Player Meets Player [Ch.3]

Aug 19, 2010 19:31

Author: YukiBoo
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Angst, Drama, Humor
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

"Achoo!" Jaejoong sneezed right after that thought. Aw, someone probably thought about me. He smiled and twirled a strand of his hair, then he remembered what he and Heechul were talking about. "That bastard! He hit on me!"

"Well duh Jae, he probably didn't know that you were just as much of a player as he was. He just saw you as a pretty little thing to fu- "

"GAH! Chullie! Stop, you're so... blunt!" Jaejoong interrupted before his friend could finish.

"Well, so are you Jaejae." Heechul rolled his eyes then looked at him sternly.

Jaejoong just leaned back on his chair and pouted. Then another thought struck him.

Wow my brain's on a roll today. He sat up straight in his seat and grabbed Heechul's shoulders, shaking his friend frantically. "But Chullie! I can't let him take my popularity away from me!"

Heechul responded by taking Jaejoong's shoulders and shaking the other's body as well.

"Gasp! Don't let him do that Jaejae!"

From another person's point of view, the scene they made might look rather odd. Come on, where would you see two people shaking each other by the shoulders like their lives depended on it and still be able to talk like they were lying in the beach, sunbathing?

That's right. Only in KiJu High.

But of course, no one interrupted whatever moment they were having right now- they were, after all, two of KiJu High's most popular students.

After a few minutes of non-stop shaking, the two of them stopped all movement and Jaejoong looked at Heechul with wide eyes.

"How popular... exactly was he when he still lived in Chunsang?"

"More popular than DBSK, SHINee and Super Junior combined," Heechul stated, appearing to be in a daze. He blinked once then shook his head furiously. "NO, no... not that popular, oh gosh what was I talking about. Hmm, let's just say that if you didn't know the name Jung Yunho and you lived somewhere around Chunsang and KiJu... well, you're an alien."

Jaejoong tilted his head and blinked his doe eyes.

I think Chullie just called me an alien.

"Achoo!" Jung Yunho let out a powerful sneeze that shook up his and Key's desks.

"Whoa man, calm down on the sneeze there, you've got your whole lifetime to sneeze." Key giggled at his own joke.

"Aish," Yunho scowled at the floor, he hated sneezing. Whenever he sneezed, it always looked like he's been deprived of it for ages!

"Jung Yunho?" The teacher called out for the second time and Key tapped Yunho's shoulder, signalling him to raise his hand.

"Uh, yeah?" Yunho responded, looking to the front. The teacher smiled and asked him to stand up and briefly introduce himself. Yunho proudly stood up and looked around the class smirking over at the girls who were fixing their hair and batting their long eyelashes. "Jung Yunho. All of you should know me." He stated shortly before winking at a pretty girl with long, straight hair and sat back down.

"Go Ara. You should know that too big boy," the girl winked back and flipped her glossy hair.
Yeah, I think I should, but I don't.

Yunho was aware of the overwhelming amount of gorgeous students attending this school, everyone talked about them but he never really paid much attention. He was too busy going around his previous school, dating every single human being that was attractive enough to his eyes.

The teacher continued to take attendance, asking every student to give brief introductions of themselves before moving on to the next. Yunho got bored and decided to flirt with Key, the other just played along and flirted back. He knew Yunho wasn't the least bit serious so there was no harm in it really, he wouldn't fall for it.

By the end of the period, Key and Yunho were already talking like they've been friends since first grade. The flirting eventually subsided and Yunho realized that he just gained another number that will stay on his contact list forever. Well, as long as Key didn't change his number. Then Yunho will have to replace it.

"Bye Yun, find me at lunch if you have nowhere to sit!" Key waved and went off to his next class. Yunho nodded and waved back before walking off to the direction of his next class. Key told him where he'd find it.

Yunho looked at his phone and scrolled down to see all the new numbers he got in just that one class. When the teacher announced the end of their class time, girls and some guys immediately went over to him and asked him to exchange numbers with them. Who was Yunho to refuse?

The phone vibrated and Yunho opened it to see that Go Ara had sent him a message. He texted her back and then looked up to see if he was in front of the right room number before entering the class.

The school bell rang, signalling the start of lunch break and the students hurriedly walked out of their class rooms.

Jaejoong was the last to walk out of his second period class along with Rain, Junsu, Taemin and Minho. They sat at their usual table at the cafeteria and waited for all of their friends to arrive.

A few minutes later, the table was already packed with loud teenagers playing around like little kids. Jaejoong looked around and threw back the paper planes that flew in his direction, laughing when Eeteuk toppled backwards while trying to dodge the oncoming balls of paper. It was crazy really- what with twenty plus people crowding around one cafeteria table, but it was fun.

"Hey guys!" Changmin yelled out cheerfully but Jaejoong didn't pay him much attention. He was too busy poking Onew's cheek as said man drooled over the chicken on his plate.

"Guys, meet my new friend Yunho." Jaejoong ceased his poking as his head swished around to see Changmin and Yunho standing beside their table.

