came a smiling Jung Yunho, white teeth, sexy lips and all.

Jaejoong's eyes squeezed shut.

Lalalala~ that was just a dream, Jung Yunho doesn't exist. I'm gonna live in pea-

"Hey gorgeous." Jaejoong unwillingly opened his eyes and looked over to see the one and only Jung Yunho.

He decided that denial worked better when the subject you were trying to deny just stayed away and shut his mouth.

Lunch Time

Ignorance is bliss. Too bad Jaejoong wasn't ignorant. He was very much aware of that piece of muscled gorgeous sitting across from him.

Whatever made me all happy this morning just evaporated. Boo.

He pouted and stabbed his lunch with the chopsticks he held. Yunho noticed his ruthless stabbing and chuckled, the brunet picked up a piece of meat from his own plate and waved it in front of Jaejoong's face.

"Say ahhh!" Yunho teased, purposely provoking Rain's temper.

Yeah, ignore the fact that my boyfriend's right beside me, glaring daggers at your thick skull.

Jaejoong stuck his tongue out childishly and turned away. Yunho just laughed and continued ignoring the scowling Rain.

Ignorance is bliss. Jung Yunho must live in a happy little world.

All in all, Jaejoong's morning and lunch time went fairly well, Jung Yunho only left him with a hint of annoyance but he managed to tolerate it. He thought he'd be able to go through this day without hurting anyone.

He was just glad that the prick didn't bother him too much.

And I just jinxed himself.

"Hey Boo," Yunho slid himself right beside Jaejoong and draped his arm over his shoulders.

"Ew! Don't call me that!" he smacked Yunho's arm off of him and shoved Yunho's face away. Yes, violence is the answer.

"Yah! I was just being nice!" Yunho yelled; he was not a very patient person.

"Go act nice with someone else!" Jaejoong stood up to walk away when he felt something hit the back of his head. His mouth dropped open in shock and he slowly turned around to face a smirking Yunho.

"You did not just throw a ball at me." Jaejoong ground out in a very alarming tone, the guys that were previously rushing to comfort him were now backing away from the scene.

"I think I just did." Yunho retorted smugly.

Jaejoong picked the volleyball off the floor and tossed it the air, hitting it with all his might and sending it right at Yunho's face.

Yunho turned his head away but the ball still managed to hit the side of his face.

"YAH! The bruise you left from yesterday didn't even heal yet!" He exclaimed as he grabbed another volleyball from the metal container and chucked it at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong, prepared for the attack, managed to dodge it and chuck it back.

"Good! Maybe I should cover your whole face with them! It would be an improvement!"

The other guys in their gym class ducked down, looking back and forth helplessly as their two classmates indulged in their little volleyball war.

"I thought we were done playing dodgeball!" One of the hiding men groaned out.

"I thought so too, aish Rain better hurry up and finish his talk with our teacher before these two deflate all of our volleyballs!"

Their attention turned back to the mini war as they heard a loud smacking sound followed by a pained grunt.

Turned out that Yunho had hit Jaejoong's head pretty hard and Jaejoong, enraged, had spiked the ball right at Yunho's precious jewels.

Ouch. Siwon winced, seeing Yunho all curled up on the floor.

Rain entered the gym and Yunho could've sworn that he heard a mumbled 'that's what you get.'

This is what I get?! No one deserves this! How did he even know what happened?! The pained man glared in Jaejoong's direction. Changmin was right, but it doesn't mean I'll stop though.

By the time fourth period came, everyone had heard about the little volleyball incident, much to Yunho's dismay. Second day of school and Yunho was already dubbed as Jaejoong's 'rival'. Rival for what, he didn't even know. Yunho shrugged and entered his class, walking slowly as his groin was still recovering from Jaejoong's spike.

Damn, that cutie's athletic.

He sat in his seat and took out his cellphone to text Jessica where they should meet for their date. A shadow loomed over his desk and he looked up to see Rain's stoic face.

"We gotta talk."

Jaejoong examined his nails as he told Yoochun and Key what exactly happened in the gym.

"Man Jaejoong, you're harsh."