"Yun!" Key waved at him happily then turned his attention back to whatever Jonghyun was telling him.

Yunho smiled and was about to say something when he heard a chair screech by his right side.

"You!" Jaejoong walked over to where Yunho stood and pointed a finger at his face.

"Oh hi there cutie." Yunho smirked, pushing Jaejoong's finger down.

"Don't call me that and how dare you try and play around with me Jung Yunho!" He exclaimed furiously, very much tempted to stomp his feet like a child in tantrum.

"If I could remember clearly, you flirted back with me! You tried to toy with me too!" Yunho narrowed his eyes, dropping all niceties as he stepped closer to Jaejoong.

"AHHH!" A bunch of students suddenly crowded around Yunho and began talking to him at the same time. Yunho, enjoying the attention, just stood back and acted calm and cool, talking to them one by one and capturing them with his charm.

"Move," a sweet but menacing voice interrupted the crowd and they quickly moved away. Go Ara slowly walked forward and smiled at Yunho.

"Don't forget our date later Yunho," she flipped her hair then walked towards her table, throwing Jaejoong a dirty look as she passed him. The affronted man responded by sticking his foot out and successfully making her stumble in her step. She steadied herself and huffed when she heard laughter coming from Jaejoong's table. Giving them a last flip of her hair, she continued her way to her table once again.

I hope that someday she'll break her neck  flipping her hair. Jaejoong rolled his eyes then glared at Yunho. This guy is really stealing my fame.

Yunho noticed the glare and raised an eyebrow.

"Jealous baby?"

"In. Your. Dreams." As soon as Jaejoong finished his sentence, Rain pulled him by the waist and sat him down in his seat. Rain gave Yunho an unfriendly stare and threw his arms around Jaejoong's frame.

Changmin faked a cough and gestured for Yunho to join them at the table.

"So, uh how about we forget  whatever dispute we're having with each other right now- " he pointedly looked at Jaejoong. " -and just enjoy our wonderful food. Respect the food." He finished and proceeded to bury his face in his bowl of kimchi ramen.

As Yunho spent the break time eating and making friends with his friends, Jaejoong sulked in Rain's arms, pouting and cursing at the air.

"You done Jae?" Rain knocked on Jaejoong's stall in the boy's change room.

"Nope, it's okay you can go ahead, I'll be right there."

"Alright." Rain walked out of the change room and entered the gym. Everyone was already in there except for his boyfriend.

He approached his friends and noticed that Yunho was standing beside Siwon.

"You're that Yunho guy that my Jae was so infuriated with right?"

Yunho scoffed.

"Yeah, what's up with him anyway? Does he like me that much? Maybe I should- "

Rain surged forward and fisted the front of Yunho's shirt.

"Kim Jaejoong is mine Jung Yunho, don't you dare try anything funny with him." Yunho shoved the hands away and smirked at Rain.

Threatened much?

"Yours huh? Then how come it was so easy for me to score one on him?"


"A kiss man, didn't even take ten minutes. I bet I could steal him away from you in just a day."

Yeah, he was bullshitting but no one knew that. Besides, no one should dare try and intimidate the great Jung Yunho!

"I'd love to see you try, Jae wouldn't even spare you a second of his life," Rain stated between gritted teeth. This guy is way too full of himself. He thought and clenched his hands.

"Ha, I love challenge." Yunho responded without missing a beat. Doesn't this guy know who he's talking to? Tch.

"I don't," Rain raised his fists and cracked his knuckles. "That's why I eliminate them."

Yunho stood his ground, his own glare unwavering.

"Yah!" Jaejoong ran towards them and pulled on Rain's arm.

"No blood on the floor please," he dragged Rain onto a nearby bench and shot Yunho a glare. He wasn't sure what exactly happened as he had just walked in the moment that Rain finished his sentence.

The other guys just looked at each other, some shrugged their shoulders.

What the hell was that?

Yunho stared at the couple. He was used to being talked to like that by the boyfriends of his past targets but he never really took them seriously, he just laughed it off with his friends. Why is this guy bothering me so much?

He shook his head and looked toward their gym teacher. The teacher announced that since it was just the first day, he'd give them a choice on what they wanted to do. The whole class agreed to play a fun game of dodgeball.

Fun huh? Jaejoong thought as he looked at Rain and Yunho, who were still glaring at each other. Aish, what the hell were they arguing about?

Rain didn't want to tell him anything.

He turned to face the other guys in their gym class and smiled sweetly at them.

"So guys, did you happen to hear what those two were talking about while I was away?" He looked up at them with big, puppy eyes.

"I- I- I- Uh..."

"Y- Yunho? Um kis- "


Jaejoong sighed.

This is gonna take a while.

The teacher randomly chose teams and lined up five soft balls on the middle line. He blew the whistle and the game started.

One by one, people were taken down, the 'fun' game of dodgeball quickly turned into a competitive one as the guys whipped the balls at their opposing teams like they were playing at a national tournament. It took them a long time but in the end, the only ones left in the game were Siwon, Yunho, Jaejoong and Rain.

Siwon and Yunho on one side, Jaejoong and Rain on the other.

Siwon dodged the ball thrown by Jaejoong and grabbed it, passing it to Yunho as he was already holding one.

Yunho whipped the ball in Rain's direction and successfully got him out. Rain walked to Jaejoong and ruffled his hair before sitting on the bench.

Jaejoong pouted. He was the only one left on his team!

Siwon threw his ball and jaejoong ducked to avoid it. He grabbed the three balls near him and threw all of them at Siwon one after the other. Too bad Siwon wasn't a ninja, he couldn't dodge them.

Siwon out.

Yunho grabbed a ball while Jaejoong did the same. They looked at each other bouncing the ball in their hands, waiting for the other to make the first move. Yunho walked closer to the middle line and grabbed a second ball while Jaejoong stayed in his spot- in the middle of his side of the court.

Yunho threw one of the balls and Jaejoong quickly jumped up, breaking into a run as soon as his feet hit the ground once again. Yunho threw his second ball and Jaejoong caught it with his free hand, he stopped right in front of Yunho, ramming one ball harshly at his face and using the other to hit him softly on the chest.

Jaejoong's teammates cheered at their win as Yunho slowly placed a hand on his face in shock.
That HURT.

"That's for lying about kissing me you bastard." Yeah, it took a while but the guys that Jaejoong talked to were finally able to piece together one coherent sentence and tell him a bit of what happened.

Jaejoong stalked off to the change room while Yunho cursed.

Damn, this is gonna bruise! I have a date with that Ara girl!

Jaejoong ran to his bedroom and threw his bag on the floor, he got home late as his sister was caught in a traffic jam. He plopped on the bed and hurriedly opened his laptop.

iSexyBoo has signed in (5:39 P.M)

SusuiieHere!: Jae! ur late :o

iSexyBoo: yeah, sister was caught in traffic jam :/

Chunnielicious has signed in (5:41 P.M)
Chunnielicious has been added into the conversation

SusuiieHere!: chunnie <333

Chunnielicious: Susuuuu <333

iSexyBoo: you guys are okay now? o.o

SusuiieHere!: yepperz ^o^

Heedictator has signed in (5:43 P.M)
Heedictator has been added into the conversation

SusuiieHere!: why are u guys signing on at 2 minute intervals?

Heedictator: breaking news! and it's called coincidence su

Chunnielicious: ?????

iSexyBoo: o.O

Heedictator: rain and yunho have the same 4th period class! according to my sources, they filled the whole class with tension as thick as those round...cheese...thingies!

SusuiieHere!: \o/ gooouda cheese? \o/

Chunnielicious: tension? why? wats with them? o.o


iSexyBoo: BRB

Jaejoong turned away from his laptop and grabbed his phone. He sent Rain a text message before turning back to his laptop.

SusuiieHere!: ...

Heedictator: .........

Chunnielicious: ......

iSexyBoo: back

Heedictator: so jae, do you by any chance, have anything to do with this? o_O

iSexyBoo: haha nooooo what makes you think so?

Chunnielicious: the fact that ur bf has beef with the kid that hit on you

iSexyBoo: really. they wont fight over me haha cmon its jung yunho!

Heedictator: really. they ARE

iSexyBoo: bye guys i have work^^ chu~

SusuiieHere!: but jaeee!!! we dont have work till tomorrow!!

iSexyBoo has signed off (6:19 P.M)

Jaejoong closed the lid of his laptop and sighed.
What a first day, I didn't even enjoy myself!

"What the hell is that Jung Yunho playing at?" He mumbled to himself as he grabbed his hamtaro stuffed toy and squished it in his arms. He let out a frustrated yell and squirmed around in his bed until his head was hanging off the bed. He looked at his upturned surroundings and raised a fist.

"I can't let him take all the attention away from me!" He exclaimed determinedly. "I have to show him that I will never be one of his toys." He turned his body upright, letting the blood flow properly in his head. "Fine Jung Yunho, let's see who wins at this little game of yours. Kim Jaejoong, FIGHTING!"

Uknow-Yunho has signed in (8:11 P.M)
MinniemineyME has signed in (8:12 P.M)

MinniemineyME: hey, you caused quite a fuss today

U-Know-Yunho: yeaaaah

MinniemineyME: whats with you and jae?

Uknow-Yunho: know...stuff *smirk*

MinnimineyME: =.= if you wanna live 10 more years, stay away from jae

Uknow-Yunho: why??

MinniemineyME: he's fiesty, competitive, stubborn, bitchy, etc and honestly, he'll do anything to take YOU down

Uknow-Yunho: *grins* gimmie his msn


Dodgeball is so fun XD Jae likes his popularity and Yunho's an ass lol. Everyone's the same age in this fic :]

Hope you guys liked this^^

Comments are <3

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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