"My bad, I was aiming for his gut," he explained nonchalantly and opened his notebook, pretending to pay attention to whatever his math teacher was talking about. He turned his head to the window beside him and looked down. His eyes widened at what he saw and he abruptly stood up, heading for the door.

"Mr. Kim! I didn't give you permission to leave class!" Jaejoong looked back at the teacher and held up a finger.

"Emergency. B.R.B." And with that, he rushed out of the classroom and headed towards the school exit.

Yoochun and Key looked out the window and raised their eyebrows.

"You know, I'd say L.M.A.O but that would be unoriginal," Key rolled his eyes at Yoochun's lame attempt of a joke before they followed Jaejoong out the door.

The other students looked around at each other before following the trio out the class. The teacher sighed and banged her head on the whiteboard.

Loud cheering of 'fight! Fight! Fight!' could be heard clearly as Jaejoong stepped foot outside.

"Yah!" He squished himself through the crowd and finally reached the center of the circle where Yunho stood with his signature smirk adorning his face. In front of him was Rain, a very dangerous expression grazing his handsome features. Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Rain from behind and attempted to pull him back.

"Rain, I told you I can handle this remember?" With the help of Siwon and Minho, he successfully pushed Rain to the side and the chants of the students around them stopped.

"Aw, thanks Boo, I could've defended myself you know." Yunho asserted with a satisfied smile on his smile

Jaejoong turned to Yunho, furious. He noticed how girls swooned at Yunho's cool demeanor and how the guys looked at him like he was some kind of superhero. It ignited Jaejoong's temper even more.

"You think you're so great huh?! Well Jungface, I've got news for you! I am no- "

Yunho interrupted him by swiftly grabbing his chin and looking at him with sultry eyes.

"You know, you talk too much."

Jaejoong immediately wrapped his arms around Yunho's neck and smiled seductively.

"Oh yeah? Want me to show you what else my lips can do?" Yunho halted all his actions, too stunned by the sudden change of behavior from the man in front of him. He snapped out of it just as quickly and held onto Jaejoong's hips.

"I knew you'd come around baby."

Jaejoong lifted a foot and stomped onto Yunho's feet harshly, forcing the latter to let go and place his hands on his injured feet instead,  jumping up and down as he cursed.

"In your wildest dreams you jerk! Go bother someone else, you'll never get to me!"

Yunho stopped jumping and grabbed Jaejoong before he could walk away.

"I'll make you eat those words."

"Let's see you try," he pushed Yunho's hands away and glared back. The crowd's chanting started up again as Yunho and Jaejoong glared daggers at each other.

"Yah!" The school principal broke through the crowd and yelled at them to get back to their classes.

"You and you. Office. Now." He motioned for Yunho and Jaejoong to follow him but Rain stepped up and told him that Jaejoong was just trying to stop them.

"Wow, principal Hwang is really scary, Rain must really really like Jaejoong to take the blame." Key rolled his eyes at Yoochun once again.

"Nooooooo," he answered sarcastically and put his cellphone away. He took a video of the whole thing. Yunho is sure adding some spice into our boring, old school.

"Have a good day!" Jaejoong's smile immediately dropped the moment that the customer left the store. He was in no mood to work today but if he wanted a new car, he needed to get off his ass and work.

Junsu finished fixing the clothes on the rack and leaned on the cashier counter.

"Just forget about it Jae, I thought you said you wouldn't let him get to you. Besides, weren't you just worried about your popularity status?"

"Yeah, and I still am Su, but I don't know... he just infuriates me so much! He's like everywhere!"

"Well he's not here right now."

"Yeah, thank god for that," he looked around their store's new layout and suddenly closed his eyes. Cursing his rotten luck.

"Su... please tell me I'm going crazy and seeing things."

"You're crazy and you're seeing things... what?" Jaejoong pointed at something behind Junsu's head with his eyes still closed.

Junsu turned around and almost screamed in surprise at the familiar face on the poster.


Okay, so he did scream.

Jaejoong looked down at his phone and went on msn.

iSexyBoo status: FML


It's so hooooooooot! D:

Hope you guys liked this^^ Should I try and make the next chappie longer? Why does this feel so short?

Comments make me happy :] Thank you!

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